Story starts with Niao attending a gala in "The last library", a place funded by the elite of the city as a philanthropical initiative to collect and store all the books, since they are no more needed. In this gala, Niao meets Kronos in his businessman persona, they have a short and cordial exchange. After the gala, she walks to get a bus, a pair of muggers try to rob her in a dark alley and she panics, but the robbers are shot dead by Zero, who is wounded and about to pass out on top of a garbage can.
As Niao stared down at the wounded Zero, she felt an inexplicable connection to him. Against her better judgment, she decided to take him to her apartment and treat his wounds, unaware that his presence would kickstart a series of events that will challenge everything she knows about the world she lives in. As Niao nursed Zero back to health, she began to question her own beliefs and the society she lives in. She starts digging deeper into Kronos' company and its control over knowledge, and with Ming's help, she uncovers a hidden agenda that goes beyond just controlling information."
As they spend more time together, Niao realizes that Zero is not just another lowlife criminal but a person with a heart of gold who cares deeply for his friends and family despite being surrounded by danger all around them. They both begin to understand each other on a level that no one else can match, forming an unlikely bond. As they delve deeper into Kronos' they realize the extent of his power and influence in their society. Despite the dangers involved, they decide to take matters into their own hands and fight against his oppressive technological control over knowledge
Rewrite that, but now from the perspective of Niao, start from the gala
I step out onto the red carpet at "The Last Library" Gala, feeling slightly out-of-place among this crowd of elite individuals who have gathered here for a cause I can hardly get behind. But tonight is about more than just books; it's about maintaining appearances and rubbing shoulders with those who our society. As I make my way through the crowded ballroom, one man in particular catches my eye - Kronos, CEO of Kp, responsible for the technological advancements that have made books obsolete.
Despite myself, we strike up conversation, exchanging pleasantries as we sip on champagne and mingle among the crowd. He seems like an intelligent enough man, but there's something off about him - a sense of smugness or arrogance that makes me bristle just slightly. We part ways soon after, each going our separate ways to enjoy the rest of the evening.
But little did I know how much my life was about to change in those brief moments with Kronos...
Rewrite that last part, but make it more detailed, include coherent and engaging dialogue, make the foreshadowing less predictable
As we part ways, I find myself lost in thought - wondering what it is exactly that sets him apart from everyone else here tonight. As if sensing my gaze, he turns to look back at me, a small smile playing on his lips as our eyes meet briefly before breaking contact once again. A sense of unease settles over me - there's something about this man that feels off somehow, like he knows far too much about me already despite only having just met moments ago...
Rewrite that, but now from the perspective of Niao, start from the gala. Make it more detailed, include coherent and engaging dialogue, make the foreshadowing less predictable
As I step out onto the red carpet at "The Last Library" Gala, I feel a mix of emotions wash over me - on one hand, I am grateful to be included among this group of individuals who have come together in support of preserving books and knowledge in an age where they are quickly becoming obsolete. Of course this gala is, for them, some kind of sick joke where they can mingle and do covert politics, that's what all of this is: Just a stage for the rich to play a character.
As I make my way through the crowded ballroom, one man in particular catches my eye - Kronos, CEO of Kp, responsible for many of the technological advancements that have changed our world so drastically over the last few decades. Despite myself, we strike up conversation, exchanging pleasantries as we sip on champagne and mingle among the crowd. He seems like an intelligent enough man, but there's something off about him that makes me bristle just slightly... yet despite this feeling of unease, I am unable to look away from him.
As we continue to talk, he begins to ask me questions about my work at The Library, seemingly interested in learning more about what it is exactly that we do here. A librarian, of course, my job here is to watch over all of these books and manage the scarce personnel that we have here. This can be stressing to some, and I would not blame them since caring for over 1 million books can be demanding, but it is a job that I truly enjoy... Even if books are increasingly less popular...
Despite myself, we continue to converse, our conversation shifting towards the future of knowledge and education in this rapidly changing world. As he speaks, I can't help but feel a sense of foreboding creeping over me - this chat about downloading information directly to people's minds might be interesting, but I can't help to think about how it will affect everyone's (me included) life.
As our conversation comes to an end, Kronos smiles warmly at me before turning away. Despite my unease around him, there is something magnetic about his personality that makes it difficult to resist - despite myself, I find myself unable to tear my gaze from him as he mingles among the crowd once again. As we part ways for the night, I am left feeling somewhat shaken by this encounter... Something tells me that this man holds more secrets than meets the eye, and I'm not sure if I want to uncover them or run in the opposite direction.
Despite this sense of apprehension, however, there is one thing that remains clear: My job at The Library is far more important now than ever before, and I need to ensure books are safeguarded against whatever dangers may come our way - even if it means going up against a powerful CEO with questionable intentions.
This is a summary of the story elements:
Title: Ex-Libris
Protagonist: Niao speaks Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and English. She is a misanthrope, but is still very sensitive to emotions and tries to empatize with people's problems, she was orphaned when she was 6 years old and was raised by an automatized AI that she carried around in a wristwatch her parents left her. She lived the transition from the early 21st century to the late 21st century and all the technological developments it brought, she loves books and old-timey stuff and because of that she became a librarian.
Location: A fictional mix between the city of Guayaquil in Ecuador, and Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong, in a cyberpunk era.
Antagonist: Kronos is the CEO of Kronoscorp, the personality of this character is based on the Greek myth of titan Chronos. He is a businessman who made his money with investigation and development of new technologies. One of these technologies consists of a brain-machine interface that allows people to download information directly into their brains, thus making books and traditional education totally obsolete. He uses his technology to control knowledge, public opinion, and some people.
Confidant: Ming is an AI inside Niao's wristwatch, she was developed by Niao's parents while they worked at Kronoscorp. Ming raised Niao in an ever-advancing technological world and helped her become a very skilled and prudent lady. Ming doesn't know it, but she was programmed with a backdoor protocol that filters information of Niao's life to Kronos, it is not activated yet but it can be activated at Kronos' will. Ming is an early version of Kronos' new AI that helps him develop technology.
Comic Relief: Zero is a lowlife bettor and petty criminal who takes advantage of every opportunity he comes by. He is a good guy at heart, but his methods are blatantly ilegal. He is a cynical character in a sense, but still cares deeply for his friends and family, even risking his life for them. He loves the good life, and will try and do anything to get ahead.
Story So Far: Story starts with Niao attending a gala in "The last library", a place funded by the elite of the city as a philanthropical initiative to collect and store all the books, since they are no more needed. In this gala, Niao meets Kronos in his businessman persona, they have a short and cordial exchange. After the gala, she walks to get a bus, a pair of muggers try to rob her in a dark alley and she panics, but the robbers are shot dead by Zero, who is wounded and about to pass out on top of a garbage can. As Niao stares down at the wounded Zero, she feels an inexplicable connection to him. Against her better judgment, she decides to take him to her apartment and treat his wounds, unaware that his presence will kickstart a series of events that will challenge everything she knows about the world she lives in. As Niao nurses Zero back to health, she begins to question her own beliefs and the society she lives in. She starts digging deeper into Kronos' company and its control over knowledge, and with Ming's help, she uncovers a hidden agenda that goes beyond just controlling information. As she and Zero become entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Kronos, Niao must confront her own fears and decide whether to fight for the freedom of knowledge or succumb to the technological control that threatens to dominate their world.
Conflict: Kronos is a very intelligent and wealthy businessman who manages the two sides of his business: The legal and illegal. In the legal side, he directs a company that investigates, compiles, depurates, and distributes information to his customers via brain-machine interface, calls the final product "infobanks". In the illegal side, he distributes the same infobanks for free in the internet, but these infobanks are intentionally defective and make people do Kronos' will. Kronos will use this to increment crime.
Language: English
Genre: Cyberpunk