Literary Fiction

2023-08-29 10:28:40

Long tresses of love

the reunion between Haru and Makoto in Haru's kimono shop

The bell above the door chimed softly as Yuki looked up from the delicate silk kimono he was carefully folding. His heart skipped a beat as he saw Ryo standing there, his tall figure framed by the soft glow of the afternoon sunlight. It had been six long years since they had last seen each other, and the wounds of their separation still lingered within Yuki's heart.

Ryo's eyes met Yuki's, and a mixture of emotions flickered across his face - longing, regret, and a hint of hope. Yuki's guarded demeanor softened as he observed Ryo's sincerity. He had missed him more than words could express, but the pain of his absence still haunted him. Yet, in that moment, Yuki felt a glimmer of possibility. Maybe, just maybe, they could heal the wounds of the past and find their way back to each other.

As Ryo approached, Yuki's heart raced in his chest. He watched as Ryo's hand reached out, hesitantly brushing against Yuki's long tresses of black hair. It was a gesture that held years of unspoken apologies and yearning. Yuki closed his eyes, allowing himself to feel the comforting touch, a silent reassurance that perhaps this reunion held the promise of something beautiful.

In the corner of the shop, Takeshi observed the scene with a bittersweet smile. His heart ached for Yuki, for he had long held his own unrequited love for the young beauty. Takeshi had been Yuki's rock, always there to offer support and care. But now, as he watched Ryo's return, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. He knew that Yuki's heart belonged to someone else, yet he couldn't help but hope that one day, Yuki would see him as more than just a confidant.

Meanwhile, Yuna watched her brother from a distance, her eyes brimming with a mixture of joy and concern. She had witnessed the pain that Yuki had endured during Ryo's absence, and she knew that their reunion would not be without its challenges. But Yuna also believed in the power of love and forgiveness. Her brother deserved happiness, and she would do everything in her power to support him on this journey towards healing.

As the three stood together in the kimono shop, their lives intertwined in a delicate dance of emotions, the small village of Japan seemed to hold its breath, curious to see what the future held for this trio. Long tresses of love whispered in the air, carrying with them the hopes, dreams, and complexities of a love story yet to be fully written.

Ryo greets Yuki

Ryo's voice cut through the stillness of the kimono shop, breaking the spell that had enveloped them. "Yuki," he said softly, his gaze fixed on him, "it's been so long."

Yuki felt his heart flutter at the sound of his name on Ryo's lips. He mustered the strength to reply, though his voice trembled slightly, "Yes, it has been."

Ryo took a step closer, his hand still lingering near Yuki's silky hair. "I'm sorry, Yuki," he whispered, his eyes filled with regret. "I should have never left without saying goodbye."

Yuki's gaze fell to the ground, the hurt of those years of abandonment resurfacing. But as he looked back up at Ryo's sincere expression, he saw something he had missed for too long - the love and affection he had once known so intimately.

Taking a deep breath, Yuki mustered his courage. "It hurt, Ryo," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But if you're willing to try and heal the wounds... I'm willing to give us another chance."

A mix of emotions washed over Ryo's face - relief, gratitude, and a glimmer of hope. Without hesitation, he reached out, gently cupping Yuki's cheek with his hand. "Thank you, Yuki," he murmured. "I promise, I'll make it up to you."

In that moment, Yuki let himself be vulnerable, completely surrendering to the possibility of second chances and love. Their reunion was just the beginning, a small step in a much grander journey of rediscovery and forgiveness. And as they stood there, their hands trembling yet entwined, they felt the weight of the past slowly lifting, making room for a future filled with hope and the sweet possibility of a love that had withstood the test of time.

One night, it suddenly rained heavily, so both of them stayed overnight at the shop. There's only 1 bed in a room so they have to share. Yuki takes a shower and comes out with long wet hair dragging on the floor. Ryo is surprised by Yuki's hair length. He knows that Yuki always has long hair as a child but never knows that Yuki could manage to grow his hair to this floor-length, which is rare to girls, let alone boys. Seeing Ryo's eyes drawn to his hair, Yuki just says "It's just hair", then dries his hair with a hairdryer. Ryo takes a hairdryer from Yuki’s hand and helps him. Ryo can’t help but compliment Yuki's hair and asks how can Yuki manage his hair or does it cause Yuki trouble. Yuki then braids his hair so it won’t get tangled when he sleeps. They go to sleep together

As Yuki settled onto the unfamiliar bed, his wet hair cascaded around him, spreading like a dark waterfall. Ryo couldn't tear his gaze away from the sight. He had always known that Yuki had long hair, a defining feature of his gentle beauty, but the true length had remained a mystery until now. The floor-length tresses seemed almost ethereal, contrasting against the pale moonlight that seeped through the windows.

Yuki's voice broke the silence, calm and nonchalant. "It's just hair," he said, as though it were the simplest answer to all of Ryo's unspoken questions. And yet, Ryo couldn't help but be captivated by the enigma of Yuki's hair, its length defying societal norms and expectations.

Taking a deep breath and setting aside his curiosity, Ryo picked up the hairdryer. "Let me help," he offered, his voice gentle. Yuki handed him the hairdryer, a soft smile dancing on his lips as he watched Ryo's strong and capable hands uphold the task.

As Ryo lovingly dried Yuki's hair, he couldn't help but marvel at its softness and smoothness. "How do you manage it?" he asked softly, his fingertips brushing against the strands as they flowed through his fingers.

Yuki shrugged lightly, his voice tinged with a hint of playfulness. "I've always had long hair, and I guess I've gotten used to it. It can be troublesome at times, but I've learned to braid it when I sleep to keep it from getting tangled."

With the hair now mostly dry, Ryo gently wrapped his arm around Yuki's waist, drawing him closer. As they settled beneath the covers, the warmth of their bodies mingling, Yuki felt a sense of comfort he hadn't known for so long. Their hearts beat as one, the rhythm of their breathing synchronized, and the soft sway of Yuki's braided hair danced across Ryo's arm.

In that quiet moment, they lay side by side, hands entwined, sharing the intimacy and vulnerability of their shared bed. The rain continued to pour outside, creating a soothing symphony that seemed to lull them into a peaceful sleep. Inside that small room, amidst the countless folded kimonos and the unspoken stories of their past, they found solace, closeness, and a gentle beginning to a love that had endured challenges and time.

As the night embraced them under its gentle veil, Yuki and Ryo slept, their dreams intermingling, their hearts inching closer towards the possibility of a future entwined in love, forgiveness, and the promise of shared warmth beneath the long tresses of Yuki's hair.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Long tresses of love
Protagonist: Yuki, 20 years old, works at his family's kimono shop. He is a true beauty with milky skin and long black hair that no one knows its true length, reserved, guarded, but with a soft heart underneath. Yuki has had weak health since birth. His family believe that if they raise him as a girl, Yuki will be healthy
Location: in a small village in japan
Love Interest: Ryo, 26 years old, a handsome tall strong man. When Yuki turned 14, Ryo left him to study abroad, which made Yuki’s heart brokenAfter returning to his hometown for business, he tries to heal his relationship with Yuki.
Confidant: Takeshi, Yuki's personal doctor, gentle and caring. He hold an unrequited love for Yuki
Yuna, Yuki's older sister, cheerful and caring, often gives Yuki advices
Story So Far: In the small village of Japan, Yuki works at his family's kimono shop, hiding his true identity as a boy with long black hair that no one knows the true length of. Yuki's weak health has led his family to raise him as a girl in the hopes of improving his well-being. His heart was shattered when his love interest, Ryo, left for abroad, but upon returning, Ryo is determined to mend their relationship. Yuki's confidant, Takeshi, holds an unrequited love for him, while his older sister, Yuna, offers constant support and guidance.
Conflict: Yuki is cold to Ryo at first due to Makoto’s leave years ago, but he starts to open his heart and accept Makoto’s sincere love
Takeshi confesses his love for Yuki, but Yuki just considers him as a big brother. Takeshi's caring for Yuki makes Ryo jealous. As Yuki begins to open his heart to Ryo, the conflict arises when Takeshi confesses his love to Yuki, unable to hide his true feelings any longer. Yuki, however, only sees Takeshi as a dear friend and older brother figure, causing Ryo to feel jealous and threatened by Takeshi's presence in Yuki's life. This sparks a love triangle between Yuki, Ryo, and Takeshi, adding tension and complexities to their relationships.
Outline: a love story about two young men after their separation 6 years ago. Ryo and Yuki have been friends since childhood. But when Yuki turned 14, Ryo left him to study abroad without saying goodbye, which made Yuki's heart broken. 6 years later, Ryo and Yuki meet each other again. Ryo, having returned to his hometown for a business venture, is determined to heal the wounds of his past and reconnect with Yuki. However, Yuki, guarded and harboring unresolved hurt, struggles with whether to let Ryo back into his life. As the two navigate through their complicated emotions and the unspoken truths of their separation, a deep bond is reignited, and the long-lost connection between them begins to bloom once more. Through the confidant support of Takeshi, Yuki's doctor, and the loving guidance of Yuna, Yuki's sister, the protagonist finds the courage to confront his past and embrace the possibility of a future filled with love and forgiveness. Amidst the picturesque setting of their small village in Japan, Yuki's long black tresses become a symbol of both his vulnerability and his resilience, narrating their journey towards healing and a love that withstands the test of time.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Philip Roth: Jewish-American Literature, Satirical, and Social Commentary