
2023-10-02 02:39:28

Brya gets some karma

Brya with her bountiful ass walks into school about to meet her first victim

Brya Thompson strolled into Lincoln High School with an air of confidence that was unmatched. Her striking looks and commanding presence turned heads as she made her way down the crowded hallway. She knew she had power over her classmates, and she relished in the fear and admiration that followed in her wake.

As she approached her first victim of the day, a mischievous smirk played on her lips. Sarah Adams, a quiet and reserved girl, had always been an easy target for Brya's cruel taunts. But today, something was different. There was a glint in Sarah's eyes that made Brya pause for a moment, a flicker of something that sent a shiver down her spine.

Unbeknownst to Brya, Sarah had stumbled upon an ancient curse that involved her physical appearance. Every time Brya flaunted her looks or humiliated someone, her own butt would inexplicably grow in size. Sarah, armed with this knowledge, had been quietly plotting her revenge, and today was the day she would finally put her plan into action.

Brya is unaware of her butt growth no matter what happens

Brya, unaware of the curse that plagued her, continued her relentless pursuit of power and dominance. She targeted her first victim, Sarah, with a smirk on her face, ready to unleash her cruel taunts. Little did she know that Sarah had been silently gathering evidence of Brya's bullying, determined to expose her true nature.

As Brya approached Sarah, her words of mockery and humiliation poised on the tip of her tongue, she suddenly felt a strange sensation. A slight discomfort in her backside made her shift uncomfortably, but she brushed it off, assuming it was just a fleeting sensation. Unbeknownst to Brya, her butt had grown a few inches larger, a consequence of her past actions.

Sarah, witnessing the change in Brya's appearance, struggled to hide her amusement. She knew that the curse was taking effect, but Brya remained oblivious to her growing posterior. With each insult that Brya hurled at her, her butt continued to expand, much to the amusement of the other students who had gathered to witness the spectacle.

The irony was not lost on Sarah. Brya, who had always flaunted her looks and used them as a weapon, was now experiencing firsthand the consequences of her actions. Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as she watched Brya struggle to maintain her composure, unaware of the cause of her discomfort. Little did Brya know that karma had finally caught up to her, and Sarah was just getting started.

Brya had now her ass so big that she would accidentally hit people with it

Brya's obliviousness to her growing posterior became increasingly apparent as she navigated the crowded hallways of Lincoln High School. With each step, her once perfectly proportioned butt seemed to expand further, causing her to accidentally bump into unsuspecting classmates. The impact of her enlarged rear end sent them stumbling forward, much to the amusement of the onlookers.

As Brya's embarrassment grew, she couldn't understand why she was suddenly so clumsy. Her once confident stride had been replaced with a hesitant shuffle, as she desperately tried to avoid colliding with anyone else. The more she tried to control her movements, the more she seemed to inadvertently knock into her peers, leaving a trail of bewildered and frustrated students in her wake.

Sarah, observing the chaos unfold, couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and satisfaction. Brya, who had used her physical appearance as a weapon to intimidate and humiliate others, was now experiencing the consequences of her actions firsthand. It was a poetic justice that Sarah had longed for, and she relished in the sight of Brya's once powerful presence reduced to a clumsy and embarrassed mess.

But Sarah knew that this was just the beginning. The curse had only just started to take its toll on Brya, and Sarah had more in store for her. With each passing day, Sarah planned to expose Brya's true nature to the entire school, ensuring that she would never be able to hurt anyone again. The tables had turned, and karma had finally caught up to Brya Thompson.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Brya gets some karma
Protagonist: Brya Thompson, the daughter of a wealthy and influential family, had always been accustomed to getting her way. Her snobbish attitude and mean-spirited behavior made her feared and despised by her peers, but she relished in the power it gave her.
Location: Highschool Brya, a notorious bully at Lincoln High School, finally gets a taste of her own medicine when karma catches up to her.
Antagonist: Brya Thompson, a 17-year-old girl with striking looks and a commanding presence, grew up in a privileged environment. Her parents, successful and well-connected, showered her with material possessions and rarely held her accountable for her actions. As a result, Brya developed a sense of entitlement and was never taught the values of empathy or kindness.
Confidant: Sarah Adams, a quiet and reserved girl in Brya's class, had always been a target of Brya's cruel teasing and bullying. However, unbeknownst to Brya, Sarah had been quietly observing her actions and planning a way to turn the tables. With a keen intellect and a heart full of compassion, Sarah was determined to teach Brya a lesson she would never forget.
Comic Relief: Tim Johnson, a small and nerdy classmate of Brya and Sarah, always seemed to find himself in amusing and awkward situations. With his wild curly hair and tendency to stumble over his own words, Tim provided much-needed comedic relief in the midst of Brya's bullying. Despite being a constant target of Brya's taunts, Tim's lighthearted personality and ability to laugh at himself endeared him to his classmates, including Sarah.
Story So Far: For years, Brya had ruled over Lincoln High School with an iron fist, tormenting her classmates and making their lives miserable. No one dared to stand up to her, out of fear of becoming her next victim. But little did Brya know, Sarah had been silently gathering evidence of her cruel behavior, determined to expose her for who she truly was. With the help of a few trusted friends, Sarah hatched a plan to bring Brya down and put an end to her reign of terror once and for all.
Conflict: Brya has garnered a reputation as a bully at Lincoln High School due to her relentless taunting and mocking of her peers. However, little does she know, Sarah has stumbled upon an ancient curse that involves Brya's physical appearance - every time she flaunts her looks or humiliates someone, her own butt will inexplicably grow in size. As Sarah learns about this curse, she begins to hatch a plan to teach Brya a lesson she will never forget.
Outline: Brya’s reputation as a bully extended beyond the walls of High School. She had to assert dominance over others, humiliating anyone who dared to challenge her. Brya's parents turned a blind eye to her behavior, convinced that their daughter could do no wrong. This only fueled Brya and made her believe she was invincible. Little did she know, Sarah had been quietly gathering evidence of Brya's bullying and was devising a plan to bring her down. Sarah was determined to teach her a lesson she would never forget
Language: English
Genre: Fantasy
Writing Style: Narrative - Tells a story through a series of events
Narrative Style: First Person
Author Style: Jack London: Adventure, Naturalism, and Wilderness