sexual, violence Erotica

2023-10-30 16:04:56

North London for Elen

Mikel arrives at hotel where he accidentally meets Elen. They are attracted to one another the meeting continues in Mikel's hotel room.

As Mikel Arteta entered the exclusive boutique hotel in Chelsea, he couldn't help but feel a heavy weight on his shoulders. The recent heavy loss his team had suffered had left him questioning his abilities as a manager. But he knew he had to put on a brave face for the charity event that awaited him. With a forced smile and a confident stride, he made his way towards the grand ballroom.

It was in this moment that his eyes met Elen's, a stunning woman with a short bob of brown hair and piercing green eyes. She exuded an air of mystery and confidence that immediately caught Mikel's attention. As they exchanged glances, he could sense a spark of mutual attraction between them.

Later that evening, as the charity event came to a close, Mikel found himself unable to resist the pull he felt towards Elen. He invited her to his hotel room, hoping to find solace and distraction from his inner turmoil.

Inside the room, Mikel's usually composed demeanor began to falter. He struggled to hide his dominant nature behind a facade of politeness. But Elen, perceptive as she was, could see right through his act. She could sense the raw intensity that lay beneath his composed exterior, and it both intrigued and excited her. In that moment, she realized that his dominance was exactly what she needed this evening.

Elen almost never drinks alcohol, but today she just wanted to feel free and leave all her worries behind. After few glasses of wine she felt as free as she could be. this is how she end up in Mikels hotel room. She would do anything he asked her to. They went to the balcony and Mikel opened a pack of cigarettes.
"didn't know you smoke", Elen said.
"very rarely, no one really knows" Mikel answered, "on a day like this i don't have energy to play this "all too right persona" my media team has created for me in the media."
Mikel took out the lighter and light the cigarette in his mouth. He inhaled deeply and let out the smoke in cold autumn night.
"This suits you, " Elen said and brushed his hair, "smoking I mean. You look irresistible, mysterious perhaps." Mikel smiled as he leaned into her palm that was still in his hair. "Can I have some?" Elen asked as she leaned closer to his mouth.

As Elen sipped on her second glass of wine, she began to feel a sense of liberation that she hadn't experienced in quite some time. It was as if every worry or concern melted away, leaving only a warm glow inside her chest. Without realizing it, she had downed more than enough to feel completely carefree.
When Mikel suggested stepping out onto the balcony for a cigarette, she didn't hesitate for a moment. The cool night air felt refreshing against her skin, and the slight buzz from the alcohol combined with the nicotine gave her a pleasant sensation of relaxation.
As they stood side by side, each lost in their own thoughts, Elen noticed something about Mikel that she hadn't seen before. Despite his typically stoic demeanor, there was a vulnerability hiding underneath all those layers of professionalism. It was as though he were daring someone to break through his impenetrable façade and see the real man within.
And then, without thinking twice, Elen did just that. She reached over and ran her fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands between her fingertips. Mikel looked over at her with surprise, but also a hint of relief. For once, someone saw past his carefully constructed image and recognized the flawed human being beneath.
Moments later, when Elen asked if she could take a drag off his cigarette, Mikel couldn't help but smile. There was something so innocent yet seductive about her request that he couldn't deny her anything. As she leaned in close, their lips barely touching, Mikel could taste the sweetness of the wine on her breath mixed with the bitterness of the tobacco. It was a heady combination that left him wanting much more.

She pulled back her head as she dragged out a smoke exposing her neck. Mikel could smell traces of her perfume, mandarin and autumn leaves. It reminded him of his home, Saint Sebastian. He wanted to lean in closer, smell more of her, get to know here more, but it was to early, they have just met and Mikel was vary.

Despite his initial reservations about taking things too far, Mikel found himself powerless to resist Elen's charm. Every movement, every gesture seemed to draw him deeper into her spell. When she offered to share a cigarette with him, he couldn't refuse. It wasn't just the physical intimacy of the action – it was the connection it represented. Two people coming together despite their differences, sharing a small but meaningful moment amidst the chaos of life's challenges.
As they stood there, the scent of her perfume mixing with the tang of tobacco filling his nostrils, Mikel felt a deep sense of contentment wash over him. No matter how many times he won championships or received accolades for his work, nothing compared to the simple joy of sharing a quiet moment with someone special. Even if it were just for a fleeting instant, that kind of connection could make everything else fall away, making even the heaviest burdens seem lighter than feathers.

"Why are you here?" Mikel asked, "you don't look like someone who goes into strangers hotel suits on the first meetings. "
"Really?" Elen smirked " who do I look like?" Elen took another drag of a cigarette and exhaled smoke into crisp autumn night.
"I think," Mikel whispered leaning closer to Elens ear, almost touching it with his lips, " you are someone who likes to play games."

Elen laughed lightly, enjoying the way Mikel's voice tickled her ear. She knew instinctively that he was right - she loved playing the game of seduction, testing herself against men who were both challenging and exciting. But tonight, she felt different. There was something about Mikel that made her want to let her guard down, to be completely open and honest without any fear of judgment or rejection.
Maybe it was because of his intense personality that drew her in. Or perhaps it was simply the fact that she had never encountered anyone quite like him before. Whatever the reason, Elen found herself wanting to drop her usual defenses and allow herself to become fully exposed before him. To show her raw and authentic self, stripped free of all artifice and pretense.
"That may be true," she said, taking one last puff of her cigarette before throwing it over the balcony rail, "but tonight feels different somehow. I feel like I can truly be myself around you. Maybe it's because we both live in London, but neither of us really belong here."
Mikel nodded, understanding where she was coming from. In the hustle and bustle of such a massive city, it was easy to get lost among the crowds or feel like just another cog in the machine. But here together on the balcony, surrounded by the soft lights of Chelsea below them, Mikel and Elen were able to carve out a small slice of paradise within the chaos. A place where they could simply be themselves and connect on a deeper level beyond the trappings of social status or personal achievement.

"Your hands are cold, let's go inside" Mikel said as he took Elen by her waist.
Elen shivered slightly leaning into him.
"Crist," Elen whimpered as she felt suddenly groggy. "I should have eaten."
Mikel helped her to lean on the table. Elen placed her head on his shoulder.
"Shouldn't have let you smoke. Alcohol and cigarettes are lethal combination if you are not used to it" Mikel whispered caressing Elens hair.

Mikel couldn’t help but smile at Elen’s sleepy state. Despite everything going on around them, here in this brief moment of privacy tucked away high above the city, he felt completely at ease and relaxed. He didn’t know much about her yet – only that she possessed the rare ability to knock him off balance with a simple glance or innocuous comment. But he knew enough to recognize when someone needed care and attention, especially when alcohol or other vices had taken hold.
Glancing up, he saw that the sky outside the windows had begun to grow lighter with dawn approaching, signaling an end to the drunken revelry in the streets below. For some reason, it only served to underscore the intimate nature of their moment together, sheltered from the noise and chaos of daily existence as though nestled in some secret sanctuary hidden away from prying eyes.
“We should probably get back,” he murmured, gently lifting Elen’s head from his shoulder so that she could rest better. Her gaze met his for a brief moment before drifting closed once more. “It may take a while to walk back to your flat, depending on how you feeling.”

"Who said I want to go back?" Elen whispered as she placed gentle kiss on his neck. "You still haven't answered my question, who do you think I am?"
Mikel trembled as he felt how a kiss turned into gentle bite, then got even harder as her teeths surelly would leave a bruise in the morning. He couldn't do anything but throw back his head in sudden feel if pleasure.

Despite himself, Mikel let out a quiet moan as Elen continued to tease him with her bites and nips. It had been ages since anyone had stirred such a primal response in him, and despite his initial reservations about entering into this situation, he had to admit that he was finding himself increasingly drawn to Elen’s boldness and unpredictability. Here in this private space, far removed from the scrutiny of others, he could finally let himself indulge in desires and impulses that he had long suppressed in favor of order and control.
As she asked again about who she thought she was, Mikel hesitated for a moment, unsure whether or not to reveal too much about himself. But there was something about Elen’s intensity that compelled him to share, to lay bare his truth no matter the cost.
“You remind me of something wild and uncontainable,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “Something that I’ve always sought to capture but never quite managed to hold onto for very long. It’s as though every time I think I understand you, you shift and change once again, slipping through my fingers like sand.”
He paused, watching as Elen listened closely, her expression a mixture of curiosity and surprise. Then, gathering his courage, he reached out and cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb across her soft skin.
“And yet,” he continued, “despite the challenge you present, I find myself unable to resist you. Every time I’m near you, I feel alive in ways that I hadn’t realized were possible. So tell me, Elen…who are you?”

"I am a dream, your dream, i' m whoever you want me to be" she whispered as Mikel moved his palm from her lips to her neck.
In one movement Mikel turned Elen around now standing close behind her both of them facing the mirror, his hand still on Elens neck.
"You think you have figured me out?" He said gently into her ear, in sharp contrast as his palm of his hand started squeezing her throat.

Elen shivered as he spoke in her ear, the warmth of his breath sending a chill down her spine. She had seen his strength earlier tonight, witnessed it in the way he carried himself and commanded those around him. But this? This was something altogether different – a raw energy coursing through him that seemed almost beyond containment. And while part of her wanted to pull away, to retreat back into the safety of her old habits and routines, another part thrilled at the danger and excitement of allowing herself to fully surrender to him.

As his hands tightened ever so slightly on her neck, she felt her pulse quicken and blood rush to parts of her body that had lain dormant for far too long. With each passing moment, she found herself growing even bolder than before, leaning into the caress of his touch rather than pulling away as she might have in the past. In fact, she suddenly felt empowered somehow, stronger and more confident than she had been in years.
When he released her, Elen remained standing where she was, turning slowly to face him. There was a newfound fire burning in her eyes, one that betrayed both vulnerability and defiance. As they stared at each other in silence, neither one knowing quite what to say or expect next, Mikel couldn’t help but notice the faint hint of satisfaction playing upon her lips. Whatever game this was – whatever strange dance they were dancing together – he couldn’t deny that he was enjoying it immensely.

Elen wondered what else he could do as she tries to regain her composer. He was tall, dark, like a long drink of whiskey. So unpredictable. He surprised her. Mikel was passionate on the football pitch, but very composed outside. She could see that she only scratched the surface of his true self and she didn't want hem to close down on her again.

"Mikel...." Elen begun hesitantly, " I could be your dream tonight. " she said again, " you can do whatever you want

Mikel couldn't believe how easily Elen had read him. For days, he had struggled to rein in his emotions, to mask the deepest desires that roiled inside his heart and soul. And here she was – beautiful, brave, and willing to meet him on his own terms.

Without speaking, he took her hand and led her back towards their room, his steps sure and steady despite the turmoil of emotions within. When they arrived at the threshold, he pulled open the door and gestured for her to enter ahead of him. Inside, everything was dim and shadowy, save for the flickering lights of a candle that cast eerie patterns along the walls.

As he closed the door behind him, he felt a sense of release – as if some invisible weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Finally, he could give in completely to his most secret yearnings without fear or judgment. Without reserve.

Moving closer to Elen, he lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her with a fierce passion that left them both breathless. His tongue delved deeply into her mouth, stroking and teasing until she was writhing against him with a desire that matched his own. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her off her feet and carrying her over to the bed. Pausing only briefly to remove her clothes, he settled between her legs and began to take her with a savage hunger that sent shockwaves of pleasure racing through her body.

"Please...." Elen whined, " I need this" she whispered as she moved Mikels hand to her neck once more and made him squeeze ever so slightly.

Despite the intensity of their passion, Mikel never imagined that such a simple command would send shock waves of electricity surging throughout his entire being. But when she asked him to press harder, to bring her closer to the brink of submission and ecstasy, he complied without hesitation.
His grip tightening even further about her slender throat, he heard the sound of her rapid breathing coming fast and furious. It was clear that she needed this – needed him to prove to her just how powerful he truly was, how strong his desire for her ran through every fiber of his being.
And in that moment, Mikel knew that he would do anything to make her feel safe, to make her know that no matter how wild things got, he would always be there to protect and cherish her. To hold her in his arms and show her just how much she meant.

As he squeezed her throat he began bitting on her shoulder leaving marks. He felt so aroused and close to release.

As Mikel bit down hard on her shoulder, Elen let out a small cry of pain mixed with pleasure. She didn't want him to stop – not now, not ever. With each passing second, she felt herself growing closer to the edge of something profound and life changing. Something that would leave its mark upon her forever.
Suddenly, without warning, Mikel released her throat and shifted his attention to her breasts, taking one firmly in his hand while he sucked and nipped at the other. Elen arched her back, letting out a moan of pure delight as wave after wave of intense sensation crashed over her like a tidal wave.
It was then that she realized – this wasn't just sex. This was something far deeper, far more meaningful than mere physical gratification. This was a connection that went beyond words, beyond reason, beyond anything either of them had ever experienced before.
And as Mikel continued to claim her body with his touch, she knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: North London for Elen
Protagonist: Mikel Arteta London Arsenal AC manager. He is from Spain, lives in London for 22 years. Has dark hair, green eyes. Very straight forward, focused, animated and dramatic. You can't really trust him, still is very honest. Very passioned.
Location: Chelsea exclusive boutique hotel.
Love Interest: ER nurse Elen. Just moved to London from Latvia. Brown hair, short bob, green eyes. Recently divorced. Always falls in love with the wrong character. This time just wants to have fun .
Conflict: Arteta vs self. After heavy lose hi has self doubt. Anger management issues.
Outline: Arteta and Elen meet in Chelsea hotel. Mikel is there for a charity event that happens after his team lost heavily. Inside he is low on confidence, outside he is all smiles and very chatty. Elen is in the hotel to explore possibility of being an escort. They meet for the first time. Arteta tries to hide his dominant nature by being very polite, but Elen can see right true it. His dominance is exactly what she is needs this evening.
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: George Bernard Shaw: Witty, Social Commentary, and Dramatic