sexual/minors, sexual Erotica

2023-09-10 19:58:37

A Bar's Bar

Taito's whole body was trembling as he sat down at the crowded bar, feeling the unfamiliarity of the skirt's material riding up his pale thighs. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and waved the waiter over for a beer. Good, just a beer, and then he can leave.

He knew he brought this on himself when he decided to date the daughter of a man he was attracted to, just to keep some part of the man with him. It is a revolting thing to do, and this was the price. A girl had kissed him without warning, so Raya was angry and dared Taito to come to the bar like a girl, to prove he'd do anything for her.

But he wouldn't do anything for her. No, he was only doing this so that he wouldn't lose his connection to Cormac.

Taito's mind wandered back to the encounter earlier in the store, where Cormac had seemed so vulnerable and lost. There was a sadness in the depths of the veteran's eyes that tugged at Taito's heartstrings. It was that very vulnerability that drew him in, despite his initial fear.

As he took a sip of his beer, Taito glanced around the dimly lit bar, noticing the intertwined couples in the shadowy booths. The air crackled with hushed conversations and hidden desires, a place where secrets were whispered and barriers were crossed. It was the perfect setting for forbidden encounters and stolen moments.

He couldn't help but wonder how many other unsuspecting souls had found themselves entangled in this clandestine haven. How many had stumbled upon their own dark desires within the walls of this bar? And now, here he was, disguised as a woman, chasing after an unattainable love. The irony of it all was not lost on him.

"Hay, little lady, why not come with me?" A nasty voice purred next to Taito at the bar, his whole body shuddering with disgust as the stranger's hand settled on his thigh. Luckily, the stranger barely got anywhere before his hand was suddenly wrenched away by a newcomer. "Don't you know how to treat a lady proper?" A familiar voice growled out and Taito froze.

"Hay, little lady, why not come with me?" A nasty voice purred next to Taito at the bar, his whole body shuddering with disgust as the stranger's hand settled on his thigh. Luckily, the stranger barely got anywhere before his hand was suddenly wrenched away by a newcomer. "Don't you know how to treat a lady proper?" A familiar voice growled out and Taito froze.

Startled, Taito turned his head to see who had come to his rescue, his heart pounding in his chest. His eyes widened in disbelief as he locked gazes with the savior who had intervened on his behalf.

It was Cormac.

Taito's disguise seemed to be holding up perfectly, as he watched Cormac, still oblivious to his true identity, confront the unruly stranger. The old warrior's imposing figure loomed over the man, his weathered face etched with a mix of anger and protectiveness. Taito's heart fluttered at the sight, realizing that even in this unfamiliar form, Cormac's gaze held a glimmer of recognition.

Cormac's voice lowered to a dangerous growl, sending chills down Taito's spine. "Apologize to the lady or face the consequences, you scoundrel."

The intruder stumbled back, his eyes filled with fear as he mumbled an apology before quickly making his exit. Taito sat there, stunned, as Cormac slowly turned to him, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and intrigue.

"Are you alright, miss?" Cormac asked, his deep voice vibrating through Taito's very core.

"Uh-uhm... Y-yeah, I'm alright, thank you," Taito stammered up, practically gaping up at Cormac's misleadingly angry-looking face. He's always felt bad for Cormac; despite his intimidating appearance being useful in the military, people just tend to avoid him in public. "But you can call me Tyra." Taito said, making up a name for himself.

Cormac's piercing gaze held Taito's for a moment, as if searching for something beyond what was presented before him. But then he nodded, seemingly accepting Taito's chosen name without further question. "Tyra," Cormac repeated, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Well, Tyra, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Cormac."

Taito's heart fluttered at the sound of Cormac's deep voice calling his alias, and he couldn't help but marvel at the intricate dance fate had led them to. Here they were, connected by a twisted web of desire and secrets in this dimly lit bar. Taito's emotions spun like a whirlwind, torn between loyalty to Raya, the girl who bore such a striking resemblance to Cormac, and his own growing infatuation with the man before him.

As they settled into a nearby booth, Taito couldn't help but notice the undeniable chemistry between them. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, laughter ringing through the air as they exchanged stories and insights. All the while, Taito's heart pounded with each passing minute, the weight of his disguise and his true intentions bearing heavy on his shoulders.

In this moment, Taito couldn't help but wonder if fate had conspired to bring them together in this unexpected way. But the question that lingered in the back of his mind, tugging at his conscience, remained - what would happen when the truth was revealed?

"So what brings a young lady like you to a bar like this?" Cormac asked curiously, "It's not exactly the safest place to come on your own. Not when you look like--" Cormac stopped himself from finishing, deciding any comment on her appearance might make him just as bad as the other guy.

Taito gave a nervous laugh, hiding his true identity once more as he glanced around the dimly lit bar. "Oh, you know," he replied, brushing a strand of his wig behind his ear, "just wanted to have a little adventure, try something new." He hoped his casual tone would deflect any further questions from Cormac.

Cormac's gaze lingered on Taito for a moment, a flicker of concern evident in his eyes. "Well, be careful, Tyra," he said, his voice filled with genuine sincerity. "This place can be dangerous, especially for someone like you."

Taito's heart sank at Cormac's words. Did he genuinely care for his safety, or was it merely a fatherly concern for someone who resembled his own daughter? He couldn't help but wonder how different things could have been if he had been honest from the start, if he hadn't hidden behind this disguise.

"The truth is," Taito started again hesitantly, "My, uhm... boyfriend dared me to come here, to prove to him that I would do anything for him."

Taito's voice wavered as he spoke, his words carrying a mix of guilt and desperation. He hoped that by sharing this fabricated story, he would garner Cormac's sympathy and forgiveness for the kiss they had shared earlier.

Cormac's brows furrowed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded Taito. "A dare, huh?" he mused, his voice tinged with skepticism. "That doesn't seem like a healthy relationship, if you ask me."

Taito felt a pang of guilt for painting Raya in such a negative light. In truth, she had pushed him into this situation, but he couldn't bring himself to betray her trust entirely. "It's complicated," he murmured, his gaze dropping to the table.

Cormac's hand reached across the table, gently covering Taito's. "Well, Tyra, you deserve someone who appreciates you for who you are, without resorting to dares or games. Remember that," he said softly, a warmth emanating from his touch.

Taito's heart fluttered, longing for the affection and understanding that radiated from Cormac's every word and gesture. But amidst his newfound desires and tangled emotions, he couldn't ignore the consequences that awaited him if the truth were ever to be revealed.

"It's not his fault; I was the one in the wrong," Taito confessed, glaring down at his beer, fingers trembling around the glass, "I am the on who started dating him with impure intentions. In reality... I'm not attracted to him, he just looks like the man I can't have."

Taito's voice cracked with vulnerability as he bared his soul to Cormac. He had carried this burden of unrequited desire and hidden truths for far too long, and now it seemed the weight was impossible to bear. He felt a mix of relief and fear, unsure of how Cormac would respond to such a confession.

Cormac's grip on Taito's hand tightened, his face showing a mix of sympathy and concern. "Tyra, sometimes our hearts lead us in unexpected directions," he said softly. "But it's important to be honest, not just with others but with ourselves."

Taito nodded, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. The truth, at last, felt liberating, even if it meant potentially losing the affection and connection he had found with Cormac. He had grown tired of living in a web of deception, yearning for a love that could never truly be his.

"Thank you, Cormac," Taito whispered, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for listening, for understanding."

Cormac's grip on Taito's hand softened, his thumb gently caressing the back of Taito's hand. "Tyra, you deserve to find happiness, to be with someone who truly sees you for who you are," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of longing. "Don't settle for anything less."

Taito's heart swelled with a mix of emotions as he looked into Cormac's eyes, seeing a glimmer of something that felt almost familiar. In that moment, he knew that no matter what path lay ahead, he had begun a journey of self-discovery, where the search for love and truth would guide him through the labyrinth of his own desires.

Taito gave a small, almost bitter laugh, carefully removing his hand from Cormac's hand. "The man I love is my boyfriend's father," He confessed nastily, "So no, I don't think that sort of happiness is out there for me." He took a breath before smiling softly at Cormac, "I'm okay with just being around him. He is an amazing man."

Cormac's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of understanding and concern flickering across his face. He remained silent for a moment, processing Taito's words. Finally, he spoke in a hushed tone, his voice filled with a blend of compassion and sadness.

"Love can be a complicated and cruel thing. It blinds us, pushes us to make choices we never thought we would. But, Tyra, be careful with your heart," Cormac advised, his words laced with a heaviness borne from experience.

Taito nodded, his gaze dropping once again, his heart heavy with the weight of his confession. He had hoped for some form of absolution, for Cormac to tell him that he deserved the happiness he sought. But instead, he was left with bittersweet acceptance, yearning for a love that could only exist within the confines of his heart.

"I understand," Taito whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "I'll cherish the moments I can have with him, even if it's just as a friend."

Cormac reached out, his hand gently covering Taito's once more. His touch was warm, comforting, a silent understanding passing between them. "Tyra, sometimes friendship can be its own form of love. Treasure it, and maybe, just maybe, the answer you seek will find its way to you."

Taito nodded, mustering a small, grateful smile as he held Cormac's gaze. In that moment, amidst the shadows of the bar, they found solace in the unspoken connection between them, a bond forged through shared confessions and the ache for a love that remained just out of reach.

"You say that like you know it from experience," Taito observed carefully, "Has your heart ever yearned for someone you couldn't have? You seem the type to woo any lady easily."

Cormac's gaze softened, his expression carrying a hint of wistfulness. "You'd be surprised, Tyra. We all carry our own burdens, our own unrequited longings," he admitted, his voice heavy with a mix of regret and nostalgia. "Sometimes, the heart leads us to places we never imagined, with people who may not be meant for us."

Taito felt a spark of curiosity ignite within him, wanting to delve deeper into Cormac's hidden past. "Can you share your story with me?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. "I want to understand, to know that I'm not alone in this struggle."

Cormac chuckled faintly, a touch of melancholy accompanying the sound. "Perhaps another time, Tyra. Tonight, let's enjoy the company we can have, be it as friends or something more," he said, his eyes searching Taito's face for understanding.

"Something more?" Taito repeated, immediately cursing himself for the excitement in his voice.

Cormac's gaze lingered on Taito, his eyes filled with a mixture of uncertainty and longing. The air between them seemed to crackle with unspoken tension, the possibility of something more palpable in that dimly lit bar.

A gentle smile played on Cormac's lips as he reached out, his hand cupping Taito's cheek delicately. "Tyra, there is something undeniably special about you, something that draws me in with a force I can't resist," he confessed, his voice laced with vulnerability. "But we both know the complexities of our situation, and the consequences it could bring."

Taito's heart raced beneath his chest, his thoughts spinning in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The prospect of exploring a deeper connection with Cormac ignited a flicker of hope within him, but he couldn't ignore the potential pain it could bring to their already complicated lives.

"I... I don't know if I can handle the aftermath, Cormac," Taito admitted, his voice trembling with a mixture of desire and fear. "But I know I want you to kiss me. There is no doubt in my mind about that.


Cormac's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and desire as he assessed Taito's words. Slowly, his hand moved from Taito's cheek to the back of his neck, his thumb gently caressing the delicate skin. The air in the bar seemed to thicken with their shared anticipation.

With a voice laced with restraint and longing, Cormac replied, "Tyra, we must tread carefully. The consequences of our actions could echo far beyond this moment, affecting not only ourselves but those around us."

Taito's breath hitched, his heart pounding in his chest as he weighed the risks against the intoxicating allure of the moment. A moment of silence hung in the air, laden with unspoken desire and unfulfilled longing.

"We're strangers. You don't even know my last name." Taito lied, feeling guilt simmering beneath his deceit, "After tonight, we can something go our separate ways. I can go back to watching the men I love, and you can go back to longing for that mysterious woman."

Cormac's gaze bore into Taito's, his eyes searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt. He knew the truth lay buried beneath the veiled words, but the allure of the moment proved too powerful to resist.

A flicker of resignation passed through Cormac's eyes, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and caution. "Tyra, we are both bound by the complexities of our lives, our desires, and our obligations. If we choose to surrender to this captivating moment, we must do so understanding the consequences it may bring."

Taito nodded, his heart pounding in his chest as a dizzying blend of anticipation and guilt washed over him. He knew the path he was treading was treacherous, yet the pull of the unexplored, the forbidden, was irresistible.

In that dimly lit bar, amidst the lingering scent of desire and the hushed whispers of longing, Taito and Cormac found themselves teetering on the precipice of something unknown. The choice lay before them, a dangerous step into the depths of passion and clandestine romance, or a retreat back into the safety of their separate lives.

With a resolute nod, Taito leaned in, feeling the heat of Cormac's breath against his lips. The moment hung in suspended animation, a heartbeat away from unveiling the enigma of their connection.

The hand that Taito wanted so badly to lace into his own hair laced into the strands of his wig, holding Taito still and Cormac deepened their kiss.

The world around them seemed to fade into oblivion as their lips melded together, the clandestine romance weaving its spell. Taito let himself be carried away by the intoxicating feeling, losing himself in the taste and touch of Cormac's lips.

His heart raced with both excitement and trepidation as Cormac's firm yet gentle kiss deepened, leaving no room for doubt or restraint. Taito's whole being was consumed by the allure of this moment, oblivious to the consequences that may follow.

As Cormac's hand tangled in the strands of his wig, Taito surrendered to the heady passion, feeling an unexpected freedom in the embrace of his disguise. It was as if the guise of Tyra had granted him the permission to let go of his inhibitions, to explore the forbidden desires that had been lurking within him.

The private corner of the bar became a haven of passion, where the boundaries of their lives blurred and blurred, and for that fleeting moment, Taito and Cormac were nothing more than two souls bound by an undeniable connection.

"Just a bit more," Taito whispered when Cormac pulled away, leaning back into Cormac's lips, inadvertently leaning against Cormac's broad chest.

Cormac's breath hitched as Taito's words hung in the air, a breathless plea enticing him to tread deeper into the uncharted territory of their connection. Their bodies pressed closer, Taito feeling the solid warmth of Cormac's chest against his back as their lips met once again.

In that moment, all doubts and uncertainties melted away, consumed by the fire that burned between them. Taito's heart raced, his senses overwhelmed by the heady mixture of desire and vulnerability that swirled in the air around them.

As Cormac's arms enveloped Taito, their bodies molded together in a silent embrace, their desire entwined like an intricate dance. Taito marveled at the contrast between his own delicate frame and Cormac's raw strength, and yet, it only seemed to heighten the intensity of their connection.

The world outside the bar seemed to fade away, leaving only the echo of their shared longing, their whispered promises, and the forbidden passion that coursed through their veins. In that bar's bar, beneath its shadowy veil, Taito and Cormac surrendered to the intoxicating magnetism that had drawn them together, their bodies and souls entwined in an embrace that defied reason and challenged the boundaries of their lives.

"Cormac, no way!" A cheery voice suddenly cut through their heated exchange, "Didn't think I'd see you back at the bar. And as smooth as ever, huh?"

Taito's heart immediately lurched into his throat when he heard the voice, recognizing the voice as that of his History professor at college, Arthur. He quickly hid his face from view as Cormac turned to Arthur.

Cormac turned towards the source of the voice, a flicker of surprise crossing his face before he composed himself. Taito, still caught up in the intense moment, tried to shrink away, hoping fervently that his disguise would be enough to conceal his true identity from Arthur.

Cormac's voice carried a tinge of amusement as he responded to his old acquaintance. "Well, well, Arthur. You always seem to find me in the most unexpected places. Just enjoying a night out, you know."

Taito held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest, praying that his female disguise would withstand the scrutiny of his professor. He dared not look up, afraid that even the slightest movement might betray his true identity.

Arthur's voice grew closer as he approached the bar, his tone filled with curiosity. "And who's this lovely lady you've got with you, Cormac? I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting before."

Taito's palms grew clammy as anxiety tightened its grip around his throat. He desperately hoped that Arthur wouldn't insist on a formal introduction, for he knew that his disguise was merely a fragile facade, one that could come crashing down at any moment.

"Y-Yeah, I'm new to town," Taito lied smoothly with his head still downcast, though his excuse seemed to fall on deaf ears. "Are you sure?" Arthur asked curiously, "You seem oddly familiar."

Taito's heart skipped a beat as Arthur's suspicion lingered in the air. He knew he had to tread carefully, his every word and movement held under scrutiny by the perceptive professor.

Summoning a wisp of courage, Taito lifted his head slightly, ensuring that his face remained hidden by the shadowy depths of his dark wig. He masked his voice, attempting to sound unfamiliar and intriguing as he replied, "Perhaps it's just a case of mistaken identity. I assure you, I've only recently arrived in town."

Arthur's eyes narrowed, his gaze penetrating the disguise with an unsettling intensity. Taito could feel his heart race, the weight of potential revelation hanging heavily over him. It was as if time had slowed, the air thick with anticipation.

For a few agonizing moments, Arthur's scrutiny lingered, his mind searching for the truth obscured beneath layers of deception. Taito held his breath, his hands trembling slightly, longing for this encounter to end before his carefully constructed facade crumbled.

Finally, breaking the tense silence, Arthur released a sigh and spoke, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Well, I suppose everyone has their secrets. Enjoy your night at the bar, you two. But remember, appearances can be deceiving."

Taito exhaled softly, relief washing over him like a wave. The encounter had left him shaken, his nerves frayed from the precarious balancing act he had just performed. Yet, for now, his secret remained intact, and the comforting presence of Cormac by his side offered solace and strength.

As the danger of exposure faded, Taito's mind raced, pondering the implications of Arthur's suspicions and what consequences this delicate charade might bring. The bar's dark corners seemed to hold more secrets than Taito could fathom, and he couldn't help but wonder if his newfound connection with Cormac was destined for a collision course with the unraveling truth.

"That was... strange. Arthur's always been good with faces." Cormac mulled as he turned back to Taito, and Taito could practically hear the gears turn in Cormac's head. Something on Taito's face must have shown his fears, because Cormac's brows furrowed in response.

Taito's heart sank as Cormac's perceptive gaze settled on him, his worry etched on his face like a telltale sign. He recognized that he couldn't keep his anxieties hidden any longer, for the weight of his secret threatened to shatter the fragile bond they had formed, screaming at Taito for him to run away immediately.

Cormac reached out and gently held Taito's face still by his jaw.

Reluctantly, Taito met Cormac's gaze, his eyes brimming with a mixture of fear and longing. He swallowed the lump in his throat, his voice trembling as he confessed, "Cormac, there's something I need to tell you... something I've been--”

"You do look familiar." Cormac breathed out, something strained in his voice as he reached up with his free hand. "Please stop," Taito whimpered, feeling his heart racing with fear as Cormac delicately brushed the fake bangs out of Taito's face, his grip too tight for Taito to pull away.

Taito's breath caught in his throat as Cormac's touch washed over him, both firm and searching. His disguise felt feeble and inadequate, unable to shield him from Cormac's penetrating gaze. The weight of his secret pressed heavily upon him, threatening to consume him entirely.

A flicker of recognition flashed across Cormac's eyes as his hand lingered on Taito's face, his touch now gentle and hesitant. Taito's heart pounded in his chest, the tension in the room stifling.

"I...I..." Taito's voice trailed off, his words caught in his throat, unable to form a coherent sentence. Panic welled up inside him, his lips trembling as he desperately searched for an escape, a way to divert Cormac's attention.

A tortured silence stretched between them, Cormac's grasp loosening slightly. Taito's mind raced, grappling with the consequences of his deception. Would Cormac reject him? Would their connection crumble under the weight of this revelation?

In that charged moment, as silence hung heavy in the air, Taito's heart cried out with a mix of fear and longing, clinging to the hope that their connection could withstand the truth, however painful it may be.

"Your boyfriend's father..." Cormac repeated slowly and he watched Taito's eyes water in response before realization finally struck him. "Fuck," Cormac cursed with a note of disgust as he broke away and fled from the booth, out of the bar as quickly as possible for fresh air.

"Please, wait," Taito cried immediately, rushing after Cormac, "Please, let me explain."

Taito's voice echoed through the dimly lit streets as he chased after the retreating figure of Cormac, his heart pounding in his chest. The weight of the truth hung heavy in the air, threatening to unravel their fragile connection. Desperation fueled his steps, pushing him closer to the man he had fallen for.

Cormac's pace slowed as he reached the outskirts of the bar, his broad frame now burdened with the weight of conflicting emotions. He turned to face Taito, anguish etched across his weathered face. The glow of street lamps cast an ethereal glow as their eyes met, revealing a complex mix of hurt, betrayal, and confusion.

Taito reached out hesitantly, his hand trembling as he pleaded, "Please, give me a chance to explain. What you saw inside was a disguise, a foolish attempt to prove my loyalty to Raya."

Cormac's stern expression wavered, his gaze locked with Taito's. He seemed torn between the pain of the revelation and the possibility of understanding. The silence that enveloped them was thick with anticipation, weaving its way through the night like a breeze whispering secrets.

Taito took a deep breath, his voice laced with sincerity and vulnerability, "Cormac, I care about you. You've touched a part of my heart that I didn't know existed. Please, let me explain everything. I never meant to hurt you."

"You practically admitted that you're dating my daughter because she looks like me. How the fuck do you expect me to just accept that?"

Taito flinched at the raw anger in Cormac's voice, the weight of his words striking like a physical blow. As the truth lay bare between them, Taito understood the depth of the wounds he had unknowingly inflicted.

He reached out once more, his voice filled with remorse and desperation. "I know it sounds terrible... and it is terrible. I have no excuse." He paused, searching for the right words to convey the truth that burned within him. "When I met you that day at the store, there was something between us, a connection that transcended physical appearances. And I couldn't understand it. It scared me. So, I pushed it away and tried to find solace in Raya instead."

Taito's voice wavered, his eyes brimming with tears. "I never wanted to hurt you or betray your trust. I just didn't know how to navigate these feelings."

"I didn't know what to do and I hurt Raya in the process. I know it's fucked up, of course I know that." Taito sobbed softly, "And then I trick you into kissing me... I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. But I can't stop loving you... only you."

Taito's words hung heavy in the air, his voice quivering with deep regret and an unyielding love that had grown within him. The world around them seemed to fade, leaving just the two of them standing there, vulnerable and exposed.

Cormac's stern expression softened, his grip on his emotions wavering. He ran a hand through his graying hair, his troubled gaze fixed upon Taito. The weight of the situation seemed to wear upon him, etching lines of contemplation onto his face.

"I... I don't know what to say," Cormac admitted, his voice laced with a mixture of uncertainty and longing. "This... this is a whirlwind, a chaotic mess that I never saw coming." His voice trailed off as he struggled to find the right words.

A heavy silence settled over them, the hushed sounds of the city merging with the beating of their hearts. The air crackled with uncertainty, as if the world itself held its breath, waiting for Cormac's response.

"I reckon I'm ready to tell you about that love I can't have either, now." Cormac said, the words stinging Taito's longing heart.

"I've gotten used to the way people avoid me, but then, when I got lost in a ridiculously oversized supermarket, this pretty little thing helped me without question, actually looking happy to it. I told myself it was just their job, but I couldn't forget it. It was fucking confusing." Cormac told the story, his gaze glued to the nearby building, "And then, that same dumbass arrived at my home as my daughter's boyfriend."

Taito felt his heart lurch at Cormac's words, a mix of hope and apprehension flooding his senses. He listened intently, his eyes fixed upon Cormac, the man whose voice resonated with vulnerability and a touch of sadness.

Cormac's gaze remained distant, lost in the memories he was unveiling. "I couldn't believe it. The person who had shown me kindness, who had reached past my grizzled exterior, was now intertwined with my daughter," he continued, his voice thick with anger. "I locked everything away, feeling like the worst father in history."

Taito's breath caught in his throat, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. The realization settled upon him with profound weight – their connection had been real, undeniable, despite the obstacles that fate had placed before them.

"I... I didn't know," Taito stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes. Obviously." Cormac snapped.

Taito winced at the sharpness in Cormac's voice, the bitterness that tinged the air between them. It was a painful reminder of the hurt he had caused, the tangled mess of emotions that now laid bare before them.

"I'm sorry," Taito whispered, his voice barely audible. "I never intended for any of this to happen, for anyone to get hurt." His gaze fell to his trembling hands, unsure of how to bridge the growing chasm between them.

Cormac exhaled heavily, the tension in his shoulders easing ever so slightly. His eyes softened as he looked at the young man before him, a flicker of something akin to understanding glimmering in their depths.

"I don't know if I can forgive you, Taito," Cormac admitted, his voice tinged with weariness. "But I can appreciate your honesty. Now, we need to find a way to minimize the damage and sort out this mess we've both contributed to." His gaze met Taito's, a silent plea for resolution and redemption.

Taito nodded, his heart heavy yet determined. Though the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, he couldn't help but cling to a flicker of hope that perhaps, just perhaps, they could find a way to heal the wounds they had inadvertently inflicted upon each other.

"I want... to tell Raya the truth, if you'll allow me to," Taito whispered hesitantly, "I'll leave out everything you told me, but... I'm tired of lying to her."

Cormac's eyes bore into Taito's with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. He took a moment to consider Taito's request, the weight of their tangled emotions hanging heavy in the air.

Finally, he sighed, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "If that is what you truly want, then I won't stop you," Cormac conceded reluctantly. "But remember, Taito, this truth has the power to change everything."

Taito nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew the risks involved, but he couldn't continue living a lie. With newfound determination, he resolved to face the consequences of his actions, no matter how painful they might be.

As they left the shadowy bar behind, both burdened by their secrets, Taito couldn't shake the feeling that their lives were about to take a path neither of them could have anticipated. And although the road ahead was treacherous and uncertain, he couldn't help but hold onto a glimmer of hope that through honesty and understanding, they could find some measure of redemption and healing.

"And take that goddamn wig off already. Your own hair suits your better," Cormac growled.

Taito looked at Cormac, surprised by the sudden shift in his tone. Slowly, he reached up and gently removed the wig, letting his natural hair spill out, cascading around his face. He felt vulnerable and exposed, but strangely liberated at the same time.

Cormac's stern expression softened, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "There you are," he murmured, his voice laced with a mix of longing and relief. "That's the Taito I remember."

A surge of warmth coursed through Taito's veins, mingling with the uncertainty that still lingered. The road ahead remained unclear, but in that moment, they stood there, two souls connected by a shared understanding.

As they walked away from the bar, side by side, they carried with them the weight of their tangled emotions, yet also a ember of hope that perhaps, just perhaps, they could find solace within the truth and forge a path forward, together.

"Please tell me you don't hate me." Taito whispered suddenly, fingers trembling around the wig as they walked.

Cormac paused in his steps, turning to face Taito fully. His gaze softened as he took in the vulnerable figure before him, the flickering emotions in Taito's eyes.

"Why would I hate you, Taito?" he replied gently, his voice filled with a tenderness that caught Taito off guard. "I may be hurt and confused, but hate? No, that's not what I feel for you."

Taito's shoulders sagged with relief, his grip on the wig loosening. "I... I thought I had ruined everything," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I couldn't bear the thought of losing you completely."

Cormac reached out, his hand gently resting on Taito's arm. "Life has a way of twisting paths and testing our hearts," he said softly. "We're both flawed, and we both carry our own scars. But that doesn't mean we can't find forgiveness and understanding."

A flicker of hope danced in Taito's eyes as he looked at Cormac, a glimmer of possibility lighting up the darkness that had clouded his heart. And in that moment, as they continued on their uncertain journey, Taito couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination to navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives, guided by the unyielding desire to seek solace and perhaps, even redemption.

"Then, can I possibly ask something of you?" Taito spoke, pausing in his steps.

Cormac regarded Taito with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Of course, Taito," he replied, his voice steady and reassuring. "You can ask me anything."

Taito took a deep breath, steadying himself before he spoke. "You can say no, I just... I wanted to ask if you can kiss me like this just once, while I'm me."

Cormac's brows furrowed in a mix of surprise and apprehension at Taito's request. He studied Taito's face, searching for any signs of deceit or ulterior motives, but all he found was a fragile honesty that washed away his doubts.

Moments passed, the weight of silence hanging heavy between them, until Cormac finally exhaled, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "Taito, I... It's not that simple," he responded, his voice filled with undeniable longing. "There are consequences to consider, and I don't want to further complicate things for both of us."

Taito's expression fell, disappointment etching lines on his face. He nodded understandingly, his eyes downcast. "I... I apologize for asking," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and self-doubt.

But before Taito could move away, Cormac's hand gently cupped Taito's cheek, lifting his gaze to meet his own. "No, Taito. Don't apologize," Cormac said, his voice tender yet resolute. "There's just too much at stake, but that doesn't mean I don't feel the same longing in my heart."

With a delicate touch, Cormac brushed his thumb across Taito's bottom lip, leaving behind a tingling sensation that sent shivers down Taito's spine. "We both have choices to make, and whatever path we take, I want it to be one that's built on truth and trust, not disguised or hidden behind shadows," Cormac whispered, his breath warm against Taito's skin.

Taito nodded, a newfound determination stirring within him. Though their desires may be unfulfilled for now, they had started on a journey of honesty and self-discovery—a path that would ultimately lead them to a place where their hearts could find solace, even if it meant facing difficult decisions and shattered illusions along the way.

"And quite honestly, I don't think kissing you when you're you, wearing that skirt, is good for my heart." Cormac muttered with a sigh and he pulled away and kept walking and Taito couldn't help but feel a twinge of mischief as he followed. "You like me in skirts, huh? I might have to remember that." Taito joked lightheartedly.

Cormac chuckled, the tension between them momentarily lifted. "Oh, don't you dare start teasing me now," he replied, a glint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "I might just have a thing for women in skirts, but that doesn't mean I won't keep you on your toes, Taito."

Taito couldn't help but smile at Cormac's response, a mixture of relief and delight washing over him. They continued walking together, the air heavy with unspoken questions and unexplored possibilities. In that moment, Taito realized that their bond, though tangled and complicated, was anchored in a genuine connection that couldn't be easily broken.

As they moved forward, hand in hand, Taito felt a renewed sense of hope. No matter the challenges that lay ahead, he believed that perhaps, through the twists and turns of their shared journey, they could find a way to reconcile their conflicting desires, embrace their true selves, and create a love story that transcended society's expectations.

With each step, they moved closer to understanding, but the path ahead remained uncertain. Taito and Cormac would have to navigate their emotions and face the consequences of their choices, all while treading a delicate line between the bonds of family, loyalty, and the enduring pull of their undeniable connection. The bar was just the beginning—an unlikely meeting place of secrets, desires, and the hope for a love that defied convention.

The next few days were definitely detrimental to Taito's healthy, as he worked up the courage to tell Raya about the truth. And it all crashed to an unexpected halt when Raya gave a relieved sigh. Apparently, when she had dared Taito, she had done so thinking Taito would say no and they could break up without her hurting Taito's feelings.

Taito stood there, stunned by Raya's revelation. The weight of his own secret had been suffocating him, consuming his every thought, and here he stood, face-to-face with the unexpected truth. It felt as if the ground beneath him had crumbled, leaving him suspended in uncertainty.

"I... I don't understand," Taito finally managed to utter, his voice barely a whisper. A mix of disbelief and hurt washed over him. "You... you wanted to break up all along?"

Raya's gaze dropped, her voice laced with remorse. "Taito, I never expected you to actually go through with it," she confessed, her words heavy with guilt. "I was fooling myself, hoping that you would prove your loyalty by saying no."

Taito's heart sank, his mind struggling to process the realization that their relationship had been built on a foundation of doubt and uncertainty. He had made sacrifices, torn between his feelings for Raya and an undeniable attraction to someone else, only to discover that he had been led down a path of deception.

The silence between them grew, thick with unspoken words and shattered expectations. Taito's mind raced, trying to make sense of it all. The revelation left him questioning his own judgment, doubting his ability to discern genuine affection from manipulation.

In that moment, Taito couldn't help but feel a bittersweet sense of relief. The truth, though painful, had set him free. He knew that he had to confront his feelings for Cormac, acknowledge the depth of his connection, and find the courage to pursue a love that was honest and genuine.

As Taito looked at Raya, he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude. Though their relationship had been built on a fragile foundation, Raya had inadvertently given him the push he needed to confront his own desires and pursue the path that held truth and authenticity.

With a heavy heart, Taito realized that sometimes, the journey to find love and understanding required navigating through darkness, facing pain and challenges along the way. But he also knew that true fulfillment could only be found by embracing his own identity, following the beat of his heart, and seeking a love that transcended expectations. The bar's bar had changed his life, opening his eyes to new possibilities, and now, it was time for Taito to write his own chapter, unburdened by secrets and ready to embrace his own truth.

"So, do you think you're going to confess to my dad?" Raya asked innocently and Taito stiffened in his chair. "What?" She blinked.

"So, do you think you're going to confess to my dad?" Raya asked innocently and Taito stiffened in his chair. "What? Did I say something wrong?" She blinked.

Taito's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing to catch up with Raya's unexpected question. Panic welled up within him, threatening to spill over. The thought of revealing his true feelings to Cormac, Raya's own father, felt like stepping onto a treacherous precipice.

"I... I hadn't contemplated that," Taito stammered, desperately trying to regain his composure. "I mean, it's complicated, Raya. Your father and I, we... there's something between us. But it's not that simple."

Raya's expression shifted, her eyes narrowing with a mixture of confusion and apprehension. "What do you mean, 'something between you'?" she asked, her voice tinged with a touch of unease. "Taito, this is about us, about me and you. Are you telling me that your feelings for my dad are more important than ours?"

Taito's heart sank even further, realizing the weight of his words and the pain they had caused. He reached out, his hand trembling, in an attempt to comfort her. "No, Raya. It's not like that," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mixture of regret and sincerity. "We have something too, and I don't want to lose you. But I can't deny what I feel for your dad. It's complicated, but I promise you that I will be honest with both of you."

Raya's eyes brimmed with unshed tears, her frustration and doubts palpable. She withdrew from Taito's touch, her body language guarded. "I need time to process this, Taito," she whispered, her voice tinged with a mix of pain and uncertainty. "Please, just give me some time to figure things out."

Taito nodded, his heart heavy with the realization that his honesty had brought about a storm of emotions for Raya. As he watched her retreat, he knew that the coming days would be filled with difficult decisions and challenging conversations. The bar's bar had brought unexpected revelations, testing the boundaries of love and loyalty.

Taito couldn't escape the truth any longer. He had to confront his feelings, but he also had to respect the complexity of the relationships entwined within this tale. And in the quiet corners of his mind, a flicker of hope burned, whispering that perhaps, in the midst of the turmoil, true understanding and fulfillment could be found for all parties involved.


Raya's innocent question struck Taito like a bolt of lightning, jolting him from his train of thought. His whole body tensed in the shadowy booth, unsure of how to respond. "Confess to your dad?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Raya, I... I already have. Well, more like, he found out. And it doesn't seem like that's in my future."

Raya's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and concern crossing her features. "He found out? How? What happened?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity and worry.

Taito sighed heavily, a weight lifting off his shoulders as he prepared to share the truth. "When I was at the bar that night, dressed as a woman, it was your dad, Cormac, who I ran into," he confessed, his voice laced with a mixture of apprehension and vulnerability. "He didn't recognize me, thought I was just a young lady. And before I knew it, we shared a moment, a connection. But when he found out the truth, that it was me, things changed."

Raya's brows furrowed, her gaze searching his face for answers. "Changed? How so?" she pressed, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Taito hesitated, the memory of what transpired that night still vivid in his mind. "He... he was shocked, Raya," Taito admitted, his words heavy with regret. "He pushed me away and told me he couldn't pursue anything further, that it wouldn't be fair to you or to him."

Raya's expression softened, her eyes filled with compassion as she reached out to place a comforting hand on Taito's arm. "I'm so sorry, Taito. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you," she murmured, her voice filled with genuine sympathy. "And I know this is weird coming from me, but I am going to ask you to not let my dad pull away."

Taito looked at Raya, his eyes full of gratitude for her understanding and support. Her words touched a raw nerve within him, leaving him torn between the loyalty he felt towards Raya and the undeniable connection he had with her father, Cormac.

"I... I don't want to hurt you, Raya," Taito murmured, his voice tinged with a mixture of tenderness and uncertainty. "But I also can't deny the feelings I have for your dad. There's something between us, something that I can't explain. I understand if you need time or if this is too much for you, but I can't promise that I will be able to just let go."

Raya's hand tightened around Taito's arm, her gaze steady and filled with determination. "I appreciate your honesty, Taito," she responded, her voice soft, yet resolute. "But don't you see? If you and my dad feel this way about each other, then maybe it's something that can't be ignored. Maybe, just maybe, it's a chance for both of you to find true happiness."

Taito's heart swelled with conflicting emotions, torn between the love and loyalty he felt for Raya and the intense longing that had gripped his heart from the moment he met Cormac. The bar's bar had brought him to this uncertain crossroad, forcing him to confront not only his own desires but also the intricate dynamics of relationships.

As he looked into Raya's eyes, he saw a glimmer of understanding and acceptance. Their connection, once built on a fragile foundation, had transformed into a bond of deep respect and compassion. And in that moment, Taito realized that perhaps, navigating the complexities of love and desire meant embracing the unexpected and finding the strength to let go of expectations.

Together, Taito and Raya faced an uncertain future, holding the knowledge that their lives had forever been entwined in the enigmatic web of a shadowy bar.

So, a few days later, clad in his normal clothes, Taito stood nervously in front of Cormac's door, his hands shaking. Taking a breath, he mustered the courage to finally knock.

Taito's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for a response behind the closed door. Each passing second felt like an eternity, stretching his nerves to their limit. Doubts and fears swirled in his mind, threatening to consume him.

Just as he thought he might lose his resolve and turn away, the door creaked open. Cormac stood before him, his weathered face betraying a mixture of surprise and curiosity. His eyes locked with Taito's, searching for recognition. Taito couldn't help but notice the heaviness in Cormac's gaze, an unspoken weight that hung between them.

"Taito," Cormac said, his voice low and filled with a complexity of emotions. "What brings you here?"

Taito took another steadying breath, summoning all the courage he had left. "I... I needed to see you, Cormac," he admitted, his voice trembling with vulnerability. "I can't deny how I feel, how strong this connection is between us. It's complicated, I know, but... I had to take this chance, even if it means risking everything."

Cormac's expression softened, a flicker of recognition glinting in his eyes. There was a long pause, as if Cormac wrestled with his own conflicting emotions. Finally, he stepped aside, silently inviting Taito into his home.

As Taito crossed the threshold, he couldn't help but wonder what this meant for Raya and the delicate balance of their intertwined lives. But in that moment, he knew that he had to follow his heart, even if it led him into uncharted territory. The bar's bar had already revealed the unexpected; now it was up to Taito to discover where this path would lead.

"Don't let my dad pull away." Taito repeated as he took a seat on the couch, "That's what Raya told me, and I hope you don't mind, but I am planning to fulfill that request."

Cormac regarded Taito with a mixture of surprise and caution. He settled himself in an armchair across from Taito, their gazes locked in a silent exchange. Thoughts raced through Cormac's mind, each one battling against the other in a tumultuous fight for clarity.

"I won't deny the intensity of what we shared that night," Cormac finally spoke, his voice deep and measured. "But Taito, you must understand the complexities of this situation. Raya is my daughter, and I have a responsibility to her happiness."

Taito's eyes shimmered with a quiet determination. He reached out, gently grasping Cormac's hand, seeking solace and connection. "I know that, Cormac. I understand the importance of family and loyalty. But love... love is a force that cannot be controlled or denied. It is not about choosing one over the other, but about finding a way to navigate the uncharted territories of our hearts."

Cormac's features softened, his tough exterior giving way to a vulnerability that mirrored Taito's own. The weight of their shared desire, their unspoken yearnings, hung heavily in the air.

"You must promise me, Taito," Cormac whispered, his voice filled with equal parts fear and longing. "Promise me that you will be there for Raya, that you'll honor the connection we have as well as the bond between father and daughter."

Taito squeezed Cormac's hand, his eyes shining with sincerity. "I promise, Cormac. I will do everything in my power to respect and cherish both relationships. I won't let you or Raya down."

As the words hung in the air, a sense of cautious hope settled upon them, intertwining their souls like the shadows that danced within the bar's dark booths. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and sacrifices, but in that moment, Taito and Cormac forged an unspoken pact, bound by love, loyalty, and the courage to embrace the unknown.

"I owe you and Raya that much," Taito muttered painfully, fingers trembling around Cormac's hands.

Cormac's eyes searched Taito's face, a mix of gratitude and sadness reflected in his gaze. He gently squeezed Taito's trembling hands, offering a silent reassurance.

"You owe us nothing, Taito," Cormac said, his voice infused with a tenderness that contrasted with his intimidating appearance. "But your willingness to navigate through this intricate web of emotions, to consider the well-being of both Raya and me, it speaks volumes about your character. We are all on this uncertain path together."

Taito's heart swelled with a bittersweet mixture of emotions. The weight of his choices bore down upon him, the gravity of the situation almost suffocating. Yet, in this moment of vulnerability, he found solace in the connection he shared with Cormac.

"I want to make it right," Taito whispered, his voice laced with determination and a touch of fear. "I want to find a way to honor both my feelings for you and my commitment to Raya. I don't know how, but I'm willing to try."

Cormac nodded, his grip on Taito's hands tightening slightly. "Then we will navigate this delicate dance together," he said, his voice soothing yet firm. "We'll take it one step at a time, with open hearts and honest communication. Love is a complicated force, Taito, but I believe that if we approach it with sincerity and respect, we can find a way to honor everyone involved."

As they sat together, hands clasped, a sense of shared purpose washed over them, emanating from the shadowy bar that had brought them together.

"Oh, goddamn it," Cormac sighed in defeat, finally grabbing Taito's hands and pulling the young man closer, "Do you even realize the face you make when you look at me like that? I always thought it was my imagination, but it's the same face you made at the booth."

Taito felt his heart skip a beat, his breath catching in his throat. He had tried to hide his true feelings, bury them deep within, but now they lay exposed before Cormac. Every emotion he had attempted to suppress surged forward, the truth shining brightly in his eyes.

"I... I never thought you noticed," Taito admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "The way I look at you, the way my heart races whenever you're near--"

Taito's breath hitched as Cormac's lips stole his words away in a mind-bending kiss.

The world around them seemed to fade into insignificance as their lips collided, and Taito's initial shock dissolved into a wave of undeniable passion. Time slowed, and all that mattered was the electric current flowing between them. Taito surrendered to the tender, yet fervent embrace, allowing their connection to deepen with each breath.

As their kiss deepened, Taito's mind flooded with a cacophony of emotions and thoughts. Confusion mingled with desire, loyalty clashed with the intoxicating draw of Cormac's touch. It was a maddening whirlwind, a tempestuous storm of conflicting desires. But even in the midst of the chaos, there was an undeniable sense of truth, a resonance that transcended logic and defied explanation that lured him into Cormac's lap and his arms around his neck.

Cormac's strong hands responded without waver, clinging to Taito's hips and pulling him closer against him, aching to grind them together.

Taito moaned softly as he felt Cormac's fingers curl into his flesh, their heat searing through his clothes and igniting a fiery desire deep within him. He wanted more than just the fle of skin on skin; he needed something much deeper

Cormac hesitated before he finally reached around and groped the ass he's watched in silence for so long, slipping his tongue into Taito's mouth when he gasped.

The rush of excitement was overwhelming, but Taito couldn't fight it--and didn't want to. Cormac was exactly what he hadn't known he had been waiting for, a man who made all his desires come true with nothing more than a glance and a touch. The thrill of their forbidden passion coursed through him like an electrical current, sparking every fiber of his being and leaving him trembling in the aftermath.
But even as they kissed feverishly, a part of Taito knew that there were still so many questions left unanswered. What did this mean for Raya? For his own sense

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: A Bar's Bar
Protagonist: Taito Aizawa
Location: A shadowy, popular bar at the edge of town, with dark booths that are renowned for hosting couples privately.
Love Interest: Cormac
Story So Far: Taito is sitting nervously at the bar, feeling self-conscious in a skirt and make-up.
Conflict: Taito had helped a hulking, scary looking veteran, Cormac, at the store and had fallen for the man immediately. Scared by the fact that he had fallen for a muscular old man, Taito starts dating Cormac's daughter, instead, who looks so much like Cormac and is in Taito's college class. But the daughter, Raya, notices that Taito's half-hearted and doubts Taito's loyalty, so she dares Taito to dress as a woman and go to a bar to prove he'd do anything for her. While there, Taito runs into Cormac of all people.
Outline: Taito is shocked that Cormac does not recognize him; since Taito has always been a pretty, skinny man, he supposes it is not surprising that the disguise is convincing. But at the bar, the chemistry between Cormac and Taito's female disguise is palpable, and before Taito knows what is happening, he had kisses Cormac and Cormac pulls the "young lady" into a private corner.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: H.P. Lovecraft: Cosmic Horror, Weird Fiction, and Supernatural