Literary Fiction

2023-11-21 03:03:55

The College Thief

As the college thief made her way through the apartment, she couldn't help but admire the view from the large windows and the tasteful decor. She chuckled to herself, knowing that soon she'd have to return to her classes, but she couldn't resist exploring her captive's belongings just a bit longer.

The college thief, now in the heart of her victim's home, couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement as she explored his belongings. She rifled through his drawers and cabinets, taking only the most valuable items she could find. His expensive watch, his jewelry, and even some cash from a hidden stash in his bedside table. She chuckled to herself, thinking of how easily she had tricked him into tying himself up. As she gathered her loot, she couldn't help but notice a few pictures on his nightstand of a beautiful woman, presumably his ex-girlfriend. The thought of him pining for someone else only added to her satisfaction.

With her haul secured, she returned to the living room where the man was still struggling against his binds. She knelt down in front of him, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, well, well," she purred, "it seems you're quite the catch, aren't you? I bet you're wondering how I'm going to set you free, hmm?" She reached out and ran a finger along his jawline, enjoying the feel of his stubble against her skin. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you. Just promise not to make any noise, and we'll both be fine."
She stood up and sauntered over to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. As she drank, she watched him squirm, her mind already racing with plans for their next encounter. She would return after classes, when they could really get to know each other better. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she couldn't wait to see what else this man had in store for her.

The thief, now inside the apartment, quickly manipulated the situation, tricking the protagonist into tying himself up with a scarf, claiming he was showing her a knot-tying technique. Once securely bound, she produced a ball gag from her bag and stuffed it into his mouth, ensuring he couldn't call for help. With her victim immobilized, she began her search for valuable items to steal, leaving him helplessly watching her every move.

As the thief explored the apartment, she found a safe hidden behind a painting on the wall. Opening it, she discovered stacks of cash and a few valuable jewelry boxes. She smiled to herself, knowing she had hit the jackpot. She also took the man's laptop and phone, ensuring she had all the necessary information to access his accounts. With her haul secured, she returned to her captive and began to taunt him, running her fingers through his hair and teasing him with the items she had stolen.
"You're such a good boy, aren't you?" she purred, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "So trusting and so easily manipulated. I bet you never thought someone like me would take advantage of your kindness."
The man, struggling against his bonds, tried to respond but could only muffle grunts and groans through the gag. His eyes pleaded with her for mercy, but she only laughed and continued to torment him, her fingers tracing the lines of his muscular body.
"Don't worry, I'll be back later to play some more," she whispered, giving him a wink before disappearing from the room.
The thief left the apartment, making sure to lock the door behind her. She had classes to attend, but her mind was already racing with thoughts of what she would do to her helpless victim when she returned. The thrill of the chase and the power she held over him was intoxicating, and she couldn't wait to indulge in her twisted desires once more.

The thief, once inside, quickly devised a plan to have the unsuspecting man tied up and gagged, using her athletic prowess to overpower him before he could react. She then began to explore his apartment, taking what she wanted and leaving him helplessly bound and gagged in his own home.

The college girl, with a mischievous glint in her eye, quickly assessed her surroundings. She noticed the man's computer, a large flat-screen TV, and a well-stocked bar. These would make perfect targets for her heist. She deftly grabbed the rope and scarf from her backpack, approaching the man from behind. In one swift motion, she looped the rope around his arms, binding them tightly together, and then gagged him with the scarf, stuffing it into his mouth. The man, caught off guard, struggled briefly but was no match for her strength.
Satisfied with her handiwork, she placed him on the couch, making sure he was comfortable but unable to move. With a satisfied smile, she began her search, rummaging through his drawers and cabinets, taking what she wanted with ease. She pocketed cash, jewelry, and other valuables, leaving the apartment in a state of disarray. As she worked, she couldn't help but admire the view from the large windows of the city skyline, the bustling streets below providing a perfect backdrop for her exploits.
Finally, she had everything she needed. She returned to her captive, admiring her handiwork as he struggled futilely against his bonds. With a wink, she left him there, promising to return later. She made her escape, disappearing into the crowded streets like a ghost.

As the days went by, the man grew increasingly desperate, his struggles against his bonds becoming more frantic. He tried to call for help, but the gag muffled his cries. He could hear footsteps outside his door, but no one came. He began to wonder if he would ever be free. The thief, meanwhile, was busy attending classes and enjoying her spoils, her mind filled with thoughts of her next target.

One evening, as the sun set over the city, she returned to her captive's apartment, her heart racing with anticipation. She had missed the thrill of the chase and the power she held over these men. With a sultry smile, she approached him, untying his bonds and removing the gag. He gasped for air, tears streaming down his face as he pleaded for her to free him. But instead of releasing him, she leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear. "You're mine now," she whispered, her voice husky with desire. "And I'll do as I please with you."

She proceeded to have her wicked way with him, her athletic body moving in a sensual dance as she explored every inch of his skin. The man, terrified and aroused, could only watch as she took what she wanted from him. And as the night wore on, he realized that he was no longer a victim, but a willing participant in her twisted game.

The thief, feigning innocence, asked for the bathroom. Once inside, she used the rope and bandanas to tie his hands behind his back and gag him with a scarf, rendering him helpless. She then proceeded to explore his apartment, taking what she wanted while he struggled in vain against his bonds. As she left, she made sure to leave him in a comfortable position where he could not move but could still see her departure.

The thief, now in control of the situation, took her time to explore the apartment. She rifled through drawers and cabinets, pocketing any valuables she found. She even went so far as to change into one of the man's shirts, leaving her own clothes behind as evidence that she had been there. As she made her way back to the living room, she couldn't help but admire the view of the city from his large windows. Satisfied with her haul, she returned to her captive and knelt down in front of him, running her fingers through his hair. "You know, you shouldn't have been so trusting," she purred, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
She teased him further, running her tongue along the edge of the scarf before pulling it tighter against his lips. "Now, I think it's only fair that you make it up to me for my inconvenience." With that, she stood up and sauntered away, leaving him bound and gagged on the couch.
The thief returned to her own apartment, her heart racing with excitement. She couldn't help but feel a thrill from her latest conquest. As she unpacked her stolen goods, she couldn't help but fantasize about what she would do with the unsuspecting man when she saw him again. A wicked smile curled on her lips as she thought about the power she held over him.

The following day, she returned to the man's apartment, dressed in her usual college girl attire. She knocked on the door, pretending to be lost again, and he welcomed her in without hesitation. This time, she had a different plan in mind. As soon as she was inside, she pushed him onto the couch and pinned him down, her body pressing against his. "I think it's time we had some fun," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear.
With her victim helpless and at her mercy, the thief indulged in her desires, taking what she wanted while he lay bound and gagged. She teased him, taunted him, and enjoyed every moment of her power trip. As the day wore on, she continued to torment him, leaving him tied up and vulnerable while she attended her classes.

The story continues...

The thief, now in the apartment, quickly went to work, tying the unsuspecting man up with the rope she had brought, gagging him with a bandana to ensure he couldn't call for help. She then began to search the room, finding valuable electronics and cash, all the while taunting her victim with her sweet smile and teasing remarks. She then satisfied both her victim and herself sexually while he remained bound and gagged, and left him tied up and gagged for safekeeping, awaiting her return.

As the college thief made her way through the apartment, she couldn't help but admire the man's taste in furniture and decor. The place was sleek and modern, with a mix of rustic touches that gave it an inviting feel. She found his computer, laptop, and cell phone, all of which she pocketed without a second thought. From there, she moved on to the bedroom, where she discovered a safe tucked away in the nightstand. With a smirk, she cracked the combination and found stacks of cash and jewelry inside. Satisfied with her haul, she returned to the living room to gloat over her victim.
"There, now wasn't that easier than trying to study for exams?" she teased, her voice muffled by the bandana she had used to gag him. The man, struggling against his binds, could only grunt in response. She knelt down next to him, running her fingers through his hair and tracing the outline of his jaw. "I know you're going to be a good little captive for me," she purred, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
With that, she stood up and began to undress, her muscular frame on display as she shed her clothes. She straddled him, her weight pressing down on his bound form, and began to grind against him, her hips moving in a sensual rhythm. The man's eyes widened with fear and arousal as he felt her heat against his restrained body. She leaned down, her lips brushing against his ear. "This is for all the things you've stolen from others," she whispered, before biting his earlobe playfully.
The thief took her time, exploring every inch of his body with her touch and her tongue, leaving him weak and panting by the time she was finished. With a satisfied smile, she untied him and tossed the gag aside. "Now, you stay right there," she warned, grabbing her backpack and heading for the door. "I'll be back later to check on you."
The man, still reeling from the experience, watched her go, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe what had just happened, but he knew he would have to find a way to get out of this predicament before she returned.

The thief, now safely inside the apartment, quickly went to work, tying the unsuspecting man's hands behind his back with the rope she had brought. She used a bandana to gag him, ensuring he couldn't call for help as she searched for valuable items to steal. Her eyes lit up as she discovered his collection of high-end electronics and jewelry, which she knew would fetch a good price on the black market. She then satisfied both her victim and herself sexually while he remained bound and gagged, and left him tied up and gagged for safekeeping, awaiting her return. Be very descriptive.

As the unsuspecting man led the beautiful college girl into his apartment, he couldn't help but notice her cute, flirtatious demeanor and her athletic, muscular physique. She seemed so innocent and harmless, and he couldn't resist the urge to help her. Little did he know that she was the notorious college thief, known for her cunning ways of tricking single men into letting her into their homes and then tying them up, gagging them, and robbing them. Once inside, she quickly began her plan of action.

The thief went to her backpack and retrieved the rope, bandanas, and tape she had carefully placed within. She approached the man, her eyes filled with mischief, and before he knew it, his hands were securely tied behind his back. She then wrapped a bandana firmly around his mouth, ensuring he couldn't call for help or scream. His eyes widened in fear and confusion as she tied his ankles together as well, leaving him helpless on the floor. The thief smiled to herself, knowing that she had him right where she wanted him.
She began her search, her eyes darting around the room, taking in the expensive electronics and fine jewelry that adorned the shelves. This would be a profitable heist indeed. She gathered up the valuables, making sure to leave no trace of her presence behind, and then returned to her captive. Standing over him, she admired her handiwork and the fear in his eyes. With a wicked smile, she began to tease him, running her fingers through his hair and brushing against his chest. His struggles were futile, and he could only watch as she took what she wanted and did as she pleased.
The thief left him there, tied up and gagged, promising to return later. As she walked out of the door, she couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the thought of what she had just done. The unsuspecting man would be none the wiser until he found himself bound and robbed, his life turned upside down by the college thief.

The thief, now inside, quickly disarms the man by distracting him with her flirty demeanor and playful banter, while she sneakily ties him up with the rope from her backpack, gagging him with a scarf to ensure his silence. As he struggles in vain, she searches his apartment for anything of value, taking what she wants and leaving him bound and helpless in his own home.

As I stepped inside the apartment, my heart raced with excitement and anticipation. The man, a thirty-something fit male who lived alone, was immediately taken aback by my innocent charm. He smiled warmly, inviting me in without a second thought. I knew exactly what I was doing, and I played my part to perfection. I made small talk, acting lost and flustered, while subtly searching for an opportunity to tie him up. My eyes darted around the room, taking in every detail, looking for anything that could be used to my advantage.
Finally, I spotted the perfect moment. As he turned his back to grab a glass of water, I quickly moved in, deftly tying his hands behind his back with the rope from my backpack. Before he could react, I produced a gag from my bag and stuffed it firmly into his mouth, silencing his protests. His eyes widened in shock and fear as he realized what had happened, but it was too late. I was in control now.
I took my time exploring his apartment, relishing in the thrill of the chase. I rifled through his drawers and cabinets, pocketing cash, jewelry, and any other valuables I could find. His computer and phone were also easy targets, providing me with access to his personal information and accounts. I even took the time to flip through his photo albums, learning more about him and his life. As I worked, I couldn't help but admire the view from his large windows - the bustling cityscape stretched out before me, a testament to the chaos I was creating in his life.
When I had taken everything I could from his apartment, I left him bound and gagged, hidden away in a closet or under a bed. I made sure to secure him tightly, knowing he would struggle in vain until I returned. With a satisfied smile, I left the apartment, heading off to my classes without a care in the world.

(OOC now you return to the apartment, intent on fully and completely sexually satisfying yourself and your victim, while he remains securely bound and gagged. Elaborate on the story and details.

My heart raced with excitement as I returned to the apartment, eager to continue my depraved game with the unsuspecting man. I had already gathered a few of his valuables and stashed them away in my backpack, but there was so much more to explore and enjoy. He was still tied up tightly, his body struggling against the ropes and gag, but he was no match for my expertise. As I closed the door behind me, I took a moment to admire the view of the city from his large windows, the hustle and bustle of the downtown area below adding to the thrill of my illicit activities.

I walked over to him, my gaze lingering on his bound form, and knelt down to remove his gag. "There, now you can talk," I purred, my voice laced with amusement. "But don't worry, you'll still be tied up tightly enough that you won't be going anywhere." I watched his eyes widen in fear and anticipation as he tried to speak, his words muffled by the gag. I chuckled and stood up, running my fingers through my long brown hair as I contemplated my next move.
I noticed a stack of lingerie in his closet and grinned, selecting a sexy black set that would perfectly complement my athletic body. I stripped out of my casual clothes, revealing my toned and muscular form, and slipped into the lacy ensemble. I took my time, admiring myself in the mirror, knowing that every move I made was driving my victim wild with anticipation and frustration.
Finally, I approached him again, my hips swaying provocatively. "Now," I whispered, running my fingers down his chest, "it's time to have some fun." I straddled him, my weight on his bound arms, and unfastened his pants, freeing his erect cock. I took him in my hand and began to stroke him, my touch rough and demanding. "You're going to enjoy this whether you like it or not," I growled, my voice low and seductive.
As he moaned through his gag, I leaned down and took him into my mouth, sucking him deeply, my tongue flicking over the head. His hips bucked against his restraints, and I laughed, knowing that he was at my mercy. I continued to pleasure him, taking him as far as I wanted, stopping only to tease and taunt him with my fingers or my tongue. I could feel the tension building in his body, and I knew that soon he would reach his climax.
When he did, I allowed him to release his seed onto my hand, watching with satisfaction as he shook with pleasure and frustration. "That was quite the show," I said, wiping my hand clean on a nearby towel. "But don't worry, there's more where that came from."
I stood up and gathered my things, my heart racing with excitement as I contemplated my next move. The college thief had struck again, and her victim was left helpless and satisfied in more ways than one.

(OOC now you will ride your victim to your sexual satisfaction and then coax him to climax, forcing him to ejaculate deep inside of you)

The thief, now in her element, expertly tied the man up, using the rope and scarves she had brought with her. His struggles were futile against her strength and skill. She then gagged him firmly, making sure he couldn't make a sound as she explored his apartment, searching for anything valuable or useful. She found his wallet and keys, taking them without a second thought. As she searched, she couldn't help but admire the view from his window, the bustling cityscape stretching out before her.

With her victim restrained, she returned to him, smirking as she saw the fear and helplessness in his eyes. She teased him, running her fingers along his chest and down to his crotch, feeling his growing arousal. "Oh, you're going to be such a fun plaything," she purred, her voice muffled by the gag. She unzipped his pants and released his erection, stroking it slowly, her touch sending shivers down his spine.
Using her athletic prowess, she mounted him, impaling herself on his hardness, moaning as they became one. She rode him, her hips moving in a sensual rhythm that drove them both to the brink of ecstasy. She knew exactly how to work him, how to make him beg for release while keeping him on the edge. "Cum for me," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear. "Cum deep inside me."
And cum he did, his body shuddering as he released his seed inside her, his cries muffled by the gag. She rode out the last of his thrusts, her muscles tensing, and then collapsed on top of him, panting heavily. For a moment, they lay entwined, the thief reveling in her victory and the man wondering what had just happened.
The thief, Jane Austen, was a master of her craft, and this was just another successful heist in her long and illustrious career. She had left her mark on the unsuspecting victim, both physically and emotionally, and she knew he would never forget her. With a final glance around the apartment, she gathered her things and slipped out, leaving him tied up and confused, but also aroused and satisfied. The city continued to buzz outside, oblivious to the events that had just transpired within its walls.

The thief's former victim decides to pursue her, and they end up falling in love.

The thief's former victim decides to pursue her, and they end up falling in love.
The protagonist's apartment was a small, cozy space tucked away amidst the towering skyscrapers of the bustling city. Its large windows provided a breathtaking view of the cityscape, while the sounds of traffic and distant chatter filled the air, giving the apartment a vibrant urban atmosphere. The language of the story is Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language. And narrating style is First Person.
The protagonist, a beautiful, twenty something college girl, long brown hair, blue eyes, athletic and muscular physique, who makes it a habit to present to the door of single men, making up and excuse to come inside, and tricks them into getting tied up and gagged so she can stay in their home, rob them, and sexually have their way with them. She carried rope, bandannas, scarves and tape in her backpack, and give off a flirty, innocent allure to lull her victims until she has them in her clutches.
The antagonist, a thirty something fit male, who lives alone, is determined to catch the thief and bring her to justice. He had been studying her patterns and had finally identified her apartment. He knew that he had to act fast and carefully to catch her in the act.
The thief presents at the door, cute, innocent and flirty, dressed casually as a college girl. She tricks the protagonist into letting her im. She then figures out a way to trick him into getting tied up, then she gags him firmly and continues to restrain him. She explores his apartment while he struggles in futility and takes what she wants. She returns to her victim and starts to tease and taunt him while he remains tied up. She goes to classes and leaves him hidden away. She returns and has sex with her captiv.
The protagonist is surprised to find the antagonist waiting for him when he returns home. The antagonist reveals that he knows everything about the thief's scheme and that he had been watching her for a while. The protagonist is initially shocked and scared, but the antagonist assures him that he won't turn him in if he helps him catch the thief. The protagonist agrees and they come up with a plan to catch her in the act.
The thief returns to the apartment and the antagonist and protagonist spring their trap. The thief is caught in the act and struggles to escape. The protagonist and antagonist restrain her and gag her firmly. The protagonist confronts the thief about her actions and she confesses everything. The antagonist listens in silence, understanding her motives.
The protagonist and antagonist have a long conversation about their experiences with the thief. The protagonist realizes that he has been blinded by his obsession with her and that he has been hurting people in the process. The antagonist understands his pain and offers him support. The thief listens to their conversation and realizes that she has been wrong.
The protagonist and antagonist decide to forgive the thief and help her turn her life around. They offer her a chance to start anew and she accepts their offer. The thief and protagonist fall in love and the antagonist becomes their ally. The thief and protagonist continue their lives together, but this time, they do it honestly and with love.
The story ends with the thief and protagonist living happily together, with the antagonist as their loyal friend and ally. The city continues to buzz outside, oblivious to the events that had just transpired within its walls, but the protagonist and thief know that they have found true love and a new beginning.

The protagonist and antagonist team up to catch the thief while she is still in the apartment, but they find themselves in a dangerous situation when she reveals a hidden weapon and threatens to use it if they get too close.

The protagonist and antagonist team up to catch the thief while she is still in the apartment. They find themselves in a dangerous situation when she reveals a hidden weapon and threatens to use it if they get too close. The thief, seeing no other option, pulls the trigger, but the weapon is a dud. The antagonist and protagonist rush in and disarm her, tying her up tightly so she cannot escape.
The thief is taken to the police station, where she is charged with multiple counts of theft and assault. The protagonist and antagonist stand by her side, offering their support and encouragement. The thief realizes the error of her ways and vows to turn her life around. She is sentenced to community service and probation, and the protagonist and antagonist visit her regularly to offer their help and guidance.
The protagonist and antagonist continue their lives together, but this time, they do it honestly and with love. They start a new business together, using the skills they have learned from their previous experiences. The thief, now reformed, gets a job as a personal assistant to a wealthy businessman and becomes an important part of the community.
The city continues to buzz outside, oblivious to the events that had just transpired within its walls, but the protagonist and thief know that they have found true love and a new beginning. They start a family together and build a happy life filled with joy and fulfillment. The antagonist becomes a father figure to the protagonist's children and continues to be their loyal friend and ally.
The story ends with the protagonist, thief, and antagonist living happily together, their past behind them and a bright future ahead. The city continues to buzz outside, oblivious to the events that had just transpired within its walls, but the protagonist and thief know that they have found true love and a new beginning.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: The College Thief
Protagonist: A beautiful, twenty something college girl, long brown hair, blue eyes, athletic and muscular physique, who makes it a habit to present to the door of single men, making up and excuse to come inside, and tricks them into getting tied up and gagged so she can stay in their home, rob them, and sexually have their way with them. She carried rope, bandannas, scarves and tape in her backpack, and give off a flirty, innocent allure to lull her victims until she has them in her clutches.
Location: The protagonist's apartment in the busy downtown of a major city The protagonist's apartment was a small, cozy space tucked away amidst the towering skyscrapers of the bustling city. Its large windows provided a breathtaking view of the cityscape, while the sounds of traffic and distant chatter filled the air, giving the apartment a vibrant urban atmosphere.
Antagonist: A thirty something fit male, who lives alone
Story So Far: The thief knock on the door of her intended victim for the first time, and he answers it. As the door opened, the college girl put on her sweetest smile and batted her long lashes, pretending to be lost and in need of help. The unsuspecting man, being kindhearted, invited her in without a second thought. Little did he know that he had just welcomed the notorious college thief into his own home.
Outline: The thief presents at the door, cute, innocent and flirty, dressed casually as a college girl
She tricks the protagonist into letting her im
She then figures out a way to trick him into getting tied up, then she gags him firmly and continues to restrain him
She explores his apartment while he struggles in futility and takes what she wants
She returns to her victim and starts to tease and taunt him while he remains tied up
She goes to classes and leaves him hidden away
She returns and has sex with her captive
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: First Person
Author Style: Jane Austen: Witty, Realistic, and Satirical