
2023-08-29 21:40:34

Luisa & Alma Desperation

Luisa Madrigal is rushing to Casita’s only bathroom. Her muscular cheeks were clenched despite the silent farts sneaking out of her system. Luisa had to poop, despite the fact that she wasn’t the only one in the Madrigal household that did.

As Luisa approached the bathroom, relief within her grasp, she noticed her grandmother, Alma, also making her way towards the door. Alma's face was contorted in a desperate expression, her hand firmly gripping her own buttcheeks, determined to prevent any untimely accidents.

A sense of urgency washed over Luisa, knowing that she couldn't afford to wait any longer. She had been holding it in for what felt like an eternity, and her patience was wearing thin. With a mixture of frustration and determination, Luisa quickened her pace, determined to beat Alma to the bathroom.

But Alma was not one to back down easily. As they reached the bathroom door simultaneously, touching each side of the door knob.

Luisa looked down at her Grandmother, and while she wasn’t into arguing, Luisa NEEDED to poop. (Their argument should have dialogue).

Luisa looked down at her grandmother, her eyes pleading for understanding. "Abuela, I really need to go," she said, her voice tinged with desperation.

Alma's face softened for a moment, but then she straightened her back and met Luisa's gaze with determination. "But I need to go too, mija," she replied, her voice filled with a mixture of frustration and stubbornness. "I'm not as young as I used to be, you know."

Luisa felt her patience wearing thin. "Abuela, I do so much for the village," she argued, her voice rising slightly. "I help with the chores, I take care of the animals, and I even help out at the community center. Can't you let me go first just this once?"

Alma continued insisting that she should use the bathroom first, continuing their argument (with dialogue).

Alma crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing with determination. "I understand, Luisa, but age comes with its own set of challenges," she replied firmly. "I've been holding it in for quite some time now, and I can't risk any accidents."

Luisa's frustration grew, and she clenched her fists. "But Abuela, I've been holding it in too!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with exasperation. "I can't wait any longer. Please, just this once, let me go first."

The two let out wet farts at the same time, with Alma insisting that she go first (with dialogue). However, before the two could decide who went into the bathroom first, a desperate Dolores Madrigal dashed into the bathroom, also needing to poop

Before Alma could respond to Luisa's plea, a sudden commotion interrupted their argument. Dolores Madrigal, their cousin, rushed past them with a look of sheer desperation on her face. She darted towards the bathroom, her hand clutching her stomach, and barged in without a second thought.

Luisa and Alma exchanged bewildered glances, their argument momentarily forgotten. The urgency of the situation was now magnified, as they realized they couldn't wait any longer. They needed to find another solution, and fast.

Alma's eyes widened with a mixture of panic and determination. "Luisa, we can't wait for Dolores. We need to think of something else," she said, her voice urgent. "Quick, let's go to our rooms and find a way to relieve ourselves."

Luisa nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. They both hurriedly made their way to their respective rooms, each with a sense of urgency that was impossible to ignore. They needed to find a solution, no matter how unconventional it may be.

Alma, despite her senior body and colon full of poop, staggered her way to her room. While looking for something to poop in, she found an empty old vase. Alma looked at the vase hesitantly, but another wet fart made up her mind. Alma grabbed the vase, hiked up her dress, and let go.

Alma stumbled into her room, her urgency growing with each step. She scanned the room frantically, searching for anything that could serve as a makeshift toilet. And then, her eyes fell upon an old, empty vase sitting on a dusty shelf.

Her initial hesitation was quickly overridden by the pressing need in her gut. Alma took a deep breath, her face contorting with a mix of discomfort and determination. With a swift motion, she hiked up her dress, revealing her worn undergarments, and positioned herself over the vase.

A wet fart escaped her, signaling the release of built-up pressure. Alma closed her eyes, a mix of relief and embarrassment flooding over her. She let go, feeling the warmth of her own waste filling the vase, a strange mixture of relief and discomfort washing over her.

As the deed was done, Alma couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. She had found a solution, however unorthodox it may be. Now, all that was left was to clean up the mess and regain some semblance of dignity.

Luisa, meanwhile, rushed into her room with her muscular cheeks clenched as tightly as they could be. Luisa looked around, and found a seater chest in her closet. Knowing she didn’t have time TK be picky, Luisa hiked up her dress and let go. However, all the massive logs she left in the seater chest filled it up to its capacity.

Luisa's heart raced as she entered her room, her cheeks clenched with all her might. She scanned the space, desperately seeking a solution to her predicament. And then her eyes landed on a seater chest tucked away in her closet, its lid slightly ajar.

Without a second thought, Luisa hurriedly approached the chest, hiking up her dress in one swift motion. She positioned herself over the chest, her face twisted in a mix of discomfort and urgency. And then, she let go.

A torrent of waste erupted from Luisa, filling the seater chest to its very capacity. The logs piled up, one after another, until the chest could hold no more. Luisa's eyes widened in disbelief, a mixture of relief and shock washing over her.

She quickly realized the mess she had made, her face flushing with embarrassment. But in that moment, she had no choice but to focus on cleaning up the aftermath. She hurriedly closed the lid of the chest, making a mental note to deal with it later, and began the task of cleaning herself and the surrounding area.

As she worked, Luisa couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction. She had found a solution, however messy and unorthodox it may be. And in that moment, she couldn't help but admire the strength of her own determination, even in the face of such desperate circumstances.

After wiping with some tissues in her room, Luisa went to the backyard to dispose of the massive amount of waste in the seater chest. While on her way to do so, she bumped into Alma, who was carrying the soiled vase.

Luisa carefully made her way through the house, tissues in hand, ensuring that she left no trace of her earlier ordeal. As she stepped into the backyard, her gaze fixed on the seater chest filled to the brim with her waste. She sighed, knowing she had to find a way to dispose of it discreetly.

Lost in her thoughts, Luisa rounded a corner and collided with Alma, who was carrying the soiled vase in her hands. The two women froze, their eyes meeting in a mix of surprise and understanding.

"Abuela," Luisa began, her voice filled with a mixture of embarrassment and relief, "I see you found a solution too."

Alma, her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and resignation, nodded. "Yes, mija," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of humor. "Sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures."

A shared understanding passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the lengths they had gone to relieve themselves. They exchanged a knowing glance before continuing on their separate paths to dispose of their makeshift toilets, each with a newfound appreciation for the bond they shared.

As they went about their task, a sense of relief washed over them. They had faced a moment of desperation together, and in doing so, had discovered a resilience and resourcefulness they never knew they possessed. And with each step they took, they couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of strength and unity within their unconventional solution to a most basic human need.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Luisa & Alma Desperation
Location: Casita from the movie Encanto.
Story So Far: Luisa Madrigal is speedwalking to the bathroom so that she can poop, letting out silent farts while clenching her muscular buttcheeks.
Conflict: Alma Madrigal and her granddaughter, Luisa Madrigal, from the movie Encanto, are standing in front of the bathroom door so that they can poop. However, Alma and Luisa argue which one should use the bathroom first and while they’re embroiled in their argument, Dolores Madrigal sneaks into the bathroom, desperate to poop. Realizing that they need another solution, Alma and Luisa rush to their respective rooms, with Alma pooping in a vase, and Luisa pooping in a seater chest.
Outline: First, Luisa walks to the bathroom to poop, about to enter with her cheeks clenched until her grandmother, Alma, approaches the bathroom with the same goal of pooping, as her hand is grasping both buttcheeks to prevent anything from leaking.

Second, the two argue about who should poop first. Alma brings up her age, and Luisa brings up the work she does around the village.

Third, the argument continues as Dolores Madrigal runs into the bathroom, also desperate to poop.

Fourth, Alma and Luisa realize that they don’t have time to wait for Dolores, and rush to their respective rooms to do their business in peace.

Fifth, Alma poops in a vase in her room while Luisa fills a seater chest in her room with poop.

Finally, the two clean up their makeshift toilets as Dolores finishes.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Langston Hughes: Jazz Age, Harlem Renaissance, and African American Experience