violence Erotica

2023-09-27 19:51:14

Don't Forget, The Travesty Part 8

A powerful gang leader takes interest in Camila after noticing her cat-like agility, threatening their safety and peaceful life in Northern Plateau, as he kidnapped her using a dirty trick.

It was a beautiful day outside, as Infinite got dressed in the white silk suit he had picked up for the occasion. He slipped his hand into the pocket of the blazer, grabbing his cellphone which was vibrating softly.

"A message from... Dark?!"

Infinite had received a message from his younger cousin. She was pretty serious with the wording... It's a serious call to him.

As Infinite read through the text message, his expression grew grim. Without hesitation, he made his way out of the door and towards the source of the message. His footsteps echoed through the quiet streets as he made his way towards where Dark awaited him. When he arrived, he saw Dark standing outside a rundown building, looking anxious.
"What's going on?" Infinite asked. "Is everything alright?"
Dark looked up, eyes filled with fear. "I don't know," she replied. "But I think we need to go inside."

Infinite stepped in behind her. The interior of the building appeared to have been abandoned for quite some time, as dust covered every visible surface. There was only one door leading to the main room, and there seemed to be no other entrance other than that one. It was evident that no one had been inside that place for years, and it had a sign that reads, 'The Temple of the Moon'.

"This place has a ancient relic. 'The Moon Emblem'. It holds great power. Whoever possesses this emblem will become the most powerful person in the world. But whoever grabs it... Must die. And if they do not die... they will be cursed with a unbelievable thirst for power."

Infinite's eyes widened in horror. What the hell did she just say?! "What happened? Why have you brought me here?"
"I know who's planning to invade here," she replied.
"What?" He growled angrily. "Who...?! Tell me, Dark, tell me!"
"It's him..." Dark replied quietly, as she knocked him unconscious.

Infinite felt a sudden blow to the back of his head, sending him tumbling forward onto the ground. Groggily, he tried to raise himself up, but his vision blurred and his thoughts foggy. He could hear the sound of someone moving about nearby, but couldn't make out what was being said. Slowly, the haze began to clear, and he realized he was lying on the floor of an old, dilapidated temple.

He sat up slowly, trying to gather his bearings. The first thing he noticed was a small pendant dangling from a chain around his neck - a crescent moon set within a circle. Suddenly, memories flooded back to him. He remembered arriving at the temple with Dark earlier that day, and how she had led him inside. Somehow, he knew that something wasn't right. He remembered feeling uneasy, but hadn't understood why.

Now, he knew why.

Suddenly, he heard movement again, closer this time. Footsteps approaching from somewhere in the dark corners of the temple. They stopped suddenly, followed by a low, menacing chuckle.

"Greetings, my dear Infinite. So glad you could join us." A mysterious male voice was heard.

With all his might, Infinite rose to his feet and turned around slowly. He took in the sight in front of him, seeing three figures in black robes surrounding him. They were holding spears that shone ominously, and they were surrounding him with cold malicious smiles plastered across their faces.

Standing beside one of the figures, was a guy wearing Silver Armor.

"Hey! Are you rogue Knights?!" Infinite yelled, anger rising inside him.

One of the Rogue Knights sneered, pointing his spear in his direction. "That is none of your concern. We are here to take the Moon Emblem, and you shall give it to us."

"Me what?! Are you crazy?? It belongs to this place!!" Infinite retorted.
"Your words mean nothing! Give it to us, or suffer the consequences, you pleb!" The Rogue Knight roared in rage.
"You're delusional. I'm not handing over such a valuable item to a bunch of lunatics like you!" Infinite raised his fists in front of him.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Don't Forget, The Travesty Part 8
Protagonist: Infinite is a charismatic and enigmatic figure with mysterious origins. He possesses supernatural abilities, such as extreme healing in danger, great might and high speed, making him a formidable force. Despite his immense power, he is gentle and compassionate, always putting the well-being of others before his own. Camila, the cat girl, is a skilled and nimble thief with a troubled past. Aurora, on the other hand, is a fabulous Ice Master Knight who came from Russia. She has the North Pole Armor as her Protective Armor. She is pretty skilled with Ice manipulation. She's normally cold as her homeland, and also is a bit of a psychopath when someone she cares gets hurt. Together, they form a unique trio, each contributing their own unique talents and strengths to their adventures. Their bond is built on trust, love, and unwavering loyalty, striving to bring justice and protect the innocent in a world plagued by darkness and corruption.
Location: The Palace of the Lunar Owl is an awe-inspiring ancient temple complex nestled in the heart of the city of Peloponnese. It houses a multitude of prayer chambers and serves as the training grounds for the valiant Holy Knights. Standing to watch over the sacred grounds is Kaori Meishu, a newly awakened demigoddess who now holds the esteemed title of Commander of the Holy Army. Title given by Athena, the Harpy General and the Holy Goddess herself.
Antagonist: A high class Rogue Knight, he controls many rogues around the globe, and his many vile acts caused him to be deemed a enemy of Raijo's many armies, Dairos was once a devoted knight, fighting for justice and protecting the weak. However, after a tragic betrayal that resulted in the death of his loved ones, he became consumed by darkness and turned to the path of villainy. He now leads a powerful band of rogues, wreaking havoc and seeking revenge against those he believes were responsible for his downfall.
Rita, a stoic and regal figure, has dedicated her life to honing her skills as a Gold Knight of Glacier. As a master of ice manipulation, her icy demeanor matches her formidable abilities on the battlefield. Despite her cold exterior, Rita has a deep love and protectiveness towards her adopted daughter Aurora, training her to become a powerful Ice Master Knight in her own right. However, beneath her stern facade, there are hints of a hidden pain and tragedy that have shaped her into the formidable warrior she is today.
Love Interest: Infinite, the enigmatic protagonist, had found Camila in her home island and married her, but then, he was suggested by his mother, Queen Kyoko to marry one more person. And he chose Aurora de Mello, a Ice Knight who he had previously fought twice, and had declared herself for him previously, but he had rejected her. Now they're married, and despite not hating each other, Camila and Aurora are still in the way to achieve true understanding. But one thing they both agree, they love Infinite with all of their might.
Confidant: Alice, a wise and mysterious sorcerer, serves as the trio's confidant and mentor. She possesses ancient knowledge and insights into the mystical arts, guiding the heroes in their quests and providing them with crucial advice. Despite his recluse nature, Alice has a genuine care for the trio's well-being and is always there to lend a helping hand when needed.
Comic Relief: Alice and Camila are both lightheaded and spontaneous, often getting into comical and unpredictable situations. Their banter and playful antics provide a much-needed break from the intensity of their missions, lightening the mood and bringing laughter to the group. Whether it's Alice accidentally turning herself into a bunny or Camila getting tangled up in her own traps, their comic relief moments never fail to bring a smile to everyone's faces.
Story So Far: Infinite and Camila have settled into their new life at Northern Plateau, eager to begin their careers and uncover any mysteries the city holds. However, their idyllic beginning is soon shattered when news of Mugen's creation, the Spider Woman, reaches their ears. With Mugen's twisted plan threatening the safety of the city, Infinite and Camila must work together to unravel the truth and bring an end to the terror that looms over Northern Plateau. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they must navigate the complex web of relationships and alliances within the city, all while relying on the wisdom of their mentors, Police Captain Michael and Queen Kyoko. With their love and determination, Infinite and Camila will face the challenges ahead, determined to protect the city they've come to call home. Meanwhile, Aurora struggles to come to terms with her newfound marriage to Infinite, conflicted by her feelings of jealousy towards Camila and her lingering obsession with the mysterious demigod. As the trio reunites to face the impending threat of Mugen and the Spider Woman, they must also confront their own inner demons and insecurities, learning to trust and rely on each other in order to succeed. In the shadows, Dairos continues to plot his revenge against the Holy Army, gathering his rogues and preparing for a climactic showdown that will test the limits of the trio's abilities and the strength of their bonds. As they journey through treacherous landscapes and face formidable foes, the true power of friendship, love, and redemption will be tested like never before, as they strive to protect the innocent and bring an end to the darkness that threatens their world.
Conflict: The trio of lovers are constantly in a state of worry as they're separated by the many conflicts happening around. Since Xeros appeared, many more bad guys have appeared to take advantage of the chaos and challenge their unity. As their enemies grow in strength and numbers, the trio must navigate their own personal struggles and confront their inner demons in order to reunite and face the ultimate threat that awaits them. The fate of not only their love, but also the world, rests in their hands.
Outline: In the mysterious land of Peloponnese, the Palace of the Lunar Owl stands tall, housing the valiant Holy Knights and their newly appointed commander, Kaori Meishu. As the trio of Infinite, Camila, and Aurora work together to bring justice and protect the innocent, they must unite their unique talents and strengths to face off against the rogue knight, Dairos, who seeks revenge for a tragic betrayal. Along their journey, they discover the deep secrets and hidden pain that drive their confidant, Rita, and find themselves entangled in a complex love triangle as they navigate their feelings for Infinite. With the guidance of their wise mentor, Alice, the group sets off on an epic adventure to save their world from darkness and corruption.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction