Literary Fiction

2023-07-24 20:28:30

Love over the law

Marshall Donovan and his partner, Cassidy Smythe ride into the town of Colby. It's a hot day, the sun beating down on the two of them as they make their way down the main street towards the Sheriff's office. The Marshall has been on the hunt for an outlaw by the name of James Jacobs but the trial has gone cold. He is hoping that the local Sheriff might have some information that can help him find this James Jacobs. As him and Agent Smythe trot past the post office, many of the townsfolk give funny looks towards Agent Smythe, as seeing women on horseback and in pants no less isn't common in these parts - or anywhere else really. However, one young blonde woman (Charlotte Grady, formerly James Jacobs) with a slender frame catches the eye of the marshall. Before he can do much more than give her a smile, the two officers have moved on and have arrived at the Sheriff's office.

Marshall Donovan and Agent Smythe dismount their horses and tie them up outside the weathered wooden building that serves as the Sheriff's office. The marshall straightens his hat and adjusts his badge, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as he walks through the door.

Inside, Sheriff Clark sits at his desk, his mustache twitching as he reads over some papers. He looks up and smiles warmly as he sees the marshall and Agent Smythe enter. "Well, well, if it isn't Marshall Donovan and his trusty partner. What brings you to Colby?"

Marshall Donovan clears his throat, his eyes briefly flickering towards the stack of wanted posters on the wall. "Sheriff, we're here on the trail of a notorious outlaw, James Jacobs. We heard there might be some leads in this town."

Sheriff Clark raises an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between the marshall and Agent Smythe. "James Jacobs, you say? Well, I haven't heard that name in quite some time. But I reckon I can help you out. Colby's a small town, word tends to travel fast."

Agent Smythe fidgets nervously beside the marshall, her eyes darting around the room. She spots a wanted poster of James Jacobs, and her brow furrows slightly. She feels like the person on the poster is familiar but doesn't connect it to the woman they had seen while riding into town.

The sound of a commotion outside catches their attention. They rush outside to find Richard Erickson, the rival bounty hunter, causing a scene. He points a finger at Marshall Donovan, a smug grin on his face. "I'm here for the bounty, Donovan. You're too late."

Marshall Donovan's jaw tightens as he squares his shoulders, his eyes narrowing at Richard Erickson. This won't be an easy hunt, but he's determined to bring James Jacobs to justice, even if it means going against the law he swore to uphold. And as he catches sight of Charlotte Grady in the distance, he feels a tug at his heart that his hasn't felt before. Something about her draws him in in a way that he can't put his finger on.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Love over the law
Protagonist: Marshall Donovan, a lawman in his late 20s with a sharp jaw, handsome face, and a muscular build. He is dedicated to doing what he thinks is right even over what the law says. He isn't one to often fall in love, but when he does he falls hard. He is willing to risk it all for what he thinks is right but he will never harm anyone who he deems as innocent.
Location: The town of Colby on the American Frontier in the year 1890. The climate is rather warm as is found in the American South, but it does not exist in the desert.
Antagonist: Sheriff Clark, a wise old cowboy who is the Sheriff of Colby with a kindly face, gray hair, and a bushy mustache. He holds a deep respect for the law, upholding it to the letter at all times even when he personally disagrees with it. He will always try to take a criminal in alive if possible, but has no qualms with shooting an outlaw to protect his town.
Love Interest: Charlotte Grady, formerly known as James is now living as a woman in secret. Her disguise as a woman is more than just a way for him to hide from the law, but rather a reflection of who she truly is. She works as a barmaid in Colby, no one knows she is biologically a man, or technically an outlaw even if that life is behind her.
Confidant: Agent Cassidy Smythe. The young and plucky partner to the marshall, a petite woman with shoulder-length brown hair and almond eyes. She is inexperienced in the law and not very physically strong, nor is she a very good shot, nor is she very good at fighting. But, she does have quick wits and is very smart.
Comic Relief: Richard Erickson is a bounty hunter who has met with the marshall in the past. The two of them do not like one another at all, but since they are on the same side of the law they will tolerate one another. His charm and wit are as deadly and disarming as his gun - and his face is very handsome. He is a womanizer who can charm his way to any woman's heart.
Conflict: Charlotte Grady used to be known as James Jacobs and was a notorious outlaw. Marshall Donovan and Agent Smythe have been dispatched to Colby to meet with the Sheriff and hunt down this outlaw. Richard Erickson is also trying to pick up the bounty on James Jacobs' head sparking something of a race between him and the marshall. Along the way, Marshall Donovan meets Charlotte Grady who is the person he is hunting even if neither of them know it. They begin to fall slowly in love.
Outline: The Marshall and Agent Smythe meet with the Sheriff to try and find James Jacobs. They spend some time around Colby getting to know the townsfolk, notably Charlotte Grady whom the marshall takes a liking to. He has to reckon with his devotion to the law and his love of a former outlaw once charlotte's past is uncovered. There is also two side plots of Roxanne, a local prostitute. And a second of Agent Smythe being seduced by Richard Erickson wherein he coaxes information pertinent to the hunt out of her.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Narrative - Tells a story through a series of events
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Emily Bronte: Romantic and Emotional