Literary Fiction

2023-11-30 03:46:25

itoshii kokomi tan

As Tamarou Akamori shared the news about the upcoming blessing ceremony for one of Otoma's newborn siblings held at a distant cathedral, Kokomi found herself intrigued by the opportunity to right some wrongs while maintaining her pristine image. She devised a plan to expose Otoma's true nature during the event, using her charm to manipulate both him and their peers into playing along. With vengeance simmering beneath her calm exterior, she steeled herself for what promised to be an eventful day ahead.

Kokomi spent the evening in her hotel room, carefully rehearsing her lines and plotting every move, ensuring that no dirt would stain her hands despite seeking justice. As she lay awake in bed, anticipating the following day's events, she couldn't help but wonder if her plan was foolproof enough to achieve the desired outcome without backfiring.

The next morning, Kokomi arrived at the cathedral dressed impeccably, her dark blue dress hugging her curves and setting off her porcelain complexion perfectly. Her eyes sparkled with determination as she mingled with the crowd of students, exchanging polite greetings and offering assistance where needed. She had timed her entrance strategically; just as Otoma began to feel uncomfortable under her gaze, she approached him with a warm smile, asking innocently about his family. He obliged, providing details that would prove integral to her scheme later on.

With the blessing ceremony underway, Kokomi waited for her moment to strike. When the priest asked for questions from the audience, she raised her hand confidently, inquiring about how Otoma managed to balance his responsibilities with such a large family when he himself came from a seemingly privileged background. His answers revealed his bitterness towards his situation, painting him as insensitive and selfish – traits that contrasted starkly with his public persona. The crowd gasped in shock, their perceptions shattered by Kokomi's revelations.

Satisfied with her success, she stepped aside, allowing Tamarou to witness Otoma squirm under the scrutiny of their peers. Afterwards, they retreated to a nearby pub to discuss their victory over drinks. Tamarou could hardly contain his admiration for Kokomi's audacity, marveling at how effortlessly she had exposed Otoma's true colors without sullying her own reputation. For once, Kokomi allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction, knowing that justice had been served—and served well.

As the evening wore on and the pub's amber lights cast a warm glow over their table, Kokomi revealed to Tamarou the depth of her bitterness and the lengths she would go to protect her own, sparking a conversation about the fine line between justice and revenge. Tamarou, caught in the web of her resolve, began to question his own perceptions of right and wrong, pondering the possibility of a darker side to Kokomi's quest for retribution.

Tamarou, his eyes reflecting the pub's dim lighting, leaned in, his voice a whisper amongst the clinking of glasses and the low hum of conversations. "Kokomi, do you ever fear that in seeking justice, you may become the very thing you despise?" His question lingered in the air, mingling with the scent of aged wood and spilled ale.

Kokomi paused, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass, her starry eyes momentarily losing their luster as she pondered his words. "Justice has many faces, Tamarou," she replied, her voice steady but with an undercurrent of something darker, something more turbulent. "Sometimes, to cleanse the wound, one must be willing to touch the poison. I do not fear becoming the monster, for I control the narrative."

The confidant watched Kokomi with a mix of awe and trepidation. He had always known her to be reasonable, loving – a beacon of light in their often tumultuous high school life. But now, he glimpsed the shadow that lurked beneath her calm surface, a shadow that hungered for balance in a world that often tipped unfairly.

The night grew older, and the pub's patrons began to drift away, leaving Kokomi and Tamarou in a bubble of their own making, where the weight of their conversation pressed close, as intimate and as daunting as the darkness outside. Tamarou understood now that Kokomi's quest was not just about Otoma; it was a statement, a declaration that she would no longer be glossed over or underestimated. And as he watched her, poised and serene even in the heart of her storm, he knew that their journey together was far from over.

As dawn approaches, Kokomi and Tamarou receive an unexpected message from Otoma, pleading for a private meeting at the school's old music room, where a secret that ties their fates together will be revealed, challenging Kokomi's notions of justice and the true cost of her revenge.

The first light of dawn crept through the curtains of the pub, casting long shadows across the wooden floor. Kokomi and Tamarou, their conversation having wound down to a contemplative silence, were roused by the sudden buzz of a message notification. Kokomi retrieved her phone from the depths of her purse, her expression unreadable as she read Otoma's message. Tamarou watched her closely, trying to decipher the thoughts behind her stoic facade.

"A meeting?" Tamarou's voice was laced with suspicion. "What could he possibly have to say that he couldn't in front of everyone?"

Kokomi locked her phone, her lips pursed in thought. "It seems we've underestimated Otoma. He's not one to show vulnerability, especially not after today's... spectacle." She stood up, smoothing out the creases in her dress, her mind already turning over the possibilities. "We'll go. There's a piece of this puzzle we're missing, and I intend to find it."

The school was deserted when they arrived, the hallways echoing with the ghosts of laughter and locker slams. They made their way to the old music room, a place that held memories of untuned instruments and dust motes dancing in shafts of light. The door creaked open, revealing Otoma, who stood by the window, his silhouette stark against the morning glow.

"Thank you for coming," he said, his voice devoid of its usual bravado. "There's something you need to know... about us, about our families. It's a secret that's been kept for far too long."

Kokomi's heart thrummed in her chest, a mix of anticipation and dread. She had come seeking closure, the final act of her carefully orchestrated play. But as Otoma began to unravel the threads of their intertwined histories, Kokomi felt the ground beneath her shift. The story he told challenged everything she believed about justice and revenge, about the simplicity of right and wrong. And as the secret spilled into the quiet room, Kokomi realized that the cost of her vengeance might be far greater than she had ever imagined.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: itoshii kokomi tan
Protagonist: Kokomi Iseno is a high school student with starry eyes and is known for her reasonable mind and loving personality. But her secret other side is painfully bitter, with her work as a class manager and its challenges glossed over by the school because of the saying that others got it worse. so, kokomi wants justice or even revenge without getting any filth on her hands.
Location: school, hotel,cathedral, pub
Antagonist: otoma meiryu, a ladyboy who always brags that his life is harder than other people's, including having to look after five siblings and work for his mother who remarried several times all with a child, thus, he is more competent. which this triggered Kokomi greatly.
Confidant: tamarou okamoji, a ladyboy from another group, kokomi's bestie who also despised Otoma and secretly loathed him with passion. he often stunned by Kokomi reactions to things.
Conflict: kokomi wants justice or even revenge without getting any filth on her hands.
Outline: Tamarou Akamoji tells Kokomi about a blessing ceremony of one of Otoma's newborn siblings set in a faraway town at a cathedral, and all classmates have to go. The night before this ceremony, kokomi watching TV in the hotel room brewing a plan of gracefully pinning Otoma against his mother to reveal his true colors in front of everone. at the cathedral, kokomi manipulates the guests and otoma as planned and it works, she trotted out and tamarou followed and have a chat, then after that they went to a pub.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Objective