violence, violence/graphic, sexual Erotica

2023-10-10 16:41:51


Dave walked downstairs toward the living room, smiling.... but his smile disappeared when he saw his brother sprawled on the couch, watching sports while he gulped down beer.
Dave snorted. The two half-brothers, now that their mother had remarried and had moved with her new third husband, lived in that cottage in the suborbs of Hagen by themselves, but Sean had always acted like he was the landlord and had always bullied his brother.
"Sean" Dave said, trying to stay calm "Please, go to watch tv in your bedroom."
"And why the fuck should I do that?" his bully brother asked gruffly.
Dave answered, irritated: "I've told you that yesterday, my friend Michael is coming here, we're going to watch a movie together!" he showed the DVD he carried in his hand.
Sean grumbled: "I don't care about what you and your sissy schoolmates have planned."
"First, Mike isn't a college mate of mine." Dave explained. "We met just last week in the gym... and second..." Dave grinned "He's all but a sissy, I assure you."
Sean got up and snorted: "I don't fucking care about who he is, he and you aren’t going to get in my way!”
Dave lost control: “You’re a selfish asshole, who gives you the right to act as the Master here? OWWW!”
Sean had slapped Dave hard, exclaiming: “Now I’ll show you where my rights come from!”
Dave staggered, dazed, from the force of the blow, but his brother hadn’t finished, and punched the younger teen on the chest, causing him to fall backward toward the door of the living room with a cry of pain.

It was 9 AM as Michael Hawke rode up the driveway to the big cottage where Dave lived – it was a nice sunny day and he was on his new Raleigh racer bike. He parked it on the side of the street and walked through the big garden surrounding the house, carrying his sport bag, since he was coming directly from his early morning training at the gym; he had always been a morning person.
Michael was in a good mood… not believing his luck. Just a couple weeks earlier, in the gym, he had met the most beautiful boy he could’ve dreamed of!
Now, while approaching the home of the Boy Of His Dreams, Michael was also a little nervous; he wondered if he and Dave could possibly…
Approaching the door, he was about to ring the doorbell when he heard a scream from inside. It was Dave’s voice!
Michael gasped in shock, then, almost without thinking, he lifted a foot and slammed it against the door.
“Take this, you idiot” Sean kicked his brother’s ass once more; Dave had crawled out of the living room and into the foyer, trying to escape, but the bully had followed him. Now Sean was saying to the smaller boy lying on the floor: “This should teach you to respect who’s stronger than – UH?”
The front door had suddenly burst open, and a huge figure flew inside, landing gracefully and tossing a bag onto a corner.
While Sean gasped in surprise, the big form shouted: “DAVE!” and ran to the small teen, scooping him up.
Sean was astonished. He was used to always be the “big guy” around…. But the young man who was now cradling Dave had at least one foot above the bully, being about 7 and half feet tall.
And he was muscular , too, although slender; the muscles in his chest and arms were clearly visible. The giant wore a short-sleeved pale green pull-over shirt (what were those letters written on the shirt, anyway? Sean could read the work KWON or something like that…), black wide sweatpants and black and blue deck shoes, and definitely looked like an athlete; besides, he was definitely handsome, with a face that would’ve made a Hollywood actor jealous, sparkling green eyes and long flaming red hair, tied in a ponytail.
“Dave, hey, little guy, are you fine?” the giant was saying with a worried voice. “What’s happening? Who is this brute? Is it your…”
“Yes, Michael, meet my brother Sean.” Dave groaned. “We were having a little… argument, but…” he smirked “Now that you’re here, everything’s fine.”

Michael looked at Sean with a disdainful frown. “Mmmmph, so this is the bully brother you told me about…”
“Hey, how you dare!” Sean cried angrily.
But Michael wasn’t impressed and replied: “Dave told me what a slime ball you are, but now I see you are even worst than how he described you….” He grinned maliciously, adding: “On the other hand, you don’t seem as might and threatening as Dave said… bah, I guess it’s a matter of point of view… I guess it’s fun for you, beating down people who can’t fight back, uh?”
The bully growled in rage and ran to Michael to grab him. He didn’t care if the redhead was taller, Sean was a lot stockier, and had defeated many men who were bigger than him in street fights, so he thougth--
Much to his surprise, Sean found himself falling face forward onto the carpet… he vaguely realized Michael had dodged and tripped him as if it was nothing, and while getting back to his feet, he saw his opponent walking into the living room, still carrying Dave.
Dave was saying: “Er, Michael, perhaps we should just go elsewhere to spend the day and---“
“No way, little one!” Michael interrupted. “I know how to deal with such people, so…” He gently placed his friend on the couch and caressed his hair. “… you just rest here and recover from those blows, while I take care of everything, ok?”
Dave didn’t have time to answer, because Sean was walking into the living room, shouting: “You bastard! Tossing me like that! You’re going to regret going here, and my sissy brother is going to regret even being born! I’ll teach both of you to not mess with a guy like me… by kicking both your dirty asses!”
Michael faced Sean with a devilish smile.
“Kick our asses, uh?” he chuckled. “That’s interesting… because, you see…” he tapped one foot on the carpet. “Kicks are my specialty, buddy!”
Raising his fists, Sean threatened: “You’ll stop laughing very soon….”
But much to the blond thug’s annoyance, Michael was unimpressed… and did something Sean didn’t understand: the redhead kicked off his shoes, and planted his socked feet firmly on the carpeted floor… those white socks were unlike any socks Sean had ever seen, because they had a split toe.

Inside the living room, Sean felt his heart racing fast in anger. This guy was making fun of him, challenging him like some kind of a joke. He wanted to prove that he was still the alpha male around here, but the stranger seemed completely unfazed by his threats.

Then, the big man smiled again - a wolfish grin that sent cold shivers down Sean's spine. He raised his hands over his head, flexing his fingers like claws.

"So," he drawled, "you want to play games, huh?"

Sean hesitated for only a moment before charging towards Michael, ready to throw his weight around. To his surprise, however, instead of blocking his attack, Michael simply stepped aside and let him fly past. As soon as Sean passed him, Michael lashed out with one leg, catching his opponent square in the jaw. "HYYAAA!" The impact sent Sean reeling backwards, crashing into a table filled with fragile knickknacks. They shattered loudly as Sean fell to the ground, dazed.

Michael strode confidently across the room, looking every bit the victorious warrior. Sean tried to stand up again, but Michael was there waiting for him, blocking his path with a powerful arm extended between them.

"Don't think twice, bro," Michael taunted. "Save yourself the trouble. You're no match for me."

Without warning, Michael launched a lightning-fast kick straight at Sean's chest, connecting solidly with the meat of his pec. "EIT-EYYYY!" Sean doubled over in agony, gasping for breath.

"Not so cocky now, are ya?" Michael laughed, twirling his finger around his ear mockingly.

Sean struggled to breathe, tears streaming down his cheeks. But he was too stubborn to back down so easily, thus lunged forward, swinging his fist toward his opponent's face… but Michael bent in his knees, and his left arm shot out, performing an outward going crescent block to deflect the wild punch outwards; and the instant he managed to do so, he pivoted on his right foot and sent his left foot into an outwards going crescent kick, aiming the foot to pass through Sean’s open guard and head right for the bully’s face: the blade of that huge foot aimed to slap the other’s face good… not that hard, but it was a solid blow.
"OOF!" Sean's head snapped back with the force of the foot slap. The big guy was shocked at being caught by surprise, and angered as well.. but he didn’t get enough time to take revenge, because Michael hadn’t even land his kicking foot after the kick but only had brought it in front of himself, chambered at the knee, as he smiled at Sean – evilly!
"Nice move for a fag, don’t ya think ?” he taunted, snapping his leg out again - placing a swift snap kick on Sean's completely unprotected gut.
Sean screamed when the foot hit its target with the strength of a sledgehammer, and bent down, clutching his aching gut.
That was a big mistake: Michael’s foot was driven down for a fraction of a second, before snapping up, so that its top hit Sean’s chin

The power of the blow pushed the hunk back up and caused him to stagger back, dazed, pained, with his vision blurring, clutching now his jaw.
No sooner had Michael lowered the kicking foot to the floor, that he spun on it lifting the other leg, giving his back to a stunned Sean and, glancing past his shoulder, he launched the lifted foot backward, slamming the heel on his foe’s belly.
Sean thought he had been hit by a stone, because of the excruciating pain exploding inside him, and again bent down, coughing, out of breath.
Whirling around, Michael looked down at the bully, chambering his strong leg once more, chuckling: “Not so cocky any more, uh, Big Boy?”
Even as he spoke, Michael lifted on the toes of his standing foot and rocketed his left leg up skyhigh - only to let his heel drop on Sean's broad back as a dive bomb!
"UUUHHHHH!" More pain exploded in Sean's back,

Michael continued his assault with relentless ferocity. With Sean stumbling around in agonizing pain, Michael seized the opportunity to deliver a series of devastating strikes and kicks, including several roundhouse kicks to the sides of Sean’s ribcage, which drove him further into the ground.

As Sean lay curled up in a ball, struggling to breathe, Michael towered over him, grinning triumphantly.

"Looks like you learned your lesson, punk," he sneered.

After both Michael and Dave had stopped laughing, the redhead winked and said: “So, little guy… can we get to watch that movie?”

So, a couple minutes later, the two friends were sitting comfortably on the sofa, watching the movie... while Michael had his muscled arm draped on Dave's shoulder.
Dave was enjoying that and snuggled against his buddy's solid torso... so Michael thought *Wow, he could be attracted by me! Perhaps I have soome hopes... but I must be careful, after all I could mistake friendship for something else...*
But just while Michael was having those problematic thoughts, his small friend suddenly reached over and pulled his pal’s foot into his lap.... gently and even so carefully he started massaging the sole and toes through the sock, not disgusted at all by the foul smell.
Michael looked in disbelief at his friend, but Dave’s warm smile calmed him, and soon the soothing massage relaxed him – he flipped his other leg up, and got the same treatment on his other foot.
Michael leaned back - tucking himself in nicely in the comfy sofa - his legs draped over Dave’s.
"Oh Michael” Dave said, full of admiration for his amazing friend “you were wonderful - just wonderful - thank you SO much !”
And as if this was not enough, he leaned in over Michael’s foot, sniffing it… the martial artist gasped silently, and his tongue ran slowly over his lower lip as his eyes widened - concentrating on Dave's eyes....
Dave caressed Michael's sole lovingly, then told his friend: "This is my way to thank you for what you have done for me!"
Then Dave’s small but flexible fingers tickled his pal’s sole... Michael’s feet twitched and jerked and the red haired young giant began to giggle... his sensitive feet were a bit of a weakness...."Hi, hi, hi... stop that... stop!”
Dave did stop, suddenly a bit afraid… he suddenly doubted his friend didn’t liked the treatment, and mentally cursed himself for not having asked for permission before. He cringed, thinking of what his fate could be if Michael got angry with him… if those feet had almost beaten his stocky brother to a mess, they could break little Dave in two with a single kick!
Michael, noticing his buddy’s nervous face, was a little worried that he might have scared him, as he actually was enjoying those attention to his own feet - as much as he was surprised by Dave’s seemingly affection for them!
Michael smiled sweetly, so that Dave calmed down and commented: "Your feet are sooo powerful..."
"Yes - they actually are” Michael answered proudly “I consider them as my prime weapons - weapons to be feared - weapons to harm and control with… if needed" then his voice grew sweet while he continued "but also to protect the ones I love and take care of them..."
Dave smiled back warmly.
"So don't be scared, little guy" the big guy said "These feet are your friends... do what you want with them."

Dave smiled more, ticking those lethal weapons for a while, while they both continued to watch the movie and Sean was starting to regain consciousness on the floor.
When the movie finished, Dave would have prolonged the foot massage for a while, it was so pleasing…. for both of them! But the skinny youth felt his stomach grumbling, and remembered he hadn't had lunch.
"Well, what about a nice meal?" he suggested, and Michael nodded "Capital idea, I'm a little hungry too."
But suddenly Dave remembered another thing. "Oh no!" he exclaimed. "I forgot, the refrigerator is empty! We must go to the supermarket"
But Micheal smirked, noticing Sean was now sitting on the floor, looking around groggily.
"Not necessarily..." the redhead chuckled, and told Sean "Hey Macho Man, we need food! Take some money and go to the supermarket."
Sean was astonished and outraged at being addressed that way, and barked "Hey, you asshole, what the fuck are you thinking? Just because you managed to land a few kicks on me, do you think you can order me around like a maid?"
Michael grinned. "You're right..." he said "I can't expect you to become obedient after only a few kicks... you need a longer treatment to realize what's your new position."
Sean gulped in fear.
Slowly Michael turned his head to Dave: "Hey, pal… will you go and get my training bag in the hall, please?"
Dave immediately responded and rushed of for the bag - when he returned with it, Michael dug into it ..... and pulled out a red martial arts kimono, white pants, a black belt and a pair of red cotton socks.
Both Dave and Sean watched wide-eyed the redhead undressing himself with a few fast moves, and with equal speed putting the fighting outfit on.
Then Michael lifted a red-socked foot up, rotating the ankle... "You see this Sean?” he asked with a cold stare. “This is for you - and you alone!"
Michael slowly advanced…
Sean was now so terrified, that he didn’t even manage to move to run away.
"Wait, pal.... I think it's not fair..." Dave suddenly said.
The other two turned to him with a confused look, both extremely surprised hearing the small guy defending his obnoxious brother.
With a mischievous grin, Dave told Michael: "We should give Sean the possibility to fight for his freedom, like a REAL MAN" Dave chuckled, then continued: "My big bro has his own gym in our home... you and him could fight there with three... not, it's better with FOUR rounds, and who puts his opponent to the floor, so that he can’t get up, wins a round. If Sean win even ONE single round, he won't pay! What do you two think?"
Sean hesitated, yet then nodded, saying: "Fine for me... this Bruce Lee caught me by surprise earlier, but now I'm prepared."
Dave chuckled again.
Michael looked from Dave to Sean... and nodded, *If this big bully thinks he can take me on he is more than welcome... I'll make him taste some red cotton soon!* He grinned evilly, at this pleasant idea.

Michael let Dave show him the way - down to the basement – with Sean on their heels - and entered the training room the hunk had build down there – it was a large square room with some weights and large mirrors on the wall… the floor was covered with a mat – the young fighter liked the feel of it!
Michael began his quick warm up routine - firing high kicks around - then finished by standing on one spot - his left leg raised and held out straight, as he crabbed around on his standing foot, giving the impression that he hardly moved but seemed to be rotated around by the mat itself...... he finished with his sole pointing towards Sean:
"Come, punk, come!" he challenged "Come to my world of pain!"
Sean was starting to regret having accepted his bro's proposal. Dave just wanted to make his sufferance last longer! In fact, Dave was watching the scene with an evil smile, he couldn't wait to see his bully brother punished for years of torture!
Yet Dave's smile made Sean get angry again, and he roared, jumping to his opponent with both fists raised, faking a punch but trying to kick Michael's legs.
But Michael, focusing Sean’s eyes, had noticed how them widened and felt how his opponent’s rage rose – his own instincts warned him of what was to come, and he chambered his lifted leg; leaning a bit backwards he gained momentum - and stomp kicked his foot downwards as a stop kick aimed at the attacking leg - stopping it dead on the knee! - and instantly countered, as he swung the same leg into an outwards going twist kick - trying to make the top of his foot snap onto the back of Sean’s head, as he lunged at him with his guard up.
Sean cried out two times, at the excruciating pain in his leg and at the even worse pain exploding in his head. But he resisted, and countered with a punch.
Stepping back after his twist kick hit its mark, Michael, seeing Sean’s right arm move back aiming to shoot straight for the shoulder, braced himself for that move: the redhead’s left arm snapped out deflecting the arm at the wrist and simultaneously grapping it tightly, and, still using only his left leg, he hook kicked quickly, snapping his foot at the side of Sean’s head.
Sean's head was violently slapped by the red socked foot; the bully screamed.
Holding Sean’s wrist tightly still, Michael caught on to a movement in his opponent’s rear leg - suggesting that the bully was about to try to kick - Michael slid out to the side - bringing the held wrist with him, and made the crude cumbersome kick fan only empty air… he twisted with the move - turning and moving to the side of the unbalanced Sean, and pulled at his arm with a sudden violent twist - aiming to send him in a loop around himself - using his attacking force against him - aikido style!
Sean crashed down on the mat and cried again for the pain of having his arm twisted. Desperately, the thug kicked up one leg toward Michael.
Michael sidestepped the wild kick easily... snapping the wrist of the bully backwards in a control grip - and then stomped his sole down briefly on his foe’s face... SWAP!!! - grinding the sole around on that ugly sweaty face... before he let go Sean’s arm.
"End of round one… One point for me!" the fighter announced proudly, and smiled when Dave clapped his hands.

"You're really great dude!" Dave laughed. "Round two now!"

Sean moaned, barely conscious, his nostrils filled with smell.

As his enemy rose, Michael started to bounce and dance around, swinging his leg in graceful yet powerful moves.

“Floating like a butterfly… and ready to sting like a bee!” he boasted. “But not with my fists as the legendary Ali… but with my feet!”

Grinning, he gaive Sean a bring it on wave!

“Asshole….” Again angered, Sean roared and leaped, this time meaning to grab Michael's torso with his muscled arms in a bearhug!

Michael, seeing Sean coming at him (*He, he, he, easy prey!*), hooked both his arms out to stop the bearhug from getting in, so Sean couldn't lock hands behind his opponent’s back, then the redhead slid his pelvis backwards, gaining space to counter before the bully’s strength could be used (having no doubt that those huge muscles were able to do severe damage in a front bearhug, he didn’t aim to play along with that!), and his counter came swift and quickly as he hammered his rear right leg up - in a mighty thai knee aimed for Sean’s gut !


"AAAAARRRGHHH!" Sean yelled…

…. but pain caused him to fight like a tiger! He grabbed his opponent, lifted him and bodyslammed him down! Surprised by the toughness of Sean’s, Michael suddenly found himself flipped over to the mat!

However, Michael managed to cushion his own fall by slamming one palm and one leg against the mat, then he instantly rolled to his back and bracing himself for another bully attack.

He didn’t have to wait more than a fraction of second, because Sean cried in triumph: "THIS ROUND'S MINE!" and lifted a foot to crush Michael like a bug.

Dave gasped in horror.

As Sean lifted his foot, Michael grasped around it before the bully could launch his stomp, and swivelled his own legs around his foe’s standing leg, then twisted forcefully to his own side, aiming to take the overconfident thug crashing down - front first....



Dave sighed in relief.
Michael noticed that Sean went limp for a brief sec, and continued his own roll, with Sean’s one leg locked in between Michael’s legs… the young fighter forced that leg to flex over his own one leg - Michael’s low leg in his foe’s kneebend, and his top pushing on the other’s shin - using his own legs alone to take Sean’s trapped leg into a tormenting scorpion hold - sitting up partly Michael leaned in over his opponent’s bent leg - and jerked hard - fully knowing that that could have snapped the thug’s anterior cruciate ligament if he pulled all the way through - but Michael decided to not do it… not that time!
"Another for me I think, mister bully...." Michael underlined his victory by bouncing his legs against Sean’s to make the pain shoot through his leg at each bounce!
Sean screamed one more time, while his brother laughed.
"Round three!" Dave said then.
"Nooo" Sean moaned.
Michael disengaged quickly, whipping himself to his feet, and moved to safe distance, laughing at the bully nursing his sore leg on the mat.
"Get up!” Michael incited his enemy with a taunting voice, “I’m hungry! ...but maybe you are hungry too - for my kicks???"
Sean knew he had no choice... he had to fight, so he threw himself again at Michael, aiming two punches to him.
Backpedaling as Sean lunged at him, Michael leaned back and made Sean’s first punch fall short; as it went on front of Michael, he snapped a roundhouse kick up at the exposed flank under the punching arm (“HEYA!”), and as Sean repeated - Michael did similar and roundhouse kicked at the bully’s floating ribs at the other side (“HAYAA!”), out to "kill" the body - knowing that this was going to make the head fall.... eventually!
Sean moaned… more excruciating PAIN!
As Sean trembled of pain before Michael, the TKD guy launched his attack and marched forward, attacking with tormenting roundhouse kicks at his opponent’s flanks, trying to slip his own feet under the other’s now very loose guard and get to his body again and again… he kicked one, two three times and finished with a swift roundhouse kick aimed under Sean’s left armpit.
“Hia, hia, hia, HIAAAAA!”
Sean screamed, squirming, his whole body in pain, he wanted to beg but hadn't enough breath...

Michael stepped away victoriously, feeling his adrenaline rushing through his veins, his heartbeat accelerating with excitement. Sean lay on the ground, groveling in agonizing pain, unable to defend or retaliate.
Dave ran to his brother's side, offering comfort and support. Michael watched them closely, wondering why Dave was helping someone who had been such a bully to him.
Then, without warning, Sean sprang to his feet and charged at Michael with incredible speed. The bulky maniac attacked with a barrage of punches and kicks, leaving Michael reeling.
Dave looked shocked, realizing that his brother was fighting dirty despite the pain.
Desperate, Michael responded in kind, throwing everything he had at Sean until finally landing a devastating blow to Sean's temple. Sean collapsed to the ground, motionless.
Dave stood frozen in fear, unsure whether to call for help or run away.
Finally, Michael spoke.
"That's enough," he said calmly, "I won."

Sean stayed down… terrified, helpless, wondering what else his captor was going to do to him!
Dave was esthatic at that sight. “Wow…” he said, looking at Michael in utter adoration. “I’m not sure if I’m awake or if I’m dreaming, dude… To think that you defeated this brutish brother of mine so easily….”
“Aaaah, no big deal!” the redhead smiled cockily at his new friend. There was nothing he appreciated more than admiration and adoration. “I’m used to beat down guys who are REALLY dangerous, unlike this miserable braggart!” He smothered Sean’s face with one of his sweaty socked feet, making the defeated bully groan in pain and disgust.
The smaller guy asked him: “Now, what are your plans for him?”
Michael shrugged nonchalantly. “I must think of it… Do you have anything to suggest?” He winked. “After all, you’ve been the main victim of his bullying, am I right? You have the right to decide how to punish him.”
Those words made Dave squeak in delight. That day was turning out better and better! A myriad of possibilities flashed through his mind…. Many of them included visions of his obnoxious brother being smashed into little pieces by Michael’s mighty feet! But then the young man reasoned that it would be homicide, and he and his friend could get in trouble! Besides, he didn’t hate his bro enough to want him dead for real, and he guessed the tall fighter didn’t plan to become a murderer, either. After gathering his thoughts for a while, Dave smirked miscchievously and asked: “Big guy… I saw that you like having your feet pampered, right?”
“Uh uh!” His friend nodded, realizing where that was going.
“I bet you love having them cleaned from sweat and dirt by a slave tongue…” Dave continued.
Sean, still on the floor but with his ears fully open, widened his eyes in horror and whined, but a stern glare from above, and a tap of Michael’s foot on the floor beside his face, prevented him from rising, and he stood still, shaking in renewed fear.
Then the Tae Kwon Do warrior grinned to Dave, saying: “And I bet you alredy have a good tongue in mind….”
Dave just giggled.
Michael nodded knowingly, then addressed Sean sharply: “Listen carefully, you worm!” The defeated guy raised his fearful gaze, unable to stop the tremors shaking his body. “Here’s a fitting task for a being that is doomed to crawl at the feet orf real men!” He placed his right foot before his slave’s face. “Remove my sock, and then lick clean this big, powerful foot that has just kicked your ass.”
Sean was filled with horror, and went even paler than earlier. His body and mind screamed to him to say NO… The whole concept nauseating him… But, under Michael’s fierce stare, he didn’t dare to speak.
He hesitantly seized the red sock with his fingers….
…. Only for his face to be slapped hard by that same foot!

Sean let out a cry of pain and surprise, clutching his cheek with one hand while struggling to keep ahold of the sock with the other.
"Don't touch with filthy hands, dog!" Michael growled. "Use your mouth instead--and don't forget to deep throat every last drop of sweat off my foot."
Sean swallowed hard and began awkwardly working the sock down towards his lips. Despite the humiliation, there was something oddly satisfying about pleasing his captor in this way. As he worked his tongue along the rough fabric, he felt a sense of powerlessness and vulnerability that he had never experienced before.
Dave couldn't believe his luck. This was exactly what he had hoped for when he had suggested the idea of Sean becoming Michael's slave. It seemed like the perfect revenge for all the hurt and humiliation Sean had caused him and others.
Meanwhile, Michael enjoyed watching Sean struggle to please him. He liked seeing the bully brought low after having terrorized those around him for so long.
As Sean struggled to finish removing the sock, Michael put his foot behind his neck and pressed down firmly. Sean gasped for air as he choked and tried desperately to pull the sock off. With tears streaming down his face, he managed to get it off and stick it in his mouth.
"Good boy," Michael said approvingly. "Now, suck on it like the worthless piece of garbage that you are."
Sean obeyed, feeling ashamed and embarrassed but also strangely aroused by the situation. He didn't understand why he found himself enjoying this degrading experience, but he knew that he wouldn'd ever admit it to anyone.
As Sean sucked on Michael's foot, Dave watched in amazement. He couldn't believe how far things had gone since their arrival at Michael's home only hours ago. From being a timid and bullied bookworm to a proud master of a dominant athlete, Dave felt invincible.

Dave knew that he had found a new friend. A friend that was every bit as awesome and powerful as his brother was weak and pathetic. Michael, the martial arts prodigy, the warrior. The foot god that had reigned supreme that day.
Now that Sean had understood and submitted to his place, it was time for further instructions. “Let’s start the new part of your daily training, slave.” Michael said with a smug smile. He gently but firmly removed his foot from Sean’s face, who was then dragged up from the floor by his hair and forced to kneel again before his merciless foot god. “Let me help you understand the rules.” Michael began, his gaze full of power and domination. “From now on, you will address me as Master. Whenever I am home, you will immediately present yourself to me, no matter where you are. You will kneel at my feet and clean them with your tongue, unless I tell you to do otherwise. Under no circumstances are you to touch my socks, shoes, feet, or even look at them without my express permission.” He paused to let his words sink into Sean’s fearful mind, while Dave chuckled with delight at his brother’s terrified expression. Michael continued, “You will serve me, and by extension, Dave here. You will do whatever we ask of you. This includes house chores, cooking, cleaning... the whole lot. Failure to comply will result in punishment.” He straightened his back, looking down at his captive with cold, ruthless eyes. "And make no mistake, the punishment will be severe. It will not just be my killer feet versus your face... I can think of several other creative and painful methods to discipline you. Is that clear?” “Y- yes, Master.” Sean’s whispered reply was barely audible, but Michael seemed satisfied. “Good, foot slave.” the martial artist said coldly. “You are mine now. Get used to the idea.” And with that, he stood up, towering over the kneeling figure of his terrified slave, and delivered a final, solid kick to his chest. Sean collapsed backward, curling up and moaning in pain. “Now,I am a bit hungry after this exercise.” Michael said, turning his back to the pathetic figure on the floor. “Crawl to the kitchen and bring us some snacks. Hurry up, foot slave.” “Yes, Master.” Came the weak reply. Dave smiled at his new friend with undiluted admiration. This, indeed, was the happiest day of his life. And he was sure that future would be just as joyous. After all, he had the best friend and protector anyone could ever wish for, and a foot slave to serve his every whim. He was living a dream, and he couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring. As for Sean, he could only wallow in pain and helplessness, his dreams and pride shattered… his new life as a foot slave had just begun.

Michael walked away, leaving Dave and Sean alone in the room. Dave couldn't believe his luck. He lived in constant fear of Sean's wrath, but now that Michael was around, he felt safe. In fact, he felt invincible.

When Sean returned with a plate of sandwiches, Michael gave him a withering glance. "Didn't I tell you to hurry?" he demanded.

Sean hung his head in shame, knowing that he'd disappointed his new master once again.

"I'm sorry, Master." he uttered.

"Excuses aren't enough." Michael stood up with a stern face.

Dave snickered, seeing his once-arrogant brother shake in terror.

"Please, forgive me." Sean begged.

Michael just snorted, and stood balanced on one leg, raising the other foot, now again covered by a red sock. "Tell me, slave.... Have you ever been spanked by a foot?"

"WHAT?" Sean was shocked.

"Yeah." Michael smirking. "Now, bend down and lower your pants and boxers."

Sean stared at Michael incredulously. But he had no choice but to follow orders if he wanted to avoid worse beatings.

He bent down and lowered his pants and boxers.

Dave laughed, seeing his brother's bare buttocks

Then Michael raised the foot further. "SET-HYA!" he shouted, landing the first blow with the flat of his foot onto Sean's defenseless ass.

"OOOWWW!" Sean yelled, jumping up.
"Don't move." Michael's voice was very imposing. "Or else it will get worse."
Trembling, Sean bent down again.
Dave had to sit on the couch, because he was laughing hysterically at the scene.
Michael grinned, lifting the punishing foot. "KEE-HYA!"

This time, the kick landed right where it hurt most - between Sean's legs. The big man let out a scream that echoed through the entire house.
But instead of stopping, Michael kept going, delivering kicks and slaps to every part of Sean's body within reach.
Dave cheered him on, clapping wildly.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, Michael stepped back, breathing heavily.
Sean lay curled up on the floor, crying hard.
"You think this is over?" Michael asked, his voice low and dangerous. "Think again."

"What do you want to do to him?" Dave asked.
"Mmmh..." Michael rubbed his head, thinking. "I could break his bones, one after another, until he is reduced to a bloody pulp."
Sean became pale. "No! No! Please!" He threw himself at Michael's feet.
The redhead fighter smirked. "Or maybe I could castrate him with a couple well-placed kicks."
Sean gasped in horror, and instinctively covered his crotch with his hands.
"Well, I could simply kick all his teeth in." Michael chuckled, towering above his slave.
Sean started to sob. "Please, have mercy!"

"Oh, don't worry," Michael said, still chuckling. "I won't kill you... not yet." He raised one of his red socked feet and rubbed it up and down onto Sean's face. "But you better be good from now on. Or else..." His smile grew wider.
"No, no.... I'll be good. "I swear."
"Very well." Michael nodded. "Now you're allowed to retire into your doghouse... Hehe, I mean, your bedroom."
Sean whimpered and scurried away.

Dave went to hug Michael's wide torso. "Pal, you're the most awesome guy I've ever met."
"I know." Michael grinned, and his huge hand rubbed Dave's soft hair. "But you're the most adorable I ever met."
"Thanks." the smaller guy blushed.
"You welcome." Michael smiled, but then his gaze became intense. "Tell me... How much do you like me?"

Dave was taken aback. "Um, I really love you. Why? What did I say wrong?"
Michael shook his head. "Nothing. It's just... I need to hear you say it."
Dave hesitated. But finally, he took a deep breath and looked straight into Michael's eyes. "I love you more than anything in the world, Mike. More than my own safety or happiness, more than anyone or anything else."

Michael was elated.
A moment later, Dave gasped, finding himself picked up and cradled onto his friend's muscled arms. Then, Michael placed his lips onto Dave's, and the two shared a passionate kiss.

As their tongues danced together, Michael felt his heart swelling with joy. This was everything he had wanted - someone who truly loved him back, someone who would never judge him for who he was.

After a long minute, they broke the kiss.
With sparkling eyes, Dave said: "Do you want to see how my bedroom looks like?"
In a deep voice, the giant redhead said: "I can't wait."
And one minute later, Michael walked into Dave's room, carrying his smaller friend and lover, and gently placed him onto the bed. Dave tried to sit up, but Michael pushed him back down, and started to strip him.

Dave blushed furiously as Michael undressed him, feeling both embarrassed and excited. When Michael finished taking off his clothes, he climbed on top of Dave, hovering over him like some kind of powerful god.
"Mike," Dave whispered, reaching out to touch his friend's chest. "Are you sure about this?"

"Sure I am." Michael said, starting to undress himself. "But are you?"
"Y-yes." Dave gulped. "It's just... Errr...." He hesitated, becoming even redder than earlier.
Michael smiled tenderly. "Is this your first time?"
Dave nodded, embarassed.
"That's awesome." Michael said, then he gingerly seized Dave, and rolled him, placing him face down on the mattress.
Dave trembled in anticipation.

Michael couldn't help but smile; it was clear that Dave was nervous, but also incredibly turned on. With gentle hands, he began exploring every inch of Dave's body, running his fingers along his spine, tracing the curve of his ass. As he worked his way lower, he teased Dave's entrance, circling around it with his digits before finally pushing inside.
Dave moaned quietly, his breath hitching in his throat.

Michael moved his finger inside, gradually widening the tight hole, at the same time causing Dave to moan in pleasure.
"Aaaah.... Mike.... This ... is... wonderful...."
"Hehe, this is just an appetizer, little one." Michael snickered. "But the main course is going to arrive very soon."
Meanwhile, Dave's arousal had caused his cock to get fully erect, until it erupted on the mattress, while Dave groaned.

As Michael continued stroking Dave's prostate, he slowly inserted another finger, stretching him wider still. It wasn't long before Dave started begging for more, pleading with Michael to take him hard.
Without further ado, Michael positioned himself between Dave's legs and pressed against Dave's backside. His massive member slid smoothly up Dave's crack, filling him completely.
Both men let out a loud cry as Michael began thrusting powerfully within Dave, their bodies rocking together in perfect rhythm.
Despite the pain, Dave felt exhilarated - he knew there was no turning back now.

"Aaaah... Mike.... Yeeessss...." the small guy moaned, his face now being purple rather than red. "Please... take me fully...."
"Yes... Dave...." Michael growled like a predator. "I'll take you... you're mine..."
Suddenly, Dave gasped, feeling Michael's teeth grasping the nape of his neck. The younger guy was tightly gripped by the fighter's arms, unable to move, unable to resist, even if he wanted to. But at that moment, he didn't want anything else than being taken by his martial arts hero.
"Aahhh..." he moaned, while his dominant lover held him in place with his arms and teeth.

Dave's heart raced as Michael bit down harder on his neck, holding him captive. Despite the slight pain, he felt an overwhelming sense of excitement coursing through his veins. There was something about being dominated by someone so powerful that made him feel alive in a way he never had before.
As Michael's thick manhood plunged deep inside him again and again, Dave lost track of everything except the intense pleasure radiating throughout his body. He cried out Michael's name over and over, his voice hoarse with desire.
It seemed as though neither of them would ever get enough of each other.

While their bodies joined again and again, orgasm was building up inside Michael's body.
With a loud groan, he orgasmed, and Dave felt a sweet warmth fill his insides, making him moan in pleasure.
The smaller man gradually relaxed, although he felt some pain from his outstretched hole.
Still gripped by Michael's teeth, Dave moaned: "I want to be yours."

Michael released his hold on Dave's neck, allowing him to catch his breath. As he lay there panting, he gazed up at Michael with a look of pure adoration.
"You have no idea how much I needed this," he whispered. "Thank you for taking me like this."
Michael chuckled softly and kissed Dave tenderly on the lips.
"Anytime, baby boy," he replied. "But don't forget who's in charge here."

"I won't, Mike." Dave nodded. "Would you like you could punish me, if I do something wrong?"
"Don't worry... Not as harsh as I punished your brother." Michale kissed him. "For example, a hard spanking."
"Well, I got worse by Sean." Dave sighed.
"Right." the big guy nodded. "But I am creative."

Dave couldn't help but smile at the thought of Michael being creative with his punishments. The mere suggestion sent a thrilling shiver down his spine.
He knew that underneath Michael's rough exterior lay a gentle soul who truly cared about those around him - including himself. It was that combination of raw power and tenderness that made him irresistible to Dave.
"Promise me you won't go too far, okay?" Dave asked, running his fingers along Michael's bicep.
"I promise," Michael said, giving him a reassuring smile. "And remember, it's only because I care about you that I'm going to keep you in line. If you need anything else besides a good spanking, just let me know."

"Sure, Mike." Dave nodded. "But..." He hesitated.
"What?" Michael raised an eyebrow.
"I wanted to ask..." Dave looked straight into his eyes. "How can you be so powerful? I mean... I know you're huge and strong, and of course you've been training your whle life... but... you defeated a guy like Sean like nothing. It's like there was something... more than human in you."
Michael stared intensely at his cute lover, and said in a serious tone: "You're perceptive."
"What?" the smaller guy asked, puzzled.
"Well, I was going to talk with you about this later, anyway." Michael sighed. "My family.... is not quite normal."
Dave sat on the bed. "What do you mean?"

Michael took a deep breath before continuing.

"There's a legend among my family," he began. "It says that generations ago, our ancestors were given special powers by the gods themselves. They were blessed with incredible strength, speed, and agility beyond any mortal man. Over time, these powers became stronger and passed down through the bloodline until they reached us."

Dave listened intently as Michael continued to explain the tale. His heart raced at the thought of being with someone who had such extraordinary abilities.

"So you're saying that you're part god or something?" he asked, wide-eyed.

Michael laughed.

"Not exactly," he replied. "But there may be some truth to the legend. My father and grandfather both possessed amazing physical prowess, and ... my mother... You see..."

Dave stared at him expectantly.

And Dave told him the story of the Hawke family.

Once upon a time, in the bustling City of Hagen, there lived a remarkable couple named Adam and Sarah Hawke, who got married at the tender age of 21 and 19. Adam, standing at an astounding height of 7'8", was known far and wide as a martial arts hero. He was always ready to defend the weak and protect the innocent from harm. He had the odd characteristic that he fought better if his feet were not shoed nor bare but rather socked.

Sarah, on the other hand, possessed a truly enchanting heritage. She was part human, part fairy, and part angel; that meant not only she was inhumanly beautiful, but that he also aged slower that normal humans. That’s why she was so prolific. Over the course of 30 years, she gave birth to 30 huge, strong and extremely handsome yet apparently normal boys. However, just as they thought their journey had taken a predictable turn, Sarah surprised them all by giving birth to decuplet boys - seven sets! This miraculous event marked a new chapter in their lives, filled with strange and unheard-of characteristics.

As the family expanded to include one hundred sons in total, Adam and Sarah realized that their beloved city of Hagen was no longer the ideal environment to raise their extraordinary sons, who were going to become targets for prejudice and mistrust. With heavy hearts, they made the difficult decision to move to a secluded mountain village, away from prying eyes.

In Hagen, the normal sons were left behind, looked after by the eldest ones who now acted as their legal guardians. The responsibility to protect the city fell upon their capable shoulders, ensuring that their parents' legacy as martial arts heroes continued. Like their father, they fought at the best of their abilities when their feet were socked. Currently, their ages ranged from 54 (that was Richard, the owner of family dojo) down to 25, that of course was Michael.

"As for the seven sets of decuplet boys" Michael said, somehow sadly "Each is weirder that the other."
Dave listened, in awe. "Weird...." he uttered. "How, exactly?"
Michael sighed, and continued his explanation.

The first set was made of elementals, but each boy also was weirdly coloured with a skin color matching his hair and eye color: black, red, orange, yellow, gray, green, blue, purple, brown, white.
The second set of boys grew abnormally large, rangint from 15 to 20 feet in height, but the fourth set, on the contrary, were dwarves, none of the ten being taller than 3 feet, albeit their strength was phenomenal; those 20 guys, beside their abnormal sizes, were gifted with various kinds of magical powers.
The fourth set were anthros with various animal characteristics: lion, wolf, dragon, shark, minotaur, bear, gorilla, fox, frog, and even a weir hybrid of spider/scorpion/beetle.
The fifth set of decuplets were cyborgs, each having different mechanical body parts.
The sixth set of decuplets were hideously deformed, but their scary appearances could not belittle the doodness of their souls.
The same was true for the last set, who were all supernatural creatures normally seen as evil: devil, gargoyle, vampire, ghost, lycanthrope, skeleton, zombie, orc, goblin, tengu.

Dave listened in astonishment. Now he understood why Michael was able to take down Sean so easily and without breaking a sweat. Being with someone who had supernatural abilities was exciting, but it also came with its own set of challenges. As much as Dave enjoyed the idea of being with someone so different, he worried about how others would perceive Michael. Would they accept him for who he was? Or would they judge him harshly for being unlike anyone they had ever seen before?
Despite these concerns, Dave couldn't deny the way he felt about Michael. It didn't matter whether he was human or not - he was still the same sweet, kind, and compassionate person he had fallen in love with. And together, they would navigate whatever obstacles came their way.
"And are all of your... errrr... 99 brothers.... I mean, are they all martial artists?"
"The best in the world." Michael's face lightened. "All Hawkes love to protect the weak, uphold justice and..." He winked, "punish bad guys as they deseve."

Michael chuckled. "Yep!" he exclaimed. "That's definitely something we share in common. But every single one of us has unique talents too. Some are master chefs, others are brilliant engineers, or skilled musicians, or simply great businessmen. We're a diverse bunch, but we all stick together because we know that we can count on each other."

Dave nodded with a happy face. "I can't wait to meet them all."
"They would be very glad to meet you, too." Michael assured. "And they'll adore you as I do."
Dave smiled more, but then his smile became mischievous. "I'd like them to meet Sean, too."
Michael laughed. "Oh, I plan to introduce him to them, no worries! It would be fun to add a new slave to..." He stopped to speak, embarassed.
"A new slave?" Dave said, surprised. "What do you mean?"
Michael chuckled. "Well, I told you that we're experts at punishing bag guys. Many scoundrels are now our slaves... Foot slaves." He winked.

Dave raised an eyebrow. "You don't say," he replied. "I guess that explains why you were so confident taking on Sean."
Michael grinned widely. "Exactly! And soon enough, he won't be able to harm any innocent people anymore, thanks to me."

Dave hugged his big lover and kissed his lips. "As I already said, Mike, you're awesome."
"As I already said, I know." Michael chuckled.
"So..." Dave said. "Do you have anything already planned for Sean?"

Michael thought about it for a moment. "Actually, I was thinking of making him dance around the living room while serving drinks to everyone."

Dave giggled. "Hehe, sounds like fun. Do you mean you want to invite your family here?" The young man chuckled nervously. "Haha... Sorry, but no matter how big this cottage is, welcoming one hundred guests could be problematic."

Michael laughed. "Don't worry! I plan a trip to my family's mansion later... But for now, I think I could invite here just a few of my brothers."

"Oh, really? That would be interesting!" Dave exclaimed. "But do you think Sean would agree to serve them as well?"
"Of course not!" Michael rolled his eyes. "That's why I need to keep him under control somehow."

And so, the following morning, Sean was informed about his near future.
"Slave." Michael said, tapping one socked foot on the carpet. "I'm going to move into his house and live with Dave."
"What?" Sean dumbly started to protest. "But..."
"KIAI!" Michael's foot whipped the air threateningly, producing a wooshing sound that caused Sean to gasp and jump back in fear, while Dave, who was watching from the door of the kitchen, chuckled at seeing his bully brother so utterly defeated.
"Dave and I are going to my old place to retrieve my stuff." Michael said, ver matter-of-factly. "Prepare lunch for when we come back. And start to prepare the guest room, too. We're going to have guests in a couple days."
Dave stepped forward and asked: "Have you invited your brothers, Michael?"
The redhead nodded. "Seven of them. We'll have great fun, you'll see."
Sean shivered, already knowing that he was going to be the only one not having fun.

Over the next few days, anticipation hung heavily amidst the routines of the odd little household. Dave was brimming with eagerness about meeting Michael's brothers, meanwhile, Sean was quieter and more compliant than usual, probably pondering over the onslaught of unusual foot attention he would likely receive. When the day finally dawned, the arrival of Michael's brothers turned their world even more upside down.
Manny, one of the "normal" Hawke brothers, was a 42 years old chef owning a famous restaurant, was an immediate hit with Dave. He was also a Capoeira Mestre: broad, yet agile, Manny bore a striking resemblance to Michael, except for his dark hair and hearty laugh. His feet, strong and calloused from years of training and hard work, were encased in navy-blue tabis with a fire-red flame pattern on the sides.
Dave and Sean gasped in shock, seeing Whitney and Moses.
Whitney was one of the anthro brothers, an anthro white rabbit with huge ears, 7' 1'' tall, his long, powerful legs ended in large white feet, adorned in soft white tabis, with a simple pattern of tiny running rabbits dotted around the ankle seam.
Moses was one of the deformed decuplets. In fact, according to what Michael had told Dave, Moses was the most hideous among the set of then. A colossal man and horribly misshaped, he was 7’ 8’’ even with the hunch on his back; he possessed tree-like limbs and skin as gray and rough as stone, marred by bumbs everywhere, even on the face; his greenish hair was as bristly as a porcupine's quills, from his wide mouth protruded two rows of huge, sharp and crooked teeth, and his eyes were oddly mismatched in size: the right one was purple and half-hidden under a bump, while the left one was yellow like a snake’s and disproportionately huge. His appearance belied his inner strength and indomitable spirit, and among his kindhearted brothers, he was the kindest, with an artistic and poetic streak; in his spare time, he loved to read and write poetry, to make paintings that captured the beauty of everything, and to draw out enchanting melodies from his flute. However, Moses was unbelievably powerful, with kicks that could shatter boulders into dust. And he was known to be nasty to villains.
Then, there were four of the dwarf decuplets, none being more than 3 feet tall and all dressed in colourful clothes: Dirk, Swen, Mirko and Lucas. In spite of their tiny size, their bodies were well-toned, and they carried themselves with pride.

As they all settled in, a wave of chaos, laughter, and unspoken challenges washed over their small household. Volumes of stories swapped, countless rounds of martial art sessions completed, yummy meals shared, and Sean reprimanded numerous times, the house and its inhabitants found a new harmony under the busy madness. As promised, punishments involved heavy, often comical, use of the newcomers' feet with Sean at the receiving end.
The first evening, while the group was enjoying some drinks, in the living room, Michael told Sean: "Come on, slave, don't be lazy. Show my brothers what a good dancer you are."
Sean hesitated.
"HIA!" Michael's socked foot kicked the air menacingly.
Sean paled, jumped to his feet and started a ridiculous jig, among the laughs of ridicule from the guests.

Days passed, and the situation became increasingly awkward between Michael and Sean. The latter tried every way possible to avoid getting close to the former, including hiding away in his bedroom or leaving early for work before the others woke up. However, no matter how much effort Sean put into it, nothing seemed to help. It felt like Michael was intent on making sure that Sean never forgot whom he served.

One evening, Michael decided to confront Sean openly.

"You know," he began, taking offense at Sean's behavior towards him. "There's something wrong with you. Why won't you accept our hospitality properly? Do you feel ashamed of serving us?"

Sean looked up with tears in his eyes, feeling cornered and helpless.

"No! Of course not... I just... Maybe I am struggling to adjust to this sudden change in my life."

Michael let out a frustrated growl, causing Sean to get pale in fear.

"Well, if you think I'm being too harsh onto you, perhaps my feet should teach you the real meaning on pain." He rubbed his socked feet on the carpet.

Sean knelt and kowtowed, whimpering to beg for mercy, and Dave, for once, decided to speak on his brother's behalf. "Michael, please, be a bit lenient. After all, this dumbass is too idiot to learn quickly how he should behave."

After a brief pause, Michael spoke again.

"Fair enough. But just remember, Sean - I am still your master, and you will obey me until further notice."

"Yes, Master." Sean moaned. "Thanks for being so understanding."

Michael's brothers chuckled at the scene. Whitney, the rabbit, suddenly spoke up. "Hey, brother, if your slave is stil undisciplined, what about him getting some discipline from my feet?"

Michael snorted derisively. "Brother, I doubt any creature's feet can match mine in terms of brutality."

But Whitney was unfazed. "Try me, and find out."

Without another word, Michael turned to Sean, giving him a stern look. "Beg for forgiveness, boy."

Sean immediately fell to his knees, crying loudly.

"Please, Master, forgive me for being such an insolent slave. Please, don't let Whitney hurt me with his feet..."

Whitney grinned maliciously. "Oh, I won't hold back anything from those pretty feet of yours."

He raised his leg high above Sean's head, aiming for a devastating kick.

However, before he could land it, Michael intervened.

"Enough, Whitney. Let's leave him alone for tonight."

Whitney sulked, but relented. He knew better than to challenge Michael directly. "Okay." he said, with a grin that send shivers down Sean's spine. "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"We could talk about other things as well, tomorrow." suggested Manny with a malicious glint in his eyes.
"For example?" both Michael and Dave asked, puzzled.
"I wanted to organize a Capoeira Feast next week." Manny explained. "Perhaps Sean could became the star of it."
Sean was shocked.
But Dave laughed happily. "Capital idea!"

Manny smiled evilly. "Of course, there would be a price to pay first."

Dave nodded excitedly. "Yeah, Sean would need to prove himself worthy of becoming the main attraction."
Michael smirked. "And what do you suggest, little bro?"
Dave replied confidently. "How about a foot worship competition among us? Winner takes it all."

This is a summary of the story elements:

Protagonist: Michael Hawke, 25 years old, 7' 6'', lean but very muscular, broad-shouldered, handsome face, tanned skin, sparkling green eyes and long flaming red hair, tied in a ponytail. Homosexual. He is friendly and very protective of his loved ones, but can be very nasty to the ones who cross him. Owner of a fitness gym. Master of many forms of martial arts, gifted with exceptional strength and unrivaled physical abilities, he likes to use his feet to punish bad guys, and loves to fight while wearing red socks.
Location: Quiet suburb. A large two-stories cottage, surrounded by a vaste garden.
Antagonist: Sean Tyrrel, 28 years old, 6' 6'', very burly, short raven hair and dark eyes, owner of a car repair shop, the typical arrogant bully, always eager to start a fight and torment weaker people.
Love Interest: Dave Bennet, Sean's half-brother, 5' 1", college student (literature), homosexual, physically well-toned but delicate, graceful face, medium-length black hair and azure eyes, he is polite and quite shy, though he could show a mean streak, when pushed.
Story So Far: Michael and Dave have met at Michael's gym and they like each other. Dave has invited Michael to come and see a movie at Dave's place.
Conflict: Michael must defeat Sean to free Dave from his brother's bullying.
Outline: Michael has a crush on Dave and one day pays a visit to him, but finds Dave being beaten by Sean. Michael uses his martial arts skills to beat Sean into submission and makes him his slave. Then Michael seduces Dave and moves into Sean's and Dave's house. Sean is now a servant for the other two and is constanly humiliated by Michael. Sean's humiliating life grows even worse when he is introduced to Michael's family and friends who are all strong fighters.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction