Literary Fiction

2023-07-21 21:56:08


To say that Kim Jisoo felt strange to stare back at a bunch of new faces would be understating things.


They weren't all new faces. One was looking at her and squinting as if he was trying to recognize the girl.

It wasn't like they'd never been in the same class before; actually, she and Seojun were both Kpop trainees at the same company. She just hoped that he wouldn't recognize her. The two had never really interacted- Jisoo was someone who had been promised to debut. It wasn't a surprise to anyone in the company, she didn't only have the incredible talent and figure, but also the looks. She had been the maknae- the youngest.

Now, one year later, she was smiling fakely and introducing herself to who would be her classmates for the last year of high school.

" I'm Kim Jisoo," she said flatly, " Nice to meet you."

" Yah," someone called out, " What a beauty! With you ,Jukyung, and Soojin, the class will be unstoppable!"

What. The. Actual. Hell.

A lot of other people started cheering, and Kim Jisoo stared at the teacher, Mr. Han, " Where's my seat?"

The poor guy smiled nervously, " Calm down, class- you are all beautiful in my eyes," he said. Jisoo controlled her urge to roll her eyes, " And Jisoo-ah, you'll sit next to Suho."

She glanced where he gestured and saw a very handsome boy who stared blankly at her. He didn't look like much of a talker- good. Kim Jisoo didn't like nonsense anyway.

The girl sat down next to him without even stealing a glance- that was new, Suho thought. But again, he didn't like attention. He would've probably told Mr. Han to move her seat by now if she hadn't said a word, or even interacted with him in the first two minutes.

Han Seojun was still staring at the girl, trying to remember if he'd seen her before. He felt like he had. Though the fact that she was sitting beside that murderer definetly did not earn her points.

Han Seojun glanced over at Kim Jisoo, his mind racing with curiosity. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he had seen her somewhere before, but he couldn't place where. As he observed her from the corner of his eye, he noticed a familiar tension in her body language, a guardedness that mirrored his own.

But what caught Seojun's attention the most was the way she carried herself with a quiet strength, as if she had been through hardships that no one could imagine. It was a stark contrast to her appearance, which was undoubtedly stunning. She exuded a beauty that captivated the room, and yet, there was something deeper beneath the surface.

Seojun's thoughts were interrupted when the teacher started the class, but his mind continued to wander back to the enigmatic girl sitting beside him. He wondered what secrets she held, what experiences had shaped her into the person she was today. And most of all, he wondered why she had left the Kpop training without fulfilling the promise of debut.

As the day progressed, Seojun couldn't help but steal glances at Kim Jisoo. There was an air of mystery surrounding her, and he was determined to unravel it. He knew he had to approach her cautiously, respecting her boundaries, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that fate had brought them together for a reason. In the days to come, he would slowly uncover the layers that she had meticulously built around herself, hoping to find the truth behind her abrupt departure from the world of Kpop. And little did he know, her story would not only change his perception of her but also challenge his own understanding of friendship, loyalty, and the complexities of the human heart.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Flower
Protagonist: Han Seojun is ex best friends with Suho after their friend's, Se Yeon's, suicide. He is also an ex trainee at Suho's father kpop company. When he sees a fellow girl trainee of his starting to attend his class, his curiousity sparks- the girl, Kim Jisoo, had left the training despite a promise of debut. However, he doesn't do anything about it until the turns of events push them together, making him wonder- why did she leave?

He didn't know about her abusive father. Or how even he left and she was left alone to take care of her sister.
Location: Seoul, South Korea, Saebom High school
Love Interest: Han Seojun
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: George Bernard Shaw: Witty, Social Commentary, and Dramatic