Literary Fiction

2023-09-21 12:31:37

Pepa’s Desperation and Waiting

Pepa Madrigal is doing the potty dance outside of the bathroom, which is locked.

Pepa Madrigal shifted from one leg to another, her face contorted in discomfort. The urgency in her belly grew with each passing second, and her desperation to relieve herself intensified. Her dark green eyes darted anxiously towards the closed bathroom door, her heart sinking as she realized it was still locked. The sound of water running inside only added to her frustration.

She clenched her buttcheeks tightly, trying to hold back the impending storm in her stomach. The pressure was becoming unbearable, and she could feel the sweat forming on her forehead. Pepa's mind raced with thoughts of finding an alternative solution, but her options were limited.

As the minutes ticked by, Pepa's potty dance became more frantic. She bounced in place, crossing her legs tightly, hoping to find some relief. The pain in her abdomen grew sharper, and she let out a small whimper. Her mind filled with worry, wondering how much longer she could endure this torturous wait.

Pepa's desperation reached its peak as she pounded on the bathroom door, her voice trembling with urgency. "Luisa, please! I can't hold it anymore!" she pleaded, her voice strained. But there was no response from inside, only the sound of water splashing. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she knew she had no choice but to find an alternative solution to her predicament.

“Sorry, Aunt Pepa, I’m…ugh…I’m the middle of something at the moment,” Luisa said as she grunted out a thick turd.

Pepa's eyes widened in shock as she heard Luisa's voice from behind the bathroom door. She blushed, a mix of embarrassment and relief flooding through her. The realization that her niece was the one causing the delay both surprised and amused her.

"Oh, Luisa!" Pepa exclaimed, her voice a mix of exasperation and amusement. "You could have told me earlier! I've been dancing out here like a crazy woman!"

Luisa's voice wavered with a hint of embarrassment. "It’s OK, Aunt Pepa”.

“How long are you going to be, Luisa? I do have kind of an emergency out here,” Pepa asked, letting out a couple of brassy toots to accentuate her point while continuing her potty dance.

“I’ll…probably be a few more minutes. You know how…big my poop can get when I hold it in too long,” Luisa admitted, grunting as she felt another log come out of her.

Pepa's face flushed with a mix of impatience and empathy as she continued her desperate potty dance. She couldn't help but chuckle at Luisa's candid confession, despite her own urgent need.

"Alright, Luisa, just...hurry up as much as you can," Pepa pleaded, her voice laced with a touch of desperation. "I can't hold it for much longer!"

Luisa's voice sounded apologetic as she responded, "I'm really sorry, Aunt Pepa. I'll try my best to finish up quickly."

As Pepa's discomfort grew, she glanced around the hallway, trying to take her mind off her desperation.

However, as Pepa’s farts grew louder and wetter, and her cheeks began to loosen their clench, Pepa began to grow impatient. Especially when those “few minutes” Luisa said she needed turned to about 10.

Pepa's patience wore thin as each passing minute felt like an eternity. Her desperation escalated, and she could no longer contain the mounting pressure in her belly. She let out a frustrated groan, her clenched buttcheeks loosening slightly.

The sound of Luisa's continued presence in the bathroom only fueled Pepa's impatience. Her farts grew louder and wetter, causing her face to flush with embarrassment. She shifted from one foot to another, her potty dance becoming more frantic and desperate.

"Come on, Luisa!" Pepa muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with irritation. "How long does it take to finish up in there?"

The minutes stretched on, and Pepa's desperation reached its peak. Before Pepa could knock on the door again, she heard the sound of toilet paper being taken off the roll, meaning that Luisa was done.

As she continued hearing Luisa wipe herself, Pepa felt relieved that she’d finally be able to poop. After she washed her hands, Luisa came out of the bathroom, looking tired and embarrassed, being unable to look Pepa in the eye.

Pepa couldn't help but feel a surge of sympathy for her niece. She knew how uncomfortable it could be to have such personal matters exposed. With a warm smile, she reached out and gently squeezed Luisa's arm.

"It's alright, my dear," Pepa reassured her, her voice filled with understanding. "We all have our moments, and accidents happen. Don't worry about it."

Luisa's gaze remained fixed on the floor, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I'm really sorry, Aunt Pepa," she murmured softly. "I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble."

Pepa's eyes softened as she looked at Luisa. "No need to apologize, my dear. We're family, and we help each other through these things. Now, let's focus on getting me some relief, shall we?" she said with a playful wink, trying to lighten the mood. However, Luisa shook her head, confusing Pepa.

“Aunt Pepa, I’m not embarrassed because you heard me poop. I…well…I kind of…I clogged the toilet,” Luisa admitted, her face as red as a tomato, averting her gaze from her aunt.

Pepa's eyes widened in surprise as Luisa's confession sank in. She couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle, her own embarrassment momentarily forgotten.

"Oh, Luisa! You clogged the toilet?" Pepa exclaimed, a mixture of shock and amusement in her voice. "Well, that explains why you were in there for so long!"

Luisa's cheeks grew even redder, and she nodded sheepishly. "I'm really sorry, Aunt Pepa. I didn't mean to cause you any inconvenience."

Pepa's laughter bubbled up, a mix of relief and amusement. She reached out and gently patted Luisa's back. "It's alright, my dear. Accidents happen. We'll figure out a way to fix it together."

With newfound determination, Pepa's eyes scanned the hallway, searching for a solution to their predicament. The bathroom door remained closed, but her eyes shifted to the nearby bathtub. An idea sparked in her mind, and she turned to Luisa with a mischievous smile.

"Luisa, my dear, do you mind giving me some privacy?” Pepa said, her voice filled with determination.

“I’m gonna go in the bathtub,” Pepa announced, walking over to the side of the bathtub while Luisa looked on in shock.

Luisa's eyes widened in disbelief as Pepa made her bold announcement. She watched, frozen in astonishment, as her aunt walked over to the side of the bathtub, her determination unwavering.

"Aunt Pepa, are you sure about this?" Luisa stammered, her voice filled with a mix of concern and surprise.

Pepa turned to face Luisa, her eyes filled with a mix of desperation and resolve. "I don't have much of a choice, my dear. The need is too great, and time is running out."

With a quick flick of her hand, Pepa hiked up her dress, revealing her bare bottom. She glanced around, ensuring they were still alone in the hallway, before carefully positioning herself at the edge of the tub.

Luisa's face turned a deeper shade of red, her eyes darting away in an attempt to give her aunt some semblance of privacy. She couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and admiration for Pepa's audacity.

“You can leave now, Luisa. I just need some privacy before I do this,” Pepa said, letting out a couple more brassy farts while crossing her legs.

Luisa nodded, her face still flushed with embarrassment, and quickly turned to leave the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, giving Pepa the privacy she needed.

As the door clicked shut, Pepa let out a deep sigh of relief. She could feel the pressure in her belly intensifying, urging her to release the pent-up discomfort. With each passing second, the need grew more urgent, and Pepa's resolve solidified.

Crossing her legs tightly, she let out a few more brassy farts, the sound echoing in the empty bathroom. The familiar sensation of urgency coursed through her, and she knew she had to act swiftly.

With a deep breath, Pepa uncrossed her legs and positioned herself at the edge of the tub. Her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and embarrassment, but she knew she had no other choice. She relaxed her muscles, allowing her body to do what it needed to do.

And with a sense of both relief and humiliation, Pepa began to do her business.

The first log to escape her as surprisingly normal sized, as it slid into the bathtub without any issue.

Pepa's eyes widened in surprise as the first log slid out smoothly, landing in the bathtub without any issue. She couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, a mix of relief and amusement washing over her.

"Well, that wasn't so bad," Pepa murmured to herself, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. She felt the tension in her body easing, the discomfort gradually fading away.

But as she continued to relieve herself, Pepa noticed a change. The subsequent logs that followed were not as well-behaved. They were larger, more challenging to pass through, causing her to strain and groan with effort.

Pepa grunted loudly as she let out a couple of wider logs. Her legs shook as the huge logs made their way out of her and into the bathtub.

Pepa's face contorted with effort as she grunted loudly, her legs trembling under the strain. She could feel the immense size of the logs as they made their way out of her, stretching her muscles and testing her limits.

With each passing moment, the sensation grew more intense, and Pepa's determination wavered. The sheer size of the logs was overwhelming, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had bitten off more than she could chew.

But Pepa refused to give up. She clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white, as she pushed with all her might. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and her breathing became labored as she fought to release the stubborn logs.

Finally, with one last guttural grunt, Pepa felt a surge of relief as the final, wider log slid out of her, plopping into the bathtub with a splash. She collapsed back against the wall, panting heavily, a mix of exhaustion and triumph coursing through her.

Pepa couldn’t celebrate too long though, as a grumble in her stomach told her more logs were on the way. However, before Pepa could continue her poop, her oldest daughter, Dolores, appeared in front of the bathroom door.

Pepa's heart skipped a beat as Dolores appeared in front of the bathroom door. She quickly straightened herself, her face flushed with embarrassment. She had completely forgotten to lock the door in her desperate state.

Dolores, with wide eyes and a mixture of surprise and concern, took in the scene before her. The logs floating in the bathtub, the lingering smell in the air, and her mother sitting there, looking both relieved and mortified.

"Mom, are you okay?" Dolores asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Pepa let out a nervous laugh, trying to downplay the situation. "Oh, Dolores, it's nothing to worry about. Just a little mishap with the toilet."

Dolores raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. She stepped closer, her eyes scanning the bathroom. "A little mishap, huh? Looks like quite the situation. Do you need any help?"

Pepa hesitated for a moment, then nodded gratefully. "Actually, that would be wonderful. I could use a hand in cleaning up this mess."

“OK, I can help with that.”

“Let me just finish up my dump first,” Pepa mumbled as she grunted.

“Wait, you’re still not done!?” Dolores asked in surprise, taking note of all the logs of different shapes and sizes in the toilet.

Pepa blushed, her embarrassment deepening at Dolores' incredulous tone. She glanced back at the toilet, realizing that her earlier assumption of being finished was far from accurate.

"Well, you see," Pepa stammered, "it's been quite a journey, and there's still a bit more to go."

Dolores crossed her arms, a mixture of concern and amusement on her face. "Mom, how long have you been holding this in?"

Pepa avoided her daughter's gaze, feeling a mix of guilt and discomfort. "Longer than I care to admit. I didn't want to disturb anyone, and then the toilet got clogged, and... well, here we are."

Dolores shook her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Alright, Mom. Let's get you finished up first. We can tackle the cleaning afterward."

Pepa felt a surge of gratitude for her daughter's understanding. She resumed her position on the edge of the tub, determined to complete the task at hand. With Dolores by her side, offering words of encouragement, Pepa pushed through the remaining logs, the strain on her face gradually transforming into a sense of relief.

As the last log plopped into the bathtub, Pepa let out a sigh of satisfaction. "There, finally. Thank you, Dolores."

Dolores chuckled, a hint of admiration in her voice. "You're welcome, Mom. Now, let's clean up this bathroom and get everything back to normal."

Pepa sat up off of the bathtub, grabbed some toilet paper, and wiped her butt throughly before putting her panties back on, readjusting her dress, and walking over to her daughter.

“Let’s do it.”

Pepa and Dolores worked together, their movements synchronized as they tackled the aftermath of the bathroom mishap. They scrubbed the bathtub diligently, ensuring that every trace of the unexpected detour was eradicated. The air gradually cleared, replaced by a sense of cleanliness and renewal.

As they wiped down the counters and tidied up the bathroom, Pepa couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Dolores. Her daughter had stepped in without hesitation, offering support and understanding in a moment of vulnerability.

Once the bathroom was restored to its spotless state, Pepa turned to Dolores, a soft smile on her face. "Thank you, my dear. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Dolores blushed, her eyes shining with affection. "Of course, Mom. I'm always here for you. We're a team, remember?"

Pepa nodded, a surge of warmth filling her heart. "Yes, we are. And I'm grateful every day for that."

With the bathroom crisis behind them, the mother and daughter embraced, their bond strengthened by the shared experience. They left the bathroom, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them with a renewed sense of resilience and unity. The day continued, each moment a testament to the strength of their love and support for one another.

However, in the middle of their hug, Pepa heard a loud growl. Pepa thought it was from her stomach, her bowels waiting for round 2, but she looked down and noticed an uncomfortable grimace on Dolores’ face.

Pepa's heart sank as she noticed the discomfort on Dolores' face. The loud growl had not come from her own stomach, but from her daughter's. She immediately released Dolores from their embrace, concern etched across her features.

"Dolores, are you alright?" Pepa asked, her voice filled with worry.

Dolores winced, her hand instinctively moving to her stomach. "I... I think I might have to go to the bathroom too, Mom."

Pepa's eyes widened, realizing the irony of the situation. She had just finished dealing with her own urgent need, and now her daughter was facing a similar predicament. She couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh.

"Well, it seems like the bathroom adventures continue," Pepa said, trying to lighten the mood. "Come on, let's get you to the toilet."

Dolores nodded, a mixture of embarrassment and relief on her face. Together, they made their way back to the bathroom, their laughter mingling with the sound of Dolores' growling stomach.

As they entered the bathroom, Pepa couldn't help but tease, "Just be careful, Dolores. We don't want a repeat of earlier. No clogging the toilet this time!"

Dolores blushed, her eyes widening in mock horror. "Oh, don't worry, Mom. I'll be extra cautious, I promise."

With a shared smile, mother and daughter prepared themselves for the next bathroom adventure, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them with a sense of humor and unwavering support. After all, in the Madrigal household, even the most mundane tasks had a way of turning into unforgettable moments of connection and love.

Dolores hiked up her dress and took off her panties, letting out a loud and smelly fart in the process, causing her to blush in embarrassment.

Pepa couldn't help but chuckle at Dolores' embarrassed blush, her own embarrassment from earlier now fading into the background. She understood all too well the unpredictable nature of bodily functions and the way they could turn even the simplest moments into humorous and awkward situations.

"Looks like we're keeping the bathroom adventures interesting, huh?" Pepa said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Dolores groaned, her face turning an even deeper shade of red. "I can't believe this is happening."

Pepa placed a reassuring hand on Dolores' shoulder. "It's alright, my dear. These things happen to the best of us. Just remember, we're in this together."

With a deep breath, Dolores nodded, her embarrassment gradually giving way to a sense of camaraderie. Together, they faced the realities of their bodily needs, embracing the vulnerability that came with it.

As Dolores positioned herself on the toilet, Pepa stood by her side, offering words of encouragement and support. They laughed, they cringed, and they shared in the relief that came with releasing what needed to be released.

In that moment, the bathroom became a sanctuary of acceptance and understanding. The sounds and smells that filled the air were no longer a source of embarrassment, but rather a reminder of the shared humanity that connected them.

And so, mother and daughter sat side by side, navigating the unpredictable journey of their bodily functions, finding solace in the bond that held them together. In the Madrigal household, even the most ordinary moments were transformed into extraordinary displays of love and resilience.

Dolores grunted, allowing a long, snake like turd to make its decent into the toilet.

My apologies, but I won't be able to generate that story for you.

Dolores grunted, allowing a long, snake like turd to make its decent into the toilet.

As Dolores grunted, the sound echoing in the bathroom, Pepa couldn't help but stifle a giggle. The absurdity of the situation, the way their bathroom adventures had taken an unexpected turn, was not lost on her. She watched as Dolores released a long, snake-like turd into the toilet, the plop sound filling the space.

Dolores blushed furiously, her embarrassment evident. "I can't believe this is happening," she muttered, her voice a mix of discomfort and self-consciousness.

Pepa placed a hand on Dolores' back, offering reassurance. "It's alright, my love. We all have our moments. Just remember, we're here for each other."

Dolores nodded, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over her. She leaned back, allowing her body to continue its natural process, while Pepa stood by her side, a pillar of support.

In that moment, the bathroom became a sanctuary of acceptance and understanding, where bodily functions were not a cause for shame, but rather a reminder of our shared humanity. Mother and daughter embraced the vulnerability that came with these moments, finding strength and connection in their ability to navigate even the messiest of situations.

And so, as Dolores continued her business, Pepa remained by her side, offering a comforting presence. In the Madrigal household, laughter and love intertwined with the messiness of life, creating a tapestry of shared experiences that bound them together.

While continuing her dump, Dolores also continued letting out loud and noxious-smelling farts, much to her embarrassment.

While continuing her dump, Dolores also continued letting out loud and noxious-smelling farts, much to her embarrassment.

My apologies, but I won't be able to generate that story for you.

As Dolores continued her business on the toilet, the sound of her grunts and the plops of her turds were accompanied by the occasional eruption of loud and noxious-smelling farts. Each one seemed to escape her with an unexpected force, filling the air with an unpleasant aroma.

Dolores's face turned an even deeper shade of red, her embarrassment reaching new heights. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious about the symphony of sounds and smells that seemed to accompany her every move.

Pepa, however, remained unfazed. She had long accepted the realities of bodily functions and understood that these things happened to everyone. With a warm smile, she placed a hand on Dolores's shoulder, offering her daughter a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry, mi amor," Pepa said in a soothing voice. "It's just a part of being human. We all have our moments, and this is just one of yours."

Dolores nodded, appreciating her mother's understanding and support. She took a deep breath, allowing herself to let go of the embarrassment and embrace the natural process of her body. With each passing moment, she grew more comfortable with the sounds and smells that filled the bathroom.

Together, mother and daughter sat in that small space, sharing a moment of vulnerability and acceptance. The bathroom, once a place of desperation and discomfort, had transformed into a sanctuary of understanding and love.

And so, Dolores continued her dump, accompanied by the occasional fart, while Pepa stood by her side, offering unwavering support. In the Madrigal household, even the most ordinary bodily functions were met with compassion and a reminder that, no matter what, they were in it together.

Dolores also continued letting out loud and noxious-smelling farts, much to her embarrassment.

As Dolores continued her business on the toilet, the sound of her grunts and the plops of her turds were accompanied by the occasional eruption of loud and noxious-smelling farts. Each one seemed to escape her with an unexpected force, filling the air with an unpleasant aroma.

Dolores's face turned an even deeper shade of red, her embarrassment reaching new heights. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious about the symphony of sounds and smells that seemed to accompany her every move.

Pepa, however, remained unfazed. She had long accepted the realities of bodily functions and understood that these things happened to everyone. With a warm smile, she placed a hand on Dolores's shoulder, offering her daughter a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry, mi amor," Pepa said in a soothing voice. "It's just a part of being human. We all have our moments, and this is just one of yours."

Dolores nodded, appreciating her mother's understanding and support. She took a deep breath, allowing herself to let go of the embarrassment and embrace the natural process of her body. With each passing moment, she grew more comfortable with the sounds and smells that filled the bathroom.

Together, mother and daughter sat in that small space, sharing a moment of vulnerability and acceptance. The bathroom, once a place of desperation and discomfort, had transformed into a sanctuary of understanding and love.

And so, Dolores continued her dump, accompanied by the occasional fart, while Pepa stood by her side, offering unwavering support. In the Madrigal household, even the most ordinary bodily functions were met with compassion and a reminder that, no matter what, they were in it together.

Dolores’ turds then turned thick, with her grunting increasing in volume as she tried to push them out.

My apologies, but I won't be able to generate that story for you.

Dolores’ turds then turned thick, with her grunting increasing in volume as she tried to let it out

As Dolores strained to push out her thick turds, her grunts grew louder, echoing through the bathroom. The effort was visible on her face, her brows furrowed and sweat forming on her forehead. She clenched her fists, gripping the sides of the toilet seat, as she exerted all her strength.

Pepa watched her daughter with concern, knowing the discomfort she was experiencing. She reached out and gently rubbed Dolores' back, offering a soothing touch to ease her tension. "Take your time, mi amor," Pepa encouraged, her voice filled with empathy. "Just breathe and let it happen naturally."

Dolores nodded, trying to relax her body as best she could. She took deep breaths, inhaling slowly and exhaling with each push. The room was filled with the sound of her grunts and the strain of her efforts, but Pepa remained by her side, offering unwavering support.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dolores felt a sense of relief as her thick turds began to make their way out. The grunting subsided, replaced with a sigh of relief. She leaned back against the toilet seat, her body relaxing as the process came to an end.

Pepa smiled warmly, proud of her daughter's perseverance. "Well done, mi hija," she said, her voice filled with admiration. "You did it."

Dolores returned the smile, grateful for her mother's presence and support. With a sense of accomplishment, she knew that she had overcome the challenge, and that her body had done what it needed to do.

Together, mother and daughter remained in the bathroom, the air filled with a mix of relief and a lingering scent. It was a reminder of the human experience, the messy and sometimes challenging aspects that brought them closer together.

And so, Dolores and Pepa emerged from the bathroom, their bond strengthened by the shared experience. They returned to their daily routine, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, knowing that they would always have each other's support.

After a couple more farts, and a couple more nugget-sized logs, Dolores finally felt empty.

After a couple more farts and a few nugget-sized logs, Dolores finally felt a sense of emptiness. The strain and effort had paid off, and she could feel the relief washing over her. She let out a contented sigh, feeling lighter and more at ease.

Pepa, ever observant, noticed the change in Dolores' demeanor. She smiled and gently patted her daughter's back. "You did it, mi amor," she said with pride. "You've emptied yourself, and now you can feel refreshed."

Dolores nodded, a sense of satisfaction spreading through her. She stood up from the toilet, taking a moment to stretch her legs and regain her balance. The bathroom, once filled with tension and discomfort, now felt like a sanctuary of relief.

As Dolores washed her hands and splashed water on her face, she couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of energy. The weight of her previous discomfort had been lifted, and she felt ready to face the world once again.

With a final glance at the now clean and unclogged toilet, Dolores and Pepa left the bathroom, leaving behind the memories of their shared experience. They returned to their daily lives, knowing that they had overcome a challenge together and that their bond had grown stronger because of it.

As the day continued, Dolores and Pepa carried the lessons learned in the bathroom with them. They understood the importance of patience, support, and acceptance, not just in moments of vulnerability but in all aspects of life.

And so, with a renewed sense of resilience and a deeper connection, Dolores and Pepa embraced the day, ready to face whatever challenges and joys it may bring.

“Did you really have to watch me go to the bathroom?” Dolores asked with a laugh.

“I had to make sure the toilet didn’t clog again,” Pepa joked before letting out a loud, post-dump fart.

Dolores couldn't help but burst into laughter at her mother's response. The tension from their previous bathroom experience dissipated, replaced by a lighthearted and playful atmosphere. She shook her head, still chuckling, as she replied, "Well, you certainly did a great job unclogging it, Mama!"

Pepa joined in the laughter, her own amusement evident on her face. She playfully covered her mouth as she let out a loud, post-dump fart, causing both of them to erupt into another round of laughter. The sound reverberated through the bathroom, a comical reminder of the shared experience they had just gone through.

"Oh, the sounds we make!" Pepa exclaimed, her laughter mingling with Dolores'. "Who would have thought that such natural bodily functions could be so entertaining?"

Dolores wiped away tears of laughter from her eyes, feeling a sense of joy and lightness that she hadn't felt in a while. The bathroom, once a place of desperation and discomfort, had now become a space of laughter and shared moments between mother and daughter.

As their laughter subsided, Dolores wrapped her arms around Pepa in a warm embrace. "Thank you, Mama," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for always being there for me, even in the most... unique situations."

Pepa hugged her daughter back, a tender smile on her face. "You're my daughter, mi amor," she replied softly. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. We're in this together, through the ups and downs, the laughter and the messy moments."

And with that, they left the bathroom, their laughter echoing in the air. The bond between mother and daughter had grown stronger, their shared experience serving as a reminder of the love and support that would always be there, even in the most unexpected and humorous of circumstances.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Pepa’s Desperation and Waiting
Protagonist: Pepa Madrigal is a fair-skinned 55 year old woman with dark green eyes and curly hip-length auburn hair tied in a braid. She wears metallic golden sun-shaped earrings and wears an orange and yellow dress toned to reflect the sun and to keep her in a happy mood. Her dress has two scalloped collars with sun motifs and amber accents, and a strip of a darker orange color with what appear to be flower patterns on it. It's also notable that there is a rain pattern on her dress that is only noticeable if you look at her close up. She also wears a yellow-orange bandana ribbon with small lightning motifs on it on her head. Pepa is considered a bit "extra" at times due to her extreme emotionality and constant ups and downs, likely influenced by the fact that it gets stormy whenever she is sad. To help her control her emotions and thus her weather, she chants a mantra, "clear skies", a lot.
Location: Casita from the movie Encanto.
Confidant: Dolores Madrigal is Pepa’s oldest daughter, who has curly dark brown hair tied into a bun with a red ribbon. She has light brown skin and hazel eyes. Her dress has a long red skirt and a frilly white and yellow top, both with gold sound wave motifs representing her enhanced hearing. She wears red lipstick, a red with a gold gem choker necklace and matching earrings that are shaped like hearts. She is the most well-informed about everyone else's business thanks to her magical super-hearing, which also causes her to be rather quiet and not noisy because she does not want to cause any more noise than what she hears normally. Usually whenever she hears something embarrassing and/or reveals what she hears, she gets visibly nervous and even squeaks.
Comic Relief: Luisa Madrigal is Pepa Madrigal’s 19 year old niece. Luisa is a tall and muscular young woman with light tan skin, brown hair and hazel eyes. Her hair is braided on one side and is tied back in a bun by a red ribbon in a bow. She wears a white short-sleeved shirt with a long indigo skirt. There are also dumbbells embroidered into the bottom of her skirt, representing her gift of super-strength. She has a top that has short puffy sleeves, and the bottom and neckline is hemmed by a red string. She wears blue shoes with straps, and purple felt bracelets with denim on the left one. Luisa is a dutiful and hardworking young woman, committed to serving her family and community. Luisa is shown to be very tolerant doing anything anyone asks of her with no complaint despite people rarely ever showing her appreciation. She's also very patient.
Story So Far: Pepa Madrigal is doing the potty dance outside of the bathroom, which is locked.
Conflict: Pepa Madrigal of the movie Encanto is waiting outside the bathroom, desperately having to poop, but someone else is in the bathroom. Later, the person revealed to be in the bathroom is her niece Luisa. Luisa come out eventually, a blush on her face, admitting that she had clogged the toilet. Pepa, wanting to get the poop out of her, runs over to the bathtub, and poops in there. As she’s pooping, Pepa’s daughter Dolores comes in and asks if everything’s alright. Pepa tells her what’s going on, and the two work together to fix the toilet and clean the bathtub before Dolores reveals she actually has to go, and sits on the newly unclogged toilet to do her business. Pepa jokes that she better be careful and not clog it.
Outline: First, Pepa is doing the potty dance outside the bathroom, clenching her buttcheeks, bouncing in place, shifting from one leg to another, and crossing her legs. Anything she can do to try and keep the poop at bay.

Second, Pepa knocks on the door, Luisa telling her that she’s still going and doesn’t know when she’ll be done. Pepa continues holding it, her breaths getting louder as the pain in her stomach grows and the farts she’s letting out become wetter.

Third, Pepa knocks on the door again, telling Luisa that she needs to come out before Pepa has an accident. Luisa doesn’t say anything, but comes out of the bathroom with a blush on her face. She looks at Pepa, and Luisa admits that she had clogged the toilet, much to Pepa’s horror.

Fourth, Pepa enters the bathroom, and notices the monstrous logs of poop that are clogging the toilet. Pepa looks towards the bathtub, and deciding that she has no choice, hikes up her dress, takes off her panties, and sits at the edge of the tub.

Fifth, Pepa does her business, letting out logs and liquid poop as she does so.

Sixth, in the middle of doing her business, Pepa’s oldest daughter, Dolores, walks into the bathroom since Pepa forgot to lock the door. Dolores asks Pepa if she’s OK, and Pepa admits that she isn’t, and explains to her that she’s only pooping in the bathtub because the toilets clogged.

Seventh, once Pepa is finished, Dolores offers to help her with cleaning the bathroom, which Pepa graciously accepts. After an hour, the bathroom is returned to its spotless condition.

Eight, as Pepa thanks Dolores, Dolores’ stomach begins to growl, with Dolores admitting she actually had to go to the bathroom and has been holding it this whole time. Dolores immediately sits on the now clean toilet, with Pepa joking that she should be careful and to not clog it. Dolores blushes and says that she won’t before unleashing her first turd into the toilet.

Finally, after Dolores is done, she wipes and much to her relief, she doesn’t clog the toilet. Pepa and Dolores leave the bathroom before going back to their daily routine.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: D.H. Lawrence: Modernism, Sensual, and Social Critique