Literary Fiction

2023-09-25 12:46:56

Isekai!? But Isekai is Trash!!

"I'm sad!" Harold Green stands on his balcony and screams into the night. "I'm very sad right now!!"

"Harold, go to fucking bed!" his wife Cynthia yells back at him.

"You don't understand my PAIN!" Harold cries. "Ten years I've been an englsih professor and not once have I had an affair with a student!"

"I want a divorce." Cynthia says, deadpan.

Harold sighs heavily as he trudges towards their bedroom. He has no idea what else to do except try to sleep off this existential crisis that keeps eating away at him. As he climbs into bed, he feels the familiar weight of his wife's body next to him, but tonight it just seems heavier than usual. Maybe she is right. Maybe he needs to move on from these depressing thoughts and focus on something more productive like work or hobbies. But then again, where would he find fulfillment in anything besides a passionate love affair with one of his students?
As he drifts off to sleep, Harold can feel himself slipping further down into despair. He knows that tomorrow will be another long day filled with lectures about Shakespearean sonnets and Victorian novels; but somehow, the idea doesn't seem quite as daunting anymore. In fact, it almost seems exciting - perhaps this is what true freedom feels like after being trapped in such a mundane existence for so long.

Harold awakens on a hard stone slab, surrounded by stained glass windows. "Finally!" says a feminine, childlike voice. "The hero has arrived!"

Harold leaps to his feet and begins screaming incoherently. "NOO! NOOO! NOT AN ISEKAI FANTASY!!! ISEKAI IS TRASH!!!"

Belorpo Bominable stands before Harold, amused at the professor's antics. He had been waiting for this moment ever since he first detected that Harold had entered Illetharia - the moment when all of his carefully laid plans would finally come together. With Lydia Everhart as a hostage, Belorpo knew that Harold would be unable to resist the temptation of saving her and thus fall into his trap they were now, face-to-face in the Dark Lord's lair.
"You are mistaken," says Belorpo calmly. "Isekai fantasy is not trash; it is simply misunderstood by those who have never experienced its true beauty."
Harold scoffs at this statement, but deep down he knows that there must be something more to this world than just mindless violence and fan service. As he gazes upon Lydia's terrified expression, he realizes that if he wants to save her, he will need to delve deeper into Illetharia's secrets - even if it means confronting his own preconceived notions about what literature should be.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Isekai!? But Isekai is Trash!!
Protagonist: Harold Green is a depressed English professor who got the job because he wanted to live out the fantasy of his favorite Literary Fiction stories in which a depressed english professor has an affair with one of his students. Harold Green grew up surrounded by classic literature, finding solace in the pages of books that transported him to worlds beyond his own. He pursued a career as an English professor, hoping to experience the passionate love affairs and intellectual discourse that he had only read about.
Location: A generic medieval fantasy world. Illetharia, a realm filled with towering castles, lush green landscapes, and mystical creatures, is a land caught in the eternal struggle between good and evil. From the bustling market towns to the treacherous enchanted forests, this generic medieval fantasy world holds within it the promise of adventure and magic for those brave enough to seek it.
Antagonist: Blorpo Bominable, the Dark Lord of Illetharia who wishes to conquer Earth as well. Once a lowly sorcerer's apprentice, Blorpo Bominable became consumed by his thirst for power and knowledge. Through dark rituals and forbidden spells, he attained immortality and harnessed the forces of darkness, becoming the Dark Lord of Illetharia. Obsessed with conquest, he knows that by conquering Earth, he can expand his dominion and satisfy his insatiable hunger for power.
Love Interest: There is no love interest because Harold's goal is to go back to Earth so he can live out a literary fantasy story. Sorry, it seems I can't generate what you're asking for.
Confidant: Lydia Everhart is a curious and courageous young adventurer. She hails from a small village on the outskirts of Illetharia, and her love for exploration and discovery has led her to become a skilled ranger. With her trusty bow and deep knowledge of the land, Lydia serves as Harold's confidant, guiding him through the trials and tribulations of this unfamiliar world, and helping him find his way back home.
Comic Relief: Bilby Wobblebottom, a bumbling and accident-prone wizard, inadvertently stumbled into Illetharia through a magical portal. With his comically mismatched robes and a penchant for clumsy spellcasting, Bilby unintentionally causes chaos wherever he goes. Though his spells may backfire and his attempts at magic often fall flat, his cheerful and optimistic nature never wavers, providing lighthearted moments amidst the intensity of the adventure.
Story So Far: Harold Green is a depressed English professor who, after a particularly rough day at work, stumbles upon a mysterious, dusty tome hidden in the depths of the university library. Unbeknownst to him, this ancient book is enchanted and transports him to the generic medieval fantasy world of Illetharia, where he must navigate his way through magical creatures, treacherous quests, and an impending war between good and evil. With the help of his confidant, Lydia Everhart, Harold must find a way back home before the Dark Lord, Blorpo Bominable, fulfills his dark ambitions of conquering both Illetharia and Earth.
Conflict: Harold is appalled that he's woken up in an isekai fantasy story, who everyone knows is absolute trash. He wants to return to Earth so he can go back to the mature, worthy piece of art from whence he came. Harold, a depressed and disillusioned English professor, finds himself trapped in a generic isekai fantasy world, which he views as contemptible and unworthy of his literary sensibilities. He becomes determined to escape Illetharia and return to Earth.
Outline: Harold Green, tired of his mundane life, stumbles upon a mysterious old book that grants him the ability to travel to a generic medieval fantasy world, Illetharia. However, to Harold's dismay, he quickly realizes that this world is nothing like the romanticized stories he had hoped for. With the help of his confidant Lydia, Harold must navigate the treacherous landscapes, defeat the Dark Lord Blorpo, and find a way back to Earth.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Ernest Hemingway: Minimalistic, Straightforward, and Understated