adult theme Erotica

2023-10-15 05:48:49

Alma’s Journey to Relief (Outdoors Version)

Alma Madrigal is walking back home to Casita after enjoying a feast. Alma pays her slightly enlarged belly, satisfied with the meal. However, while walking, Alma’s stomach grumbles, and she knows that means she has to poop (with dialogue)

(Using Dialogue) Alma (to herself): "I feel like I need to poo." As Alma continues her walk towards Casa de Casita, her stomach growls louder and more insistent. "This is ridiculous," she says out loud. Suddenly, Alma remembers that she hasn't gone to the bathroom in a while and wonders if it might be causing this discomfort.

Alma decides that she can wait until she gets back to Casita to poop, but as she continues her walk, a couple of villagers stop her to ask for help.

As Alma walks along, she thinks about how much she wants to make it back to her house before having to go to the bathroom. But then, two villagers approach her, one carrying a basket full of vegetables and another carrying a small child. They both look up at Alma expectantly.
"Can you help us carry these?" asks the first villager. Alma looks down at their burdens and sighs. "Of course," she replies. She takes the basket from the first villager and holds it tightly against her chest.

Alma helps them carry the basket to the woman’s house, trying to ignore the pain in her colon and stomach.

Alma struggles to keep her balance under the weight of the heavy basket, feeling even more uncomfortable than before. She knows that if she doesn't find a restroom soon, things could get messy. But just as they arrive at the woman's doorstep, there's yet another delay—the baby inside starts crying. Alma stands awkwardly, shifting the weight of the basket around while the mother soothes her child. Finally, the baby settles down, and they all enter the house together.

Alma quickly walks out of the house and back on the path to her house, but she is interrupted again by someone who hd just moved into the new village asking a couple of questions. Alma has to squeeze her buttcheeks together to prevent some farts from escaping during this conversation (with dialogue).

Alma, feeling increasingly desperate, quickens her pace as she steps out of the house. But just as she's about to resume her journey, a young man who had recently moved into the village approaches her, a curious expression on his face.

Young Man: "Excuse me, ma'am. I'm new here, and I was wondering if you could help me with a few questions about the village?"

Alma, trying her best to maintain composure, forces a smile.

Alma: "Of course, young man. What do you need to know?"

As the young man begins asking his questions, Alma's focus starts to waver. She clenches her buttocks tightly, hoping to suppress any embarrassing sounds or odors that might escape. The strain on her face becomes evident, but she remains determined to help the newcomer.

The man asks his questions, and Alma quickly answers them before shooing the man away. Once the man was a respectable distance away, Alma released a few farts she had been holding back.

Alma answers the man's questions as quickly and politely as possible, her mind racing with urgency. As soon as she finishes, she musters all her strength to maintain her composure until the man is out of earshot. With a sigh of relief, Alma finally allows herself to relax, and a few discreet farts escape, relieving some of the pressure that had been building up inside her.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief, Alma takes a moment to collect herself before continuing her journey back home.

Just as she began walking again, another villager asks for help, this time, asking her to come to his home to inspect an issue with his home. Alma, despite her desperation to poop, reluctantly agrees to help (with dialogue).

As Alma starts to walk again, her hopes of reaching her home in time to relieve herself begin to dwindle. Just then, a villager approaches her, a worried look on his face.

Villager: "Alma, I'm sorry to bother you, but there's something wrong with my home. Could you please come and take a look?"

Alma, torn between her own urgent need and her sense of duty, hesitates for a moment. She glances back in the direction of her house, then back at the villager.

Alma: "I really need to get home, but... alright, I'll come and see what the problem is."

The villager's face lights up with gratitude, and Alma follows him to his home, her steps becoming increasingly hurried. She prays that whatever issue awaits her won't take too long to resolve.

The man lets her into his home, and begins explaining the problem. However, while he’s talking, Alma begins to feel the need to fart again, so she talks to cover up the noise of her farts. When the man talks about the smell, Alma comes up with an excuse that the man believes (with dialogue).

The villager leads Alma into his home, and as he begins explaining the issue, Alma's discomfort intensifies. She feels the familiar rumbling in her stomach and knows that she can't hold it in much longer. Desperate to cover up any embarrassing noises, she tries to speak over the sound of her farts.

Alma: "Yes, I see what you mean. It's important to address this problem quickly. Have you tried... uh... adjusting the ventilation system?"

The man looks at her, a puzzled expression on his face.

Villager: "Ventilation system? We don't really have one. But there's definitely a strange smell in here."

Alma quickly thinks on her feet, her mind racing to come up with an excuse that will satisfy the man's curiosity.

Alma: "Ah, yes, I apologize for the smell. You see, earlier today, I accidentally spilled some... uh... herbal concoction on my dress. It has quite a pungent odor. I'm so sorry if it's bothering you."

The man nods, seemingly satisfied with her explanation.

Villager: "Oh, I see. No worries, Alma. I hope you can help me fix this issue soon."

Alma breathes a sigh of relief, grateful that her excuse had been accepted. She focuses on the task at hand, determined to assist the villager as efficiently as possible, all the while praying that her body will hold out just a little longer.

The villager tells Alma that he needs to head out somewhere, thanking her for helping him. Alma nods and while he’s gone, finds the issue he was talking about and fixed it. However, a wet fart erupting from her butt made Alma realize that she couldn’t wait until she got to Casita to use the bathroom.

As the villager informs Alma that he needs to leave, thanking her for her assistance, Alma nods politely, her mind consumed by the pressing matter at hand. With determination, she sets to work, inspecting the issue he had mentioned.

Alma carefully examines the problem, her experienced eyes quickly identifying the cause. She skillfully fixes the issue, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. However, just as she finishes, a wet fart escapes, causing Alma's heart to sink.

Alma's eyes widen in realization. She can no longer deny the urgency of her bodily needs. The pressure in her abdomen becomes unbearable, and she knows she can't wait any longer to find relief.

Not wanting to clog this man’s toilet, Alma decides to use the backyard as her makeshift bathroom. After hiking up her dress, moving her panties, and unclenching her aging cheeks, Alma lets out several logs of poop.

Alma takes a deep breath, steeling herself against the intense discomfort. She knows that she must act fast before things get even worse. Without hesitation, she heads towards the nearest available source of relief – the villager's backyard.

With trembling hands, Alma unbuttons her dress and moves her underwear aside, preparing herself for the ordeal ahead. Her aged cheeks clench tightly, trying to contain the pressure building within them. Finally, with a deep breath, she releases a torrent of soft, yet satisfying poops.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Alma feels a sense of peace and relief flood through her body.

Alma continues to poop, her legs trembling at the amount that she is releasing.

Alma's bowels seem determined to empty themselves completely, and despite her protests, they refuse to stop. Every time she thinks she might be finished, another wave of waste forces its way out of her body with surprising force.

Alma pushes as hard as she can to get the remaining poop out, worried that the man can come back any minute and find her using his backyard as a bathroom. (With dialogue).

"I know this isn't ideal," Alma says nervously, "But I need to finish up here."

She grunts loudly as she strains to expel every last drop from her system.

With Alma finally done pooping, she decides to wipe herself with some nearby leaves. While she’s wiping, she’s astonished at the pile of poop that she created (with dialogue).

"Wow...that was quite a load," Alma says, amazed at how much came out of her.

Alma then rushed out of the man’s house, heading back to Casita. While walking, Alma began letting out some nasty smelling farts. Alma didn’t seem to notice aside from the quiet sighs of relief she’d emit every time a fart came out of her. The villagers, on the other hand, noticed the smell, and began to complain about it. (With dialogue).

As Alma continues her journey back to Casita, the pungent odor of her flatulence fills the air. The villagers, caught in the cloud of foul stench, begin to voice their discontent.

"What is that awful smell?" one villager exclaims, pinching their nose shut.

"It's coming from Alma!" another villager exclaims, wrinkling their face in disgust.

The complaints grow louder as the villagers realize that the source of the noxious fumes is none other than their respected leader, Alma Madrigal.

Alma tries to ignore the villagers and continue on her way, but she makes the air smell worse with her continuous post-poop farts. One blast is powerful enough to send her dress fluttering, exposing her panty-covered butt. (With dialogue).

Alma, embarrassed by the situation, tries to dismiss the comments and carry on. "Please, just a little longer, and I'll be out of your way," she pleads, hoping they will understand.

But as she takes a step forward, a particularly potent blast of gas escapes her, causing her dress to flutter and revealing her panty-covered butt. The villagers gasp in surprise and cover their mouths in shock.

"Oh my!" one villager exclaims, eyes wide with disbelief. "Did you see that?"

Alma, mortified, quickly pulls her dress back down, her face turning a deep shade of red. "I-I'm so sorry!" she stammers, her voice filled with embarrassment. "It's just... I can't control it!"

Alma continues walking away, attempting to hold her farts back to no avail (with dialogue).

Alma, determined to put this embarrassing episode behind her, gathers her composure and resumes walking. She clenches her buttocks tightly, desperately trying to hold back any more flatulence.

"I must control myself," Alma mutters under her breath, her voice strained. "I can't let this continue."

But despite her efforts, her body rebels against her will. A series of small, squeaky farts escape her, causing her to wince with each release.

"Oh, not again," Alma groans, her voice filled with frustration. "Why won't this stop?"

The villagers, though sympathetic, can't help but chuckle at the unfortunate predicament Alma finds herself in. They exchange amused glances and try to stifle their laughter as they watch her struggle to keep her bodily functions under control.

Alma finally arrives back at Casita, though she is still farting when she gets in the home. She attempts to go into her room to release her gas in private, but she is stopped by one of her granddaughters. (With dialogue).

Alma, relieved to finally reach the sanctuary of her home, hurries towards her room hoping to find solace and privacy to release her gas in peace. However, just as she is about to enter her room, she is intercepted by one of her granddaughters, Mirabel.

"Abuelita!" Mirabel calls out, her voice filled with excitement. "I've been looking for you everywhere! Can I show you this drawing I made?"

Alma's face flushes with a mixture of relief and frustration. "Oh, Mirabel, not now, please," she pleads, her voice strained. "I really need some... private time."

Mirabel, oblivious to Alma's discomfort, clings onto her arm, her eyes shining with anticipation. "But Abuelita, I worked so hard on this drawing! It's for you!"

Alma, torn between her granddaughter's enthusiasm and her urgent need to find relief, takes a deep breath and forces a smile. "Alright, Mirabel," she says, her voice strained. "Just give me a moment, and then we can look at your drawing together, okay?"

Alma rushes to her room as quickly as she could, and begins farting up a storm. However, while she’s farting, Alma feels the need to poop again (with dialogue).

Alma finally manages to escape into her room, closing the door behind her. She lets out a long sigh of relief, believing she can finally release her gas in peace. But as she begins to let out a series of loud, echoing farts, a sudden urgency hits her once again.

"Oh no, not again," Alma mutters to herself, her voice filled with exasperation. "Why won't this ever end?"

Just as she is about to sit down on the edge of her bed to relieve herself, a wave of panic washes over her. She realizes that she needs to use the toilet urgently, but she's already in her room, far away from the nearest bathroom.

Alma's face contorts with distress as she weighs her options. Should she risk ruining her dress and making a mess in her room, or should she attempt to make it to the bathroom in time, risking another embarrassing encounter along the way?

Alma then notices a vase on her nightstand and decides to use that as her makeshift toilet, hiking up her dress and moving her panties before relieving herself in the vase. (With dialogue).

Alma's eyes fall upon the vase sitting innocently on her nightstand, and a daring thought crosses her mind. She takes a deep breath, her voice filled with determination.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this," Alma mutters to herself, her voice laced with a mix of desperation and resignation. "But it's either this or a mess in my room."

With a swift movement, Alma hikes up her dress, revealing her worn-out panties. She gingerly moves them aside and positions herself over the vase, her face contorted with a mixture of embarrassment and relief.

As she begins to relieve herself, Alma can't help but let out a sigh of relief. The sound of her urine hitting the vase echoes through the room, and she feels a sense of both liberation and shame.

"I never thought I'd resort to this," Alma whispers, her voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and amusement. "But desperate times call for desperate measures."

However, as Alma begins pooping, her 15 year old granddaughter, Mirabel Madrigal from the movie Encanto, comes
In to check on her Grandmother (with dialogue).

As Alma is in the midst of her unconventional act, the door to her room creaks open, and to her horror, her 15-year-old granddaughter, Mirabel, steps inside. Alma freezes, her face turning crimson with embarrassment.

"Abuelita, I heard a strange noise, and I wanted to make sure you're okay," Mirabel says, her voice filled with concern.

Alma's heart sinks, and she quickly tries to cover up her actions, her voice faltering. "Oh, Mirabel, it's nothing, just... just an upset stomach. I'll be fine."

But Mirabel's eyes widen as she takes in the sight before her. The vase, Alma's hastily adjusted dress, and the unmistakable evidence of her grandmother's bodily functions.

"Abuelita, what... what are you doing?" Mirabel asks, her voice a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Alma, unable to meet her granddaughter's gaze, stammers, "I... I... I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time, and... and I didn't want to make a mess in my room."

Mirabel's expression softens, and she walks over to Alma, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Abuelita. We all have our moments. Let's clean this up together, and I won't tell anyone, I promise."

Relief washes over Alma, grateful for Mirabel's understanding and support. With a nod, she smiles weakly, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, mi niña. I don't know what I'd do without you."

While cleaning up, Alma releases some
More post-poop farts, much to her embarrassment, as these farts were powerful enough to make her buttcheeks clap. (With dialogue ).

As Alma and Mirabel start to clean up the aftermath of the unexpected situation, Alma's body betrays her once again. A series of post-poop farts escape from her, their force causing her buttcheeks to clap together audibly. Alma's face turns a shade of crimson that matches the embarrassment she feels.

Mirabel can't help but burst into laughter, her hand covering her mouth in an attempt to stifle the giggles. "Abuelita, I can't believe the sound your farts made! That was impressive!"

Alma, mortified, tries to regain her composure. "Oh, Mirabel, please, let's not dwell on that. It's embarrassing enough as it is."

But Mirabel continues to giggle, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Abuelita, you never cease to amaze me. I promise I won't tell anyone about this, but I can't promise I won't chuckle about it in private."

Alma sighs, a mixture of relief and resignation filling her voice. "Fair enough, my dear. Just remember, we all have our moments of... bodily surprises."

Together, they finish cleaning up, a newfound bond of understanding and laughter forming between them. Alma realizes that even in her most embarrassing moments, her granddaughter's love and acceptance remain unwavering.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Alma’s Journey to Relief (Outdoors Version)
Protagonist: Alma Madrigal is a 75-year-old elderly woman with grey hair with streaks of black in it. She has brown eyes and very few wrinkles. She wears a long maroon/magenta dress with butterflies (symbolizing the moment the Encanto was created) and streaks embroidered on it and mountain designs at the bottom of he dress, orange teardrop-shaped circles on her collar. Becoming the leader of the Encanto since she was very young, Alma has leadership skills as she leads an entire village by herself and directs most of the activities that occur in the Encanto such as the construction of various houses or different events. Being the person with the most authority in the Encanto, her family and the entire town of Encanto, turn to her in moments of uncertainty and communal anxiety.
Location: The Encanto from the movie Encanto.
Story So Far: Alma Madrigal is walking back home after indulging in a feast. However, while walking, she feels the familiar rumbling of her stomach telling her that she needs to poop.
Conflict: Alma Madrigal of the movie Encanto, after indulging in a feast at a restaurant in town, decides to head back home to Casita. However, on her way home, Alma realizes that she needs to poop, and poop badly. Alma tries to hold it until she gets home, but she’s interrupted multiple times by villagers who have issues. After the third interruption, Alma decides to forgo holding it until she gets back home. When Alma realizes that the villager had left his home, Alma decides to poop in his backyard. Alma hikes up her dress, moves her panties, and squats to the best of the abilities, pooping a lot. Alma is able to escape before the villager gets back and decides to head home, letting out squeaky and smelly farts along the way, much to the chagrin of the villagers.
Outline: First, Alma Madrigal of the movie Encanto, after indulging in a feast at a restaurant in town, decides to head back home to Casita. However, on her way home, Alma realizes that she needs to poop, and poop badly.

Second, Alma decides to try and hold it until she gets back to Casita. However, a couple of villagers interrupt her journey to ask her for help with something.

Third, when she tries to continue her journey home, Alma is interrupted by a young man also asking some questions. Alma is desperately trying to hold back farts as she’s also holding back her poop.

Fourth, Alma is asked to come to the house of a villager before she could continue her journey. Alma reluctantly agrees, and heads off to the villagers house. While the villager is explaining the issue, Alma is beginning to fart, which she tries to cover for by talking.

Fifth, the man says he has to leave somewhere, and leaves Alma alone to fix the issue. Alma does, but as she goes to leave, a wet fart makes her realize that she can’t hold it until she gets back to Casita.

Sixth, Alma decides to poop in his backyard. Alma hikes up her dress, moves her panties, and squats to the best of the abilities, pooping a lot.

Finally, Alma is able to escape before the villager gets back and decides to head home, letting out squeaky and smelly farts along the way, much to the chagrin of the villagers.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Charles Dickens: Social Critique, Vividly Descriptive, and Character-driven