Literary Fiction

2023-09-07 00:11:06

Alma and Mirabel’s Spicy Consequences

Alma Madrigal sauntered up to her room, patting her stomach, satisfied with the large and spicy meal she had just consumed.

As she climbed the stairs, a sudden gurgling sensation rumbled in Alma's belly, causing her to pause mid-step. A wave of heat washed over her face as she realized the consequences of her indulgence. She let out a soft gasp, her eyes widening in embarrassment.

Alma held onto her stomach as a loud and wet fart escaped her cheeks. Alma quickly clenched her cheeks to prevent any more outbursts.

Alma realized then and there that she needed the bathroom, and she needed it now.

Blushing furiously, Alma quickened her pace, desperately hoping that she would reach the bathroom in time. But as she arrived at the door, her heart sank. Mirabel, her younger granddaughter, was already standing in front of it, a mischievous grin on her face.

Alma, knowing that she and her granddaughter didn’t have the best relationship, decided to be as polite as possible when asking for the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath, Alma mustered all her politeness and forced a smile. "Oh, Mirabel, darling, would you mind if I used the bathroom first? It's quite urgent," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

Mirabel crossed her arms defiantly, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Hmm, I don't know, Abuela. I was here first. Maybe you should have thought about that before eating such a spicy meal," she replied, a hint of satisfaction in her voice.

Alma's cheeks flushed with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. She could see Mirabel’s legs were crossed tightly, so she wasn’t too patient either.

Alma decided to continue trying to argue why she should use the bathroom first.

Alma's eyes narrowed, a flicker of determination replacing her initial politeness. "Mirabel, dear, I understand that you were here first, but you see, it's a matter of urgency. I don't think I can hold it much longer. Please, just this once, let me go ahead."

Mirabel rolled her eyes, pointing to her tightly crossed legs and clenched cheeks.

“You do realize I’m desperate too, right?”

Alma's eyes widened in surprise as Mirabel stood her ground.

Alma tries one last time to argue with Mirabel why she should use the bathroom first before Mirabel refuses outright and heads into the bathroom after letting out a loud fart of her own.

Alma's desperation grew, and she mustered all her persuasive skills. "Mirabel, I understand that you're also in need, but I'm your grandmother, and I've been waiting patiently. It's only fair that I get priority this time. Please, I beg of you."

Mirabel's expression hardened, and she shook her head firmly. "No way, Abuela. I've been holding it in for so long, and I can't wait any longer. I'm going in." With that, she marched past Alma and pushed open the bathroom door.

As if to punctuate her victory, Mirabel let out a loud, wet fart, leaving Alma mortified and speechless.

While Mirabel was getting herself ready on the toilet, Alma let out another loud and wet fart from between her clenched cheeks.

Alma's face turned a deep shade of crimson as another embarrassing sound escaped from her clenched cheeks. The spicy consequences of her meal were becoming increasingly difficult to bear. She desperately glanced around, searching for an alternative solution.

Alma looks around frantically until she her eyes noticed an empty vase.

Alma contemplated whether or not she should use it, but a surge of desperation shot through her, hearing Mirabel’s bowel movement in the bathroom, so she decided to grab the vase while holding her cheeks together with her free hand.

With a mix of shame and urgency, Alma swiftly grabbed the nearby empty vase, her hand still pressed tightly against her clenching cheeks. She hiked up her dress, trying to maintain a semblance of dignity amidst the discomfort.

Taking a deep breath, Alma positioned herself over the vase, her face contorted with a mix of embarrassment and relief. The spicy consequences of her meal were about to be contained, albeit in an unconventional manner.

Alma winced a little as diarrhea shot out of her and into the vase.

As Alma released the pent-up pressure, a wave of relief washed over her, mingling with the undeniable embarrassment of the situation. She winced at the force of the diarrhea shooting into the vase, the sound echoing in the small space.

After a minute of spicy diarrhea, Alma’s first log began to emerge.

Alma's face flushed even deeper as she felt the first solid log begin to emerge, adding to the already awkward and unconventional situation. The spicy consequences of her meal continued to make their presence known, unrelenting and unapologetic.

She clenched her teeth, trying to maintain some semblance of composure as the log made its way out, the sensation both uncomfortable and relieving at the same time. Alma's hand trembled slightly as she held the vase, the weight of her actions sinking in.

As the first log dropped into the vase, a second log made its presence known.

Alma's eyes widened in disbelief as the second log followed suit, plopping into the vase with an audible splash. The spicy consequences of her meal seemed to have no end, each log a reminder of her discomfort and the unusual circumstances she found herself in.

She couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and embarrassment as the second log joined the first, the vase now holding her most intimate and private moments. Alma's cheeks burned with shame, but there was also a strange sense of liberation in embracing the raw and messy reality of her bodily functions.

But Alma wasn’t done yet as another wet fart told her more was on the way.

As if mocking her predicament, another wet fart escaped from Alma, signaling that her ordeal was far from over. Her eyes widened in both surprise and resignation, realizing that there was still more to come. The spicy consequences of her meal continued to wreak havoc on her digestive system, leaving her no choice but to face the uncomfortable truth head-on.

With a mix of determination and embarrassment, Alma braced herself for what lay ahead. She knew she had to find a way to endure, to persevere through this unexpected and undignified situation. As she held the vase, she prepared herself for the next chapter of her spicy consequences, hoping that it would soon come to an end.

Alma turned to see if anyone had heard her pass gas, but was relieved to see she was the only one in the hallway.

Alma's heart skipped a beat as she glanced around, hoping against hope that no one had witnessed her embarrassing moment. To her relief, the hallway remained empty, devoid of any prying eyes or judgmental gazes. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she realized that her spicy mishap had gone unnoticed by others.

However, as the third log was beginning to come out, Alma’s heart skipped a beat when she heard the toilet flush on the other side of the door, meaning that Mirabel was about to come out soon.

Alma's eyes widened in panic as the sound of the toilet flushing reached her ears. Mirabel was about to emerge from the bathroom, and Alma was still in the midst of her makeshift bathroom break, clutching the vase tightly in her hands. Time seemed to slow down as she contemplated her next move.

Her mind raced, desperately searching for a solution. She couldn't let Mirabel discover her in this compromising position. With a surge of determination, Alma quickly assessed her surroundings, her gaze landing on a nearby closet. It was her only chance.

Hiking up her dress, Alma hurriedly shuffled towards the closet, praying that it would provide enough cover. She squeezed herself into the narrow space, her heart pounding in her chest. It was a tight fit, but she managed to conceal herself just as the bathroom door swung open, revealing Mirabel stepping out, oblivious to the secret Alma was hiding.

Alma tried to hold in her third log and gas until Mirabel left, but her cheeks were beginning to unclench as the log was closer to being free.

Alma's face contorted with the effort of holding back her third log and the accompanying gas. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing her clenched cheeks to hold on just a little longer. But her body had reached its limits, and the pressure was becoming unbearable.

A bead of sweat trickled down Alma's forehead as she fought against her body's natural instincts. She desperately wished for Mirabel to leave, for the hallway to be empty once more. But time seemed to stretch on, and her control began to slip.

A low groan escaped Alma's lips as her clenched cheeks began to lose their grip. She bit down on her lip, trying to stifle any sounds that might give her away. But with each passing moment, her body betrayed her further, inching closer to the inevitable release she had been trying so hard to delay.

Just as Mirabel was about to leave, she heard a loud fart coming from the nearby closet.

Mirabel froze in her tracks, her ears perking up at the unmistakable sound of a loud fart emanating from the nearby closet. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she turned her gaze towards the source of the noise. Confusion and curiosity danced in her eyes as she approached the closet cautiously.

Alma's heart sank as she realized that her attempt to remain hidden had backfired. The embarrassment washed over her like a tidal wave, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She braced herself for the impending confrontation, knowing that she couldn't escape the truth any longer.

With a mix of apprehension and resignation, Alma slowly emerged from the closet, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She met Mirabel's gaze, unable to find the words to explain herself. The tension in the air was palpable as the two stood there, caught in this awkward and unexpected situation.

Alma, still underdressed and her cheeks as clenched as she could possibly make them, knew she couldn’t make it to the bathroom, so she decided to continue her business in the vase.

A surge of desperation coursed through Alma's veins as she realized that she couldn't make it to the bathroom in time. Her options were limited, and her body's urgent demands left her with no choice but to take matters into her own hands, or rather, the poop-filled vase that sat nearby.

Before Mirabel could say anything, Alma quickly grabbed the base already full of her business and put it back underneath her.

Alma's face burned with humiliation as she swiftly grabbed the vase, still filled with her business, and positioned it back beneath her. She tried to shield herself from Mirabel's gaze, her cheeks burning with shame. She couldn't believe she had been reduced to such a desperate act, but there was no other choice in that moment.

Mirabel stood there in stunned silence, her eyes wide with disbelief. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. The awkwardness of the situation hung heavily in the air, and Alma could feel her cheeks reddening even further.

Time seemed to stretch on as Alma finished her business, the sound of her relief filling the silence. She prayed for a swift end to this embarrassing ordeal, longing for the moment when she could clean up and forget this ever happened. But she knew that the consequences of her spicy meal had brought her to this point, and there was no escaping the reality of the situation.

The third log Alma had tried to hold back finally made it into the vase. But that wasn’t the only log that needed release.

As the third log made its way into the vase, Alma felt a mixture of relief and mortification wash over her. But to her dismay, she realized that her body wasn't quite finished with its urgent demands. Another wave of pressure surged through her, and she knew that she couldn't hold back any longer.

With a mixture of resignation and embarrassment, Alma continued to release the remaining logs into the makeshift bathroom. Each one plopped into the vase with a sickening sound, amplifying the humiliation she felt. She couldn't believe that she was resorting to such measures, but the spicy consequences of her meal had left her no other choice.

Meanwhile, Mirabel stood there, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and disbelief. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the spectacle unfolding before her. The tension in the air was palpable as Alma finished her business, the smell of her spicy consequences filling the small space. Both women were caught in a moment they would never forget, forever bound by this shared secret.

Rather than say anything, Alma shuffled her way into the bathroom, with the soiled and slightly overflowing vase in her hand.

Alma's face burned with shame as she averted her gaze from Mirabel and shuffled her way towards the bathroom. The vase, now soiled and slightly overflowing, felt heavy in her hand, a constant reminder of her embarrassing predicament. She prayed that the bathroom would provide her with some respite, a chance to clean up and salvage what little dignity remained.

With each step, Alma's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of her actions pressing heavily upon her. She could only imagine what Mirabel must be thinking, the judgment and disgust that surely clouded her perception of her now. But she had no choice but to press on, her only focus on the sanctuary of the bathroom.

As she entered the bathroom, Alma's eyes darted around, searching for a suitable place to dispose of the soiled vase. Panic gripped her as she realized that there was no hiding the evidence of her spicy consequences. She quickly set the vase down on the counter, her hands trembling as she reached for cleaning supplies.

Alma's mind raced as she scrubbed and sanitized, desperately trying to erase any trace of what had just transpired. She knew that the tension between her and Mirabel lingered, but she hoped that by cleaning up the mess, she could somehow make amends, even if it was just a small step towards repairing their relationship.

Alma began farting again, annoyed that she already had to go again. Well, at least she was next to a toilet this time.

Alma's annoyance grew as she found herself once again plagued by the urgent need to relieve herself. Frustration mixed with embarrassment as she let out a series of involuntary farts, the sound echoing in the bathroom. She couldn't believe her misfortune, but at least this time she was right next to the toilet, ready to answer her body's call.

With a mix of relief and resignation, Alma quickly lifted her dress and positioned herself on the toilet. The familiar sensation of release washed over her as she let nature take its course. She couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude that she was finally in the appropriate place to handle her bodily needs.

As Alma sat there, her mind wandered back to the awkward encounter with Mirabel. She wondered if the tension between them would ever dissipate, if they could move past this embarrassing incident. But for now, all she could do was focus on the present moment, on taking care of herself and cleaning up the mess she had inadvertently created.

Deep down, Alma hoped that Mirabel would understand, that she would keep their shared secret and perhaps even find it in her heart to forgive. But only time would tell if their relationship could weather the spicy consequences that had brought them to this point.

After she was done, Alma finished cleaning the soiled vase, dropping its contents into the toilet.

With a sense of relief, Alma finished her business and carefully stood up from the toilet. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the embarrassment that still clung to her. Determined to put this ordeal behind her, she focused on the task at hand - cleaning the soiled vase.

Alma reached for a pair of gloves and a cleaning solution, determined to remove any trace of her spicy consequences from the vase. She scrubbed diligently, her movements methodical and precise. As she worked, she couldn't help but reflect on the absurdity of the situation, the lengths she had gone to find relief.

Once satisfied that the vase was clean, Alma lifted the lid of the toilet and emptied its contents, watching as her spicy consequences swirled away. She flushed, the sound of rushing water providing a small sense of closure. With a final rinse and a thorough disinfection, Alma placed the vase back where she had found it, praying that it would never be needed for such a purpose again.

As she finished cleaning up, Alma couldn't help but feel a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude. She had survived the spicy consequences of her meal, and despite the tension with Mirabel, she hoped that they could find a way to move forward. With a renewed sense of determination, she left the bathroom, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Alma and Mirabel’s Spicy Consequences
Location: Casita from the movie Encanto.
Story So Far: Alma Madrigal of the movie Encanto is walking back up to her room with a stomach full of her large and spicy lunch.
Conflict: Alma Madrigal from the movie Encanto ate a meal that was too spicy for her digestive system. But when she tries to head to the bathroom, Mirabel beats her to it, and now she’s gonna have to get creative if she wants relief.
Outline: First, Alma Madrigal of the movie Encanto just finished a spicy meal, and is attempting to head back up to her room, when she lets out a loud wet fart.

Then, Alma blushes, realizing that she has to poop badly. When she gets to the bathroom, Mirabel is about to go in, the two argue about who should go in first (with dialogue), with Mirabel winning out, and using the bathroom first.

Next, Alma attempts to hold it in, but her clenched cheeks begin to lose their grip, so Alma looks for an alternative (with dialogue).

After that, Alma finds an empty vase near the bathroom and after hiking up her dress, uses the vase as a makeshift bathroom (with detail).

Next, In the middle of her production, Mirabel comes out of the bathroom, leaving Alma in an awkward situation as she finishes her business (with detail).

Finally, Alma then rushes into the bathroom to clean up the vase, and despite the tension between the two, Mirabel agrees to keep it a secret between them
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Charles Dickens: Social Critique, Vividly Descriptive, and Character-driven