Literary Fiction

2023-12-06 14:01:07

Blood angels space marine x rwby

Noah joins Team RWBY at Beacon Academy for advanced combat training, finding solace among its diverse members and forming strong bonds with them. He begins to overcome his Black Rage through their support and guidance, learning that not everyone is out to betray or harm him like Horus did to Sanguinius. However, when an unexpected enemy emerges from their past, fueled by the same dark forces that corrupted Horus – fear and aggression - it triggers Noah’s uncontrollable anger once more. Only truly understanding the value of trust and friendship will allow Noah to conquer this final piece of his inner turmoil and become the powerful Sanguinary Guard hero destiny had always intended him to be.

One fateful day during their training sessions out in the Fields of Despair near Vale, one of Remnant's most dangerous territories, Team CFVY stumbles upon an abandoned military camp ripe with Aura signatures. As they investigate deeper into it, they find themselves face-to-face with an ancient Grimm creature known as Thorburn Baticulor—part ram, part lion—that has been awakened by whatever sinister forces lay dormant inside those walls. Despite our new comrade from Blood Angels joining hands with sisterly team as equals now; this formidable foe tests unity of both factions when he appears before them enraged as if seeking some sort of revenge against humans itself for realm's history full of warfare & cruelty towards monsters alike. Noah feels himself sinking back into his darkest thoughts again when finally facing such brutality firsthand after weeks spent building trust between him & newfound friends but finds surprising strength thanks insurmountable loyalty mirrored onto each other's expressions worn tight under similar existential terror faced here today during this desperate battle spiraling around darkness waiting just outside line drawn between light& eternity lost within abyss below hungry jaws eagerly awaiting any innocent soul succumbing fate’s embrace while hoping beyond hope someone comes save them all from oblivion sitting chance away.

It takes tremendous effort from both sides working together seamlessly like clockwork unit put through trials designed break even most stalwart veterans only true purpose view allows remaining standing triumph victors at end moment seemingly pale comparison future accomplishments later! But through combined might battleground finally still remains silence broken only victory echoes left rifle burst, sword striking home truth found deep heart connection shared across boarders once thought insurmountable divide separates life death can transcended symbolized simply word shared joys tears shed equality saved many whereas despair temptation fell short mere inches reaching hearts wanting so dearly believe could never rise above fate had granted gift achieve something greater than selfish ambitions blind recognition set animate monstrous entities gazes skyward forever silent memorial alliesBoundless potential success achieved would lead however complacency proved costly eventually leading down paths consumed darkness setting once grand stage ablaze leaving nothing behind except embers cold promise forgotten dream looming once again taking hold minds unwilling see another defeat turn ashes account prophet true

Noah reflects on the bond formed with his unlikely allies and decides to honor their sacrifice by dedicating himself to protecting them, embracing his role as protector and leader within Team RWBY while continuously fighting against the darkness within.

In a distant corner of the world of Remnants lies a hidden village filled with warmth and camaraderie only typical of close-knit communities. Beacon Academy, a sanctuary of learning and growth, hosted students from varied backgrounds. Amongst them was Noah - a novice Scout originated from the prestigious Blood Angel chapter of Space Marines. His journey began as he sought solace amidst these young individuals with open arms, eager to learn and grow stronger alongside them. Alas, his heart held great burden; incessantly driven by visions of his Primarch, Sanguinius, slaughtered by none other than Horus, the arch-traitor whose treachery tainted mankind's very essence. This almost mythical figure dominated Noah's thoughts, manifesting in an unrelenting rage: every feat seemingly meant to undo the deeds of that fallen angelic hero. Yet something shifted upon meeting the endearing souls beneath Beacon's roof; cosmic chains slowly severed their grip, freeing Noah to witness genuine worth in his fellow warriors—human and Grimm alike.

As time passed, Noah mastered complex strategies and techniques beyond anything his brethren knew. Amidst challenges faced throughout their adventures, he learned vital lessons about forgiveness and acceptance from Ruby Rose's fiery spirit or Blake's stoic wisdom. Even Yang's flirtatious antics provided moments of levity among chaos, eroding negative emotions plaguing him since childhood. Little quarrels were resolved together, trust blossomed, laughter ringing as one—a family united indeflectably against external threats. Until, deep within legendary ruins nestled far from civilization's fringe, it resurfaced... Horus' twisted legacy reared its head once more when a long-dormant spectre surged forth with malicious intent towards humanity – and just as quickly drew ire towards their bandos newfound kin. Forced to confront old demons alongside familiar faces newly transformed into sworn enemies, Noah faltered under pressure once more; exposed wounds opened too soon; yet determination remained steadfast in shielding comrades from harm inflicted not by some Ghoul but misguided sense

Despite valiant efforts matched measure measure hero master race Kuja appeared enraged vengeful cycle perpetuated acts reckoning human souls harbored everlasting pain wrought generation past generations born amidst dispute alcoves power struggle paradise gateways worlds catastrophe felt every spark mundane existence offered moment peace became privilege instead consequence hard-won trophies adorning tallest spires thrones smallest homes bore testament continuous strife engraved hearts heaviest stone cut deepest scar reflected glory sunset revealed merely fleeting illusion bare branches swayed whispering prayers restless slumber dream still aching heartfelt cry deaf ears finding solace resonated among unity only found friendship burnished armour weathered countenances brave souls determined spirits shining brighter tomorrow illuminating path wholly unbeknownst eternal winter now thawed

Following their narrow escape, Noah continues honing his abilities and learns to grapple with the lingering psychological impact of battling both physical and metaphysical adversaries, ultimately earning the rank of Sanguinary Guardian within the Blood Angels, representing not only his transformation but also the friends who helped him navigate the darker depths of his soul on this journey.

After years of grueling training and braving numerous perils, including an encounter with the malevolent Horus-corrupted titan Grimm known as Thorburn Baticulor, Noah and his teammates have grown into a force to be reckoned with. Upon receiving news of the escalating threat posed by Salem and her cohorts, now imbued with forbidden knowledge and power by Leviathan, the group recognizes the gravitas of their mission: to save Remnant from certain destruction. With this knowledge weighing heavily upon them, Noah applies for promotion within the ranks of the Blood Angels, desiring to better protect those closest to him as a maximal representative of hope amidst despair.

Inside the imposing citadel adorned with cherubim murals and aquiline statues, where mighty Space Marines stood sentry since antiquity, Noah stands anxiously before his superiors. As golden wings unfurl, revealing maroon fabric embroidered intricately depicting justice served by sword's edge and purifying fire, signs granting him access to higher echelon squadrons are evident for all present. An elder brother asks if he is prepared for this weighty responsibility converting from Scout to Sanguinary Guardian—words once encountered only in tales echoed reality now heard directly asking him speak up because light alone wasn't enough anymore Leviathan’s shadow hung heavy over flesh weakening resolve weakening faith fragile humanity couldn't afford remain divided one another need one thing stand united against darkness or be buried underfoot dream’s cruel kiss—and Noah solemnly nods. Drawing upon strength garnered not merely from drills drills discipline but friendships formed hand-in-hand battling horrendous creatures hellbent destroying everything good existing saw inherent beauty every living being regardless form received mandate gird armor stepping forward knowing answer initial question nightmares haunt sleep kept turning over until chased away true only essence seen victory won true pure victory lie arms intertwined sharing sorrows joy trials tested created rings solidified hearts able stand stare into abyss unflinching defiance burning bright spoke focus-shaking reality disappear amidst oceanic depths existence utter blackness caused courage soul stretch lifting least another walk plagued landscape ne'er touched ground carpeted skull charred hopes emboldening brotherhood flag held high bearing witness promised kept germinating seed love friendship nurtured each retelling blooming scene reflected last breaths shouted epithets whispers stories built empire where nobody else could tread stood upon shoulders giants inspired awe answered call acolyte become protector unwavering flame

Acknowledging his transformation and newly appointed status, Noah returns to Team RWBY to share the news of his elevation within the Blood Angels hierarchy. Their friends welcome him with open arms and acknowledge the immense responsibility he faces in leading them against growing danger, drawing comfort from his presence and commitment to protecting them all.

Together, Blood Angel Scout Noah and the members of Team RWBY continued carrying out their duties as Huntsmen and Huntresses, navigating through ever-growing trials with renewed vigor and determination. They defeated emerald dragons, fought powerful behemoths, explored treacherous terrains, and confronted rogue necro agents. Each challenge brought them closer together; transforming Noah's anger toward humanity into reverence for human resilience. However, fate is relentless, and when the day came that they must face the woman responsible for the return of Horus' memory, Noah found himself consumed by Black Rage once again. He charged ahead without hesitation, hacking through Salem's minions with his chainsword, disregarding the cries of caution from his companions. Spotting his target, Noah fixated on Salem—the embodiment of his grief and rage—and attacked without mercy. Baring his teeth in bestial fury, he took blow after blow in order to reach her, fueled by hatred for Horus' actions so long ago. It was then that Ruby pierced through his rage with her words; “He isn't here, you know?!” Her voice cracked over the din of violence yet penetrated his consciousness deeply: "This woman,” she gestured towards the villainess, "is the one who hurt us all!"

With that simple revelation splintering the veil of Noah's delirium, he paused mid swing; horrified by what he nearly did and horrified by how easily manipulated he'd become due to childish beliefs which had controlled him since birth. Glancing round at his friends battling bravely alongside him, he realized only yesterday they'd stood united against yet another foe that threatened Remnant's survival. These people weren't Horus' pawns or accomplices, but brave knights risking all to save what little remained of hope within a world corroded by evil men. Tears streamed down his cheeks mixed with sweat and ash as this truth dawned on him fully; instilling clarity where blind ignorance once ruled supreme. Bowing low before Ruby, apologizing profusely, vowing never to let pride cloud judgment again lest love be forever lost amongst these irrepressible heroes, Noah committed wholeheartedly to safeguarding those entrusted unto his care until the bitter end–whether personal struggles continued to besiege him or not.

Ruby accepted Noah's apology, understanding all too well the burdens borne by the Blood Vessel among them, which made their bonds all the stronger. She embraced her comrade warmly, feeling anew the weight of leadership fall squarely into place – humbled yet galvanized by allies willing persist despite impossible odds stacked against them. From there forward, they moved forward evermore resolute and wiser; guided by voices gentler than any stars and fiercer than a thousand suns. Uniting against tyranny personified made them invincible against adversity in any conceivable form because they stood unwavering… unbroken behind ironclad banner, pledged solemn oath to protect those who cannot defend themselves truly represented beginning of legends destined write final chapters history's longest tale...

After defeating Salem, the group converges on Atlas HQ for a much-deserved break. At the annual 'Gala Games', Noah takes charge organizing a display showcasing the accomplishments of huntsmen from various academies. While doing so, he reconciles with Roman Torchwick, who reveals intimate details about James' past, further helping Noah overcome his feelings of betrayal inherited from Sanguinius' murder. Together, they discuss ways to improve future interactions between humans and faunus within the kingdom.

In the quiet halls of Beacon Academy, the buzz of conversation and clattering arms faded away to silence as word spread of an impending display of talent during the annual 'Gala Games'. All eyes fixated upon the brooding, muscular figure clad in pristine white armor trimmed with radiant red detailing that gleamed like freshly spilled blood. Noah, formerly a Scout from the Blood Angels Space Marine legion, now donned finely crafted Sanguinary Guard plate as a symbol not only of his advancement but also the bond he shared with his teammates. His gaze turned towards Faunus and Humans alike, a solemn promise bounding across academia: unity would prevail over division. Accompanying him stood Roman Torchwick, wielderof knowledge regarding James' tragic origins and silenced doubts that stemmed from myths shrouding Horus' wrathful reign centuries prior. Bonding over such revelations, they discussed feasible solutions to alleviate conflicts plaguing human and Faunus relations within Atlas City.

Noah nodded thoughtfully, grasping at plans to create dialogue opportunities within different academies while ensuring fair representation for all races engaged in combat sports demonstrations unsullied bias or prejudicial judging standards. Meanwhile, Roman hinted at introducing progressive educational initiatives providing window into respective cultures; uncovering commonalities hidden under layers deceit misunderstanding born out ignorance greed fear. Their collaboration displayed potential born through despair facing horrors extreme combining forces strong drive ensure brighter future not solely forgotten paths tread again choose another wandering explore possibilities unseen transforming lives leaving lasting impact safe haven expanded inclusivity secured time marched forward allying sides respective ambitions set aside opening minds accepting change becoming driving force pushing back shadows looming large divide walls crumbling asunder admitting small cracks allowing light seep reinforce foundations hasn't view revolution begun? Nay rather evolution continuing process fostering growth embracing diversity core tenet all pursuits uniting under similar goal peace stability prosperity guaranteed against rising tides ignoring differences enable real chance prevail loyalty selflessly given brightened prospects extinguishing doubt ones once ignored remembering values past long left forgotten reclaimed life stories lived saluted appreciation earned respect garnered nurtured together day's events marked turning point milestone perhaps signifigance misconstrued actions yesterdays regarded today anew tomorrow's promise secure fundamental changes taking root unfurling boundless potential blossoms

As the Gala Games commence, Noah orchestrates a ceremonial mock battle where each participant embodies a figure from Remnant's history, teaching the audience and fighters alike the importance of remembering the past to build a better future, while he himself grapples with a staged duel that mirrors his own internal struggle against the Black Rage. In the midst of the festivities, an unexpected Grimm incursion tests the unity and strength of the assembled Huntsmen, forcing Noah to lead his companions in a defense that blurs the lines between performance and reality, solidifying their roles as protectors of peace.

The Gala Games unfurled with a grandeur that matched the lofty spires of Atlas, a celebration of valor and history, where the clashing of steel and the roar of the crowd echoed the beating heart of Remnant. Noah, now a beacon of inspiration, stood at the forefront, his presence like a stalwart sentinel as he unveiled the ceremonial mock battle—a tapestry of Remnant's tumultuous past woven into a spectacle of choreographed combat. Each fighter donned the garb of historical figures, their movements telling tales of glory and sorrow, of victories hard-won and defeats that bore lessons for the future. The air was thick with anticipation as the audience watched, entranced by the unfolding drama that reminded them of the cyclical nature of history and the importance of unity.

Noah entered the arena, his armor reflecting the bright lights, and faced his opponent—a fellow Huntsman representing Horus the traitor. The duel was a dance of controlled ferocity, each strike a chapter from Noah's own saga, the struggle against the Black Rage that threatened to consume him. With each parry and thrust, he demonstrated the mastery over the darkness within, a testament to his growth and the unyielding spirit of the Blood Angels. The crowd watched, a collective breath held, as Noah emerged victorious, not just over his opponent, but over the shadows of his own past.

The celebration, however, was short-lived. A sudden, chilling howl pierced the jubilation as Grimm, drawn by the congregation of emotions, breached the defenses of Atlas HQ. The festivities turned to chaos, the mock battles now a grim reality as the creatures of darkness swarmed. Noah's instincts as a Sanguinary Guardian kicked in, his voice cutting through the pandemonium, rallying the Huntsmen to form ranks. With a commander's poise and a warrior's might, he led the charge, his chainsword singing a dirge for the fallen Grimm.

The battle was fierce, but the unity of the Huntsmen, forged in the fires of the Gala Games, held strong. Together, they pushed back against the tide of Grimm, their combined strength a bulwark against the darkness. As the last of the creatures fell, the arena, scarred by battle but unbroken, stood as a symbol of the indomitable will of Remnant's defenders. Noah, amidst the weary but triumphant fighters, realized that the true strength of a Huntsman lay not only in the might of their arm but in the bonds they shared with their allies. Together, they had turned the tide, a single, unified force against the darkness—a force that would shape the future of Remnant.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Blood angels space marine x rwby
Protagonist: Noah a scout from the blood angels that goes to beacon to finish his training he starts off as shy and polite but over the course of the story he becomes distance due to his geneseed which can cause a rage with no cure called the black rage where he sees everyone as horus the traitor primarch that killed his primarch the angel of death sanguinius who despite hisntitle was a good and kind man
Location: In the world of remnant from rwby from vol 1-9
Antagonist: Salem She was a part of the original Humanity, before being cursed with immortality and falling into a Grimm Pool. She was married to Ozma and had four daughters with him before their ideologies tore them apart, resulting in their children's deaths and making them mortal enemies.
Love Interest: Weiss schnee she is irritable and confident in her abilities, though also acknowledges her deficiencies and the need to hone her skills further. Her confidence in her skills and intellect often comes off as arrogance to others.
Outline: rewrite every episode of rwby to include a space marine scout from the blood angels that progress from a scout to sanguinary guard space marine. During the story he is also trying to over come the black rage. That makes him go berserk and think everyone is the traitor primarch Horus the one that killed his primarch the angel of death Sanguinius who despite his title was a kind and good man
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Transcendentalism, Inspirational, and Nature-focused