Just a College Girl in Middle School's Underwear
Emily decided to start her day at the mall where she hoped to avoid close interactions with anyone who knew her well enough to notice her choice of undergarments. As she browsed through stores, she couldn't help but feel self-conscious about the floral print panties with smiling sunflowers peeking out from beneath her trendy jeans. To make matters worse, a group of giggling teens pointed and whispered as they passed by, making her cheeks burn even brighter red.
Determined not to let this ruin her day, Emily met up with Thalia at the food court for lunch. They shared stories about their college experiences over burgers and fries, with Emily trying hard not to squirm too much in her seat as her friend's laughter echoed around them both. Despite her discomfort, it felt good to have someone to talk to about life away from home—someone who understood the challenges and triumphs of being a young adult navigating adulthood.
Afterward, they went shopping together, enjoying each other's company without any awkwardness or judgement. However, while searching for a new pair of shoes in Derek's favorite store, Emily suddenly realized he worked there now. He smiled warmly upon seeing her and offered assistance, leading her towards a selection of stylish boots that made her heart race despite herself. As they chatted casually about his job and her studies, she could feel her breath catch every time he leaned forward slightly; revealing just how low-cut those cute little booties were.
As they parted ways after saying goodbye outside the store entrance, Emily couldn't shake off the feeling that Derek had noticed something amiss beneath her coat—that maybe he'd seen a flash of colorful lace peeking out from beneath her clothing during their conversation about footwear choices. The thought sent shivers down her spine as she hurried back home fearing what tomorrow might bring if her secret was going to come crashing down around her before she could get new underwear.
Feeling increasingly anxious, Emily arrives home late and decides to try on some of her older siblings' hand-me-down boxers hoping they won't be discovered. Little did she know, Beatrice had been waiting for her all along with a plan to expose her true colors - literally.
Upon returning home later than planned, Emily found herself exhausted yet relieved to be back in familiar surroundings. With a sigh of relief, she headed straight for her room and rummaged through her siblings' hand-me-down box until she stumbled upon an unlikely solution – a pair of baggy blue briefs emblazoned with bright yellow ducks waddling across the front. Perfectly acceptable attire for a middle-school girl perhaps, but surely no one would suspect such an item hiding beneath her college-going exterior. Or so she hoped.
Her peace was short-lived however, as soon after entering the living room, she heard Beatrice giggle maliciously behind her. Turning to face her younger sister, Emily saw the mischievous glint in her eye and immediately knew something was amiss. "What do you want?" she asked warily.
Beatrice grinned widely, holding up a small mirror that reflected the duck-adorned undergarment clearly visible above Emily's waistband. "I thought these looked familiar," she said sweetly, batting her eyelashes innocently. Before Emily could respond, Beatrice darted away into another room, leaving her standing alone with a growing sense of dread.
With nowhere else to turn, Emily retreated to her room and changed into a fresh pair of hideous underwear from her childhood drawer – this time opting for rainbow-colored unicorns dancing merrily across the fabric. Gritting her teeth against the wave of humiliation that threatened to engulf her, she resolved to confront Beatrice once more and demand answers about why she kept exposing her most private secrets. Yet as she marched determinedly toward her sister's room, she caught sight of Derek lingering near the doorway – watching her intently with curiosity in his eyes.
In that moment, it dawned on Emily that her predicament had taken on a whole new level of embarrassment; not only was she facing potential ridicule from family members but also potentially losing control over the image she had carefully crafted since leaving for college. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself for whatever came next and prepared to confront both Beatrice and Derek about her predicament – praying that somehow she could salvage some dignity from this mess.
This is a summary of the story elements:
Title: Just a College Girl in Middle School's Underwear
Protagonist: Emily is smart and quick witted and wants everyone to think of her a mature adult... but blushes scarlet when embarrassed
Location: Emily's hometown — the mall, her parents house, Derek's house, her childhood bedroom
Antagonist: Emily's kid sister Beatrice is a mischievous troublemaker who loves to act innocent
Love Interest: Derek was Emily's best friend in high school. Could there be more here?
Confidant: Thalia is Emily's oldest friend — and the only one she can confide in about her embarrassing underwear situation
Story So Far: Nineteen year old college student Emily visits home for winter break. In her rush to leave campus, she forgets to pack any underwear. She figures she'll wear something from her childhood bedroom, but is shocked to discover her dresser contains only underwear she refused to bring to college. Her only options: flowery pastels with empowering slogans, images of cartoon princesses, loud girly panties with the days of the week, and similar mortifying undies that an adult would never be caught dead wearing.
Outline: Visiting home from college, Emily forgot to pack underwear. She must wear the embarrassingly girly panties she in her dresser. She hopes no one will find out! But of course they do. Every day she picks a new pair of embarrassing undies to wear under her cool college clothes and spends the whole day thinking about the details, patterns, and designs. Over the course of the week her underwear is revealed due to comic mishaps and pranks by Beatrice — first to strangers, then to friends, and finally to Derek!
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Emily Bronte: Romantic, Gothic, and Emotional