Literary Fiction

2023-10-08 15:43:40

Gwen’s Desperation

Gwen Dawson is standing by a flag pole in the Yukon, waiting for her teammates to arrive, but rather than be focused on the blistering cold, she’s more focused on her stuffed bowels.

Gwen's desperation was palpable as she stood there, her face contorted in discomfort. She crossed her legs tightly, desperately trying to hold back the urgent need that was gnawing at her insides. The bitter cold of the Yukon seemed to intensify her discomfort, making her feel even more vulnerable.

As she anxiously scanned the horizon for any sign of her teammates, Gwen couldn't help but curse herself for not using the bathroom before the challenge began. She had always prided herself on being prepared, but this time, she had let her guard down. Now, she was paying the price.

A gust of wind whipped through the barren landscape, causing Gwen to shiver involuntarily. She hugged herself tightly, desperately trying to distract herself from the growing pressure in her abdomen. Every passing second felt like an eternity as she waited, her mind consumed with thoughts of finding a secluded spot to relieve herself. But just as she was contemplating her options, the sound of approaching sleds interrupted her train of thought.

“Come on, Gwen, we have a race to win!” Courtney told her. Gwen did so, trying her best not to give any obvious signs that she had to go while getting in the sled.

Gwen let out a sigh of relief mixed with frustration as she saw her team pulling up in their sled. She quickly composed herself, putting on a brave face to hide her inner turmoil. With a forced smile, she climbed into the sled and took a seat next to her rival, Heather.

As the sled started moving, the jostling and vibrations only added to Gwen's discomfort. She clenched her teeth, determined not to give in to the urgent call of nature. The sled glided over the icy terrain, the freezing wind whipping through her hair, but Gwen's focus remained solely on keeping her bodily functions in check.

Heather, ever the opportunist, couldn't help but notice Gwen's desperation. With a wicked grin, she leaned closer to Gwen, poking her slightly extended belly. "Having a little trouble there, Goth girl?" she taunted, her voice dripping with malice. "Must be awful to hold it in while trying to win a race, huh?"

Gwen's eyes narrowed, her frustration mounting. She could feel the wetness of her own sweat on her forehead and the pressure building up inside her. Heather's relentless teasing only fueled her determination to hold on, but with each passing second, it became increasingly difficult. She had to find a way to endure this torment until they reached their destination, no matter what it took.

“I mean…surely you wouldn’t have forgotten to use the bathroom, right?” Heather asked, continuing to prod at Gwen, who was trying her best to ignore Heather. But Heather wasn’t one to give up, and kept on prodding.

Gwen gritted her teeth, her knuckles turning white as she clenched her fists in an attempt to maintain her composure. Heather's relentless prodding was pushing her to the edge, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of anger rise within her.

"I'm fine, Heather," Gwen replied through gritted teeth, her voice laced with irritation. "Unlike you, some of us have better things to focus on than petty mind games."

Heather's smirk only widened, her gray eyes gleaming with malicious delight. "Oh, I'm sure you do, Gwen," she sneered. "But let's be honest, the real challenge for you right now is keeping your bowels in check, isn't it?"

Gwen's face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and rage. She desperately tried to ignore Heather's words, but each taunt felt like a dagger piercing through her resolve. The pressure inside her was becoming unbearable, and she knew she was running out of time.

As the sled continued its bumpy journey, Gwen's desperation grew more intense. She could feel her body betraying her, the wetness of her farts becoming more prominent. Panic welled up inside her, and she silently prayed for the race to end soon. But little did she know, Courtney, her confidant, had been observing the situation and was planning to intervene.

“Oh…that sounded pretty rough Gwen,” Heather once again said, her hand over her nose to prevent herself from smelling. “Maybe you did poop yourself after all,” Heather joked as Gwen blushed and denied it.

Gwen's face turned scarlet as Heather's words hit their mark. The combination of embarrassment and desperation made her feel like she was being pushed to her breaking point. She clenched her fists tighter, her nails digging into her palms as she fought back tears of frustration.

"I...I didn't," Gwen stammered, her voice barely a whisper. She could feel the wetness seeping through her clothes, confirming Heather's cruel insinuations. The humiliation was almost too much to bear, but Gwen refused to give Heather the satisfaction of seeing her completely unravel.

Courtney, who had been silently observing the exchange, could no longer stand idly by. With a determined look in her eyes, she leaned forward and spoke firmly, her voice cutting through the tension. "Heather, that's enough. Lay off Gwen. We're a team, remember?"

Heather rolled her eyes, but the glare from Courtney was enough to silence her momentarily. Gwen's heart swelled with gratitude for her confidant's intervention. She knew that Courtney could be bossy and demanding, but in that moment, she had shown a side of herself that Gwen had rarely seen - compassion and support.

As the sled continued its race, Gwen's desperation remained, but now she had a glimmer of hope. With Courtney by her side, she felt a renewed sense of determination. She would endure this challenge, no matter how difficult it became. And if she had to face Heather's taunts along the way, she would do so with her head held high.

The ride seemed to go fine for the next ten minutes, but then Heather looked over at Gwen and began “convincing her” that she probably wouldn’t make it to the end of the race. After that, Courtney put her foot down, and stopped the sled.

Heather's relentless torment continued to chip away at Gwen's resolve. With every passing second, her desperation grew, and the fear of not being able to make it to the end of the race loomed over her like a dark cloud. Heather's words echoed in her mind, fueling her anxiety and making her doubt her own strength.

But just as Gwen was on the verge of giving in to despair, Courtney, her confidant and unexpected ally, took charge. With a determined expression, she raised her voice above the howling wind and commanded, "Stop the sled!"

The sudden halt jolted everyone on board, including Heather, who looked at Courtney with a mix of annoyance and surprise. "What's your problem, Courtney?" she spat, her voice dripping with venom.

Courtney's eyes blazed with determination as she fixed her gaze on Gwen. "Gwen needs a break," she stated firmly. "We're not going any further until she's had a chance to take care of herself."

Gwen's heart swelled with gratitude for Courtney's unwavering support. She couldn't believe that someone had finally stood up for her, taking her needs into consideration. As she stepped off the sled, her legs shaky from both the physical strain and emotional turmoil, she felt a renewed sense of hope. With Courtney by her side, she knew she could face anything that came her way.

Courtney walked over to Gwen, and led her to a seat on the sled away from Heather, prompting her to lay down.

“What…are we doing here, Courtney?” Gwen asked while maintaining her grip on her stomach.

Courtney's voice was filled with compassion as she guided Gwen to a seat away from Heather, urging her to lie down. She crouched down beside Gwen, her eyes filled with concern.

"We're taking a moment for you to catch your breath, Gwen," Courtney replied gently, placing a comforting hand on Gwen's shoulder. "You've been holding on for so long, and it's important to take care of yourself. Just try to relax and let your body rest."

Gwen nodded weakly, grateful for the respite. She lay down on the sled, her eyes closed as she focused on controlling the churning turmoil within her. The pain in her stomach was unbearable, but she clung to the hope that this brief pause would give her the strength to continue.

Courtney sat beside Gwen, her presence a comforting anchor amidst the chaos. "You're doing great, Gwen," she whispered, her voice filled with encouragement. "Just take deep breaths and try to find a calm place within yourself. We'll get through this together."

Gwen mustered a faint smile, grateful for Courtney's unwavering support. In that moment, she realized that she wasn't alone in her struggle. She had someone who believed in her, someone who saw beyond her tough exterior and understood her vulnerability. With Courtney by her side, Gwen knew she had the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

“I know it’s a long way to the finish line, but I think you can make it. Just keep your mind off it it, talk about something you like,” Courtney advised. Gwen put a hand on her chin, thinking of something that she could spend time talking about.

“Like…this new horror movie I watched before coming to World Tour?” Gwen asked.

Gwen's eyes lit up at the mention of the horror movie, momentarily distracting her from the discomfort she was feeling. She welcomed the opportunity to shift her focus away from her desperate situation and engage in a conversation about something she loved.

"Absolutely!" Courtney replied, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Tell me all about it. What was the movie about? Did it scare you? Any memorable scenes?"

As Gwen began to describe the plot, her passion for horror movies shone through. She spoke animatedly, her words painting vivid pictures of suspense and terror. The more she talked, the more she found herself getting lost in the story, momentarily forgetting about her physical discomfort.

Courtney listened intently, her genuine interest evident in her attentive gaze. She asked questions and shared her own thoughts, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and distraction. In that moment, the sled and the impending race seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a genuine connection between two friends.

As they continued their conversation, Gwen felt a renewed sense of determination. The pain in her stomach was still present, but Courtney's support and their shared passion for horror movies gave her the strength to persevere. With each passing moment, Gwen's belief in herself grew stronger, and she knew that she had the resilience to overcome any obstacle that came her way.

Courtney then continued the race as Gwen continued going on about her favorite horror movies. Gwen’s desperation seemed to not phase her as she was too engrossed in her own world to feel anything, much to Heather’s chagrin.

As Courtney resumed the race, Gwen continued to immerse herself in the world of horror movies, oblivious to the physical discomfort that still lingered within her. She spoke with enthusiasm, recounting her favorite scenes and analyzing the intricate details of the films. Her voice carried a sense of excitement and passion that seemed to drown out the noise of the sled and the biting cold of the Yukon.

Heather's frustration grew with each passing moment. She had hoped to break Gwen's spirit with her taunts and ridicule, but instead, she found herself faced with an unyielding force. Gwen's unwavering focus on her favorite horror movies seemed to shield her from Heather's malicious intentions, leaving the antagonist feeling powerless and irritated.

Heather shot Gwen a glare, her eyes filled with annoyance and disbelief. How could Gwen remain so unaffected by her attempts to provoke her? The realization that her usual tactics were ineffective against Gwen's resilience ignited a spark of anger within Heather. She was determined to find another way to get under Gwen's skin and regain her sense of control.

Meanwhile, Gwen continued to talk animatedly, her voice carrying a sense of enthusiasm that seemed to drown out the negativity around her. In that moment, she felt a sense of empowerment. She had found solace in her passion, and no amount of taunting from Heather could take that away from her. As the sled raced forward, Gwen's determination grew stronger, fueled by the support of her confidant and her own unwavering spirit.

The race ends, with Gwen’s team winning. Gwen gets out of the sled to celebrate, but moving her body causes her desperation to return, much to Heather’s delight and Courtney’s worry.

As the race reached its climax, Gwen's team emerged victorious, crossing the finish line with a sense of triumph. The exhilaration of the win filled the air, and Gwen couldn't help but feel a surge of joy and pride. She stepped out of the sled, ready to celebrate the hard-fought victory with her teammates.

But as she moved her body, a familiar sensation washed over her, a stark reminder of the desperate need that still lingered within her. The urgency returned, causing Gwen's face to pale and her grip on her stomach to tighten. She desperately tried to maintain her composure, not wanting to let her discomfort dampen the celebratory atmosphere.

Heather's eyes gleamed with malicious delight as she noticed Gwen's struggle. She couldn't resist the opportunity to exploit Gwen's vulnerability once again. With a sly grin, she approached Gwen, her voice dripping with condescension. "Looks like someone's not feeling so triumphant after all. Can't hold it in, can you, Gwen?"

Courtney, on the other hand, was filled with concern as she witnessed Gwen's distress. She hurried to Gwen's side, her voice filled with worry. "Gwen, are you okay? Do you need to take a break? Can you not hold it anymore? We can postpone the celebration until after your done in the bathroom.”

Gwen thought about it, but realized she only had a limited time before she blew.

“I…I think I should get back to the plane’s bathroom,” Gwen admitted before rushing away from the scene and back to the plane.

Gwen's voice trem with urgency as she acknowledged the pressing need to find a bathroom. She knew that time was running out, and she couldn't afford to delay any longer. With a determined yet pained expression, she swiftly turned away from the celebration and made a beeline towards the plane.

Heather's triumphant grin faltered as she watched Gwen flee from the scene. The realization that her taunts had inadvertently pushed Gwen to her limits filled her with a strange mix of satisfaction and guilt. Deep down, Heather knew that her actions had crossed a line, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse.

Courtney's worry deepened as she saw Gwen's desperate retreat. Without hesitation, she followed Gwen, her concern overriding any sense of victory or competition. She caught up with Gwen just as they reached the plane, her voice filled with genuine empathy. "Gwen, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. Let me help you."

Gwen nodded gratefully, her face contorted with discomfort. She appreciated Courtney's understanding and support in this moment of vulnerability. Together, they hurried towards the plane's bathroom, their footsteps echoing with a sense of urgency and solidarity. As they entered the bathroom, Gwen felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that she had found a momentary respite from her desperate situation. Little did she know that this experience would strengthen her bond with Courtney and pave the way for a deeper understanding between them.

Courtney opened the bathroom door for Gwen and encouraged her to go inside.

“Take your time. Don’t feel like you have to rush in there, OK?” Courtney said, patting Gwen on the back, who nodded with an appreciative smile before heading into the bathroom and heading straight for the toilet.

Courtney held the bathroom door open, allowing Gwen to enter with a sense of privacy and relief. Her words of encouragement carried a genuine warmth and understanding, reassuring Gwen that there was no need to rush in her current state. Gwen nodded gratefully, feeling a surge of gratitude towards Courtney for her kindness and support.

As Gwen stepped into the bathroom, the familiar sound of the door closing behind her brought a sense of solace. She wasted no time, heading straight for the toilet, her movements a combination of urgency and relief. The sound of the toilet seat being lowered echoed through the small space, signaling a moment of much-needed respite.

Gwen sighed as she finally sat down, the weight of her desperation lifting slightly. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to fully embrace the moment of privacy and release. The sound of running water filled the air as Gwen began to relieve herself, a mixture of gratitude and contentment washing over her.

In that moment, Gwen couldn't help but feel a newfound appreciation for Courtney's understanding and support. The kindness and empathy shown by her rival had shattered the walls of competition, allowing a genuine connection to form between them. As Gwen sat on the toilet, she couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected bonds that can be forged in the most desperate of moments.

As Gwen continued her dump, she couldn’t help but bask in the incredible relief she was feeling.

As Gwen continued her dump, a wave of incredible relief washed over her. The tension in her body slowly dissipated with each passing moment. She closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh, savoring the sensation of release that flooded through her.

The sound of her waste hitting the water echoed in the small bathroom, but Gwen paid it no mind. In that moment, she was solely focused on the sheer bliss of letting go. The weight in her gut was finally lifting, leaving her feeling lighter and freer than she had in what felt like ages.

As she continued on, Gwen nearly jumped off the toilet when she heard a knock.

As Gwen continued on, lost in the moment of relief, a sudden knock at the bathroom door startled her. Her eyes shot open, and she froze in place, her heart pounding in her chest. Who could possibly be knocking at a time like this?

It turned out that it was Heather, the same woman who had been tormenting her during the challenge.

It turned out that it was Heather, the same woman who had been tormenting her during the challenge. Gwen's eyes narrowed in suspicion as she continued her dump. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether she should even respond to Heather's presence.

Gwen looked under the door, and couldn’t help but chuckle noticing that Heather had her legs crossed while tapping her foot, indicating she had to pee badly.

Gwen couldn't help but chuckle as she looked under the door and noticed Heather's desperate state. The tables had turned, and Gwen found a small sense of satisfaction in seeing her rival in discomfort. She couldn't resist a smug smile as she listened to Heather's foot tapping impatiently.

"You know, Heather," Gwen called out, her voice laced with amusement, "I seem to recall you mocking me earlier for needing to use the bathroom. Looks like karma has a way of catching up to you, huh?"

Heather's face flushed with embarrassment as she realized Gwen had caught her in her moment of weakness. She muttered something inaudible, clearly flustered by the situation. Gwen couldn't help but revel in this small victory, knowing that she had turned the tables on her tormentor.

“I might be a little long, just so you know. I’ve been holding this in all day,” Gwen said with a smirk as she continued on with her business.

Gwen's smirk widened as she responded to Heather's discomfort. "Oh, don't worry, Heather. I'll be sure to take my time. After all, I've been holding this in all day," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Heather's face contorted into a mixture of frustration and embarrassment. She clenched her fists, clearly unable to retaliate in the face of Gwen's taunting. Gwen relished in this moment of triumph. For once, she had the upper hand, and she wasn't about to let it slip away.

As Gwen continued with her business, she couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of confidence. She had faced her desperation head-on and come out on top. Maybe, just maybe, she could use this experience to overcome the challenges that lay ahead in the Total Drama World Tour.

Gwen, finally feeling done, sighed with relief before cleaning herself up, pulling up her skirt, and washing her hands. Gwen made sure to keep the sink on so Heather could hear the sounds of running water.

Gwen, finally feeling a sense of relief, let out a contented sigh as she finished up. She meticulously cleaned herself up, making sure to take her time and savor the moment. Pulling up her skirt, she straightened herself out and washed her hands, deliberately keeping the sink on to make sure Heather could hear the sounds of running water.

As the water flowed, Gwen glanced at herself in the mirror. Despite the challenging circumstances, she couldn't help but admire her own resilience. She had faced her desperation head-on, and now she felt a renewed sense of strength and determination. No longer would she allow herself to be pushed around by the likes of Heather or anyone else.

With a newfound confidence, Gwen turned off the sink and exited the bathroom, leaving Heather behind in her own discomfort. As she rejoined the challenge, she couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. She had overcome her desperation and emerged stronger than ever. And now, she was ready to take on whatever challenges awaited her in the Total Drama World Tour.

Gwen couldn’t help but laugh at hearing the loud sigh of relief Heather let out once she was finally able to pee.

Gwen couldn't help but let out a laugh as she heard the audible sigh of relief that escaped Heather's lips once she was finally able to relieve herself. The sound echoed through the bathroom, and Gwen couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her rival further.

"Sounds like someone was really holding it in," Gwen remarked, her laughter lacing her words. "I guess you understand now how it feels to be in my shoes, huh?"

Heather's face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. She shot Gwen a glare, but Gwen simply shrugged it off, reveling in the role reversal. For once, she had the upper hand, and she was going to savor every moment of it.

With a smirk, Gwen turned to leave the bathroom, leaving Heather to stew in her own discomfort. As she rejoined the challenge, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Not only had she faced her own desperation, but she had also managed to turn the tables on her tormentor. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. And with this newfound confidence, Gwen was ready to take on whatever the Total Drama World Tour had in store for her.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Gwen’s Desperation
Protagonist: Gwen Dawson, a girl with hair dyed black with blue streaks and black eyes. Gwen is a goth girl and loner whose interests lie in art and astronomy. She is smart, independent, kind-hearted, and level-headed, stating her best quality is her inability to get excited over minuscule things. Her attitude at first seems very harsh and sarcastic, but she is not a bitter person. Rather, she is cautious of whom she lets into her life. Beneath her tough exterior, there is a kind heart that learns to trust as the series progresses. Gwen's guard lowers with each season. Despite her distaste for whatever "the sheep" are fond of, she does desire to be welcomed by the popular crowd. As revealed in "Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon", she distances herself from it because she believes it is not where she belongs. She isn't afraid to stand her ground should her reputation take a hit. Gwen also suffers from claustrophobia, as seen in "Phobia Factor", "The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean", and "Zeek And Ye Shall Find". She believes strongly in karma and is also a huge fan of horror movies, the clichés of which will sometimes dictate how she performs in challenges.
Location: Takes place during the Total Drama World Tour episode “Anything Yukon Do, I can Do Better”.
Antagonist: Heather Nguyen, a girl with black hair tied back into a short ponytail with gray eyes. Heather was Total Drama's first antagonist. Famously manipulative and vicious, Heather knows what she wants and exactly how to get it. Her strategic smarts have proven effective, eliminating a record amount of contestants. She competes with her sights only on the prize money and not on making friends or finding love, using others at her advantage and only being kind when she may ultimately be benefited. This makes it difficult to differentiate her original, mean girl ways from her true heartfelt moments. Such an example is in Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island, when a tearful Heather tells Harold that she doesn't like "being mean all the time" and it's not fun "being the one everyone hates". Hawaiian Punch, in which she becomes ecstatic at the thought of being the "good guy", confirms that there is at least some truth to her lament. However, even romance is not enough to tame Heather's desire for victory, as shown by her relationship with Alejandro. However, over the course of the series, she has progressively gotten nicer, from trying to warn others about a greater threat, to sympathizing with others, and even feeling awful for accidentally causing someone's life-threatening injuries.

One of Heather's fatal flaws, at least in the beginning of the series, is her vanity. Portraying as a stereotypical rich and spoiled girl, Heather refuses to partake in any activities that may result in ruining her good looks, especially her hair, which earned the ire of one of her biggest rivals, Leshawna. Instead, she had other people do her work for her. One could say that until Lindsay's elimination in That's Off the Chain!, Heather shows little involvement in most of the challenges. This trait has since vanished after season one and she becomes more determined to win challenges by herself.
Confidant: Courtney Flores, a girl with brown hair and black eyes. Courtney has a polarizing personality, but at her core, she thinks of herself as a born leader, which often leads to her not letting others have a chance to take control. Although she is extremely bossy, competitive, critical and even manipulative at times, she can be civil and polite to her fellow competitors under specific circumstances and in the beginning of the series. Such examples are in Phobia Factor where Courtney scolds her team for mocking Tyler's fear, Basic Straining, where she stands up for Harold against Duncan and Geoff or in Jamaica Me Sweat, when she is the only one to acknowledge the injured Izzy and Owen. As an overachiever, she has a tendency to overreact when things go wrong, and drives herself crazy in order to get what she wants. She has become notorious among the contestants for constantly reminding them of her counselor-in-training experience, resulting in their constant annoyance.

However, throughout her four competing seasons, the severity of Courtney's behavior becomes extremely antagonistic. When she wants something, she will fight to the death to get it, with no regard for the safety of others, going as far to leave people in danger, hence losing her former friendly and civil nature. However, sometimes her determination ultimately leads to her own destruction. Courtney has exceptional athletic abilities and is also capable of lifting amounts of weight much greater than her own. She has displayed in several instances that she values the prize money over even her closest relationships and even capable of risking people’s lives to get on her goal. Her unscrupulous priorities coupled with her harsh tendencies have resulted in her becoming a very disliked contestant among her fellow competitors as well as someone that is not truly friendly with anyone.
Story So Far: Gwen is waiting by one of the stops for the sled, crossing her legs and clenching her cheeks, lamenting over the fact that she didn’t use the bathroom before the challenge started.
Conflict: Takes place during the Total Drama World Tour episode “Anything Yukon Do, I can Do Better”. In this fanfiction, Gwen of the Total Drama series forgets to use the bathroom before the challenge, and has to poop. During the sled race, her rifle, Heather, notices her desperation and tries to egg her on (with dialogue). As Heather continues making fun of her, encouraging her to ‘let it go’, Gwen’s farts become wetter and she really thinks she’s gonna poop herself. However, Courtney, who’s been forced to pull the sled, stops the sled, moves Gwen to seat on the sled away from Heather, and has Gwen lay down. Courtney then tells Gwen to take some deep breaths and talk about some of her favorite things to take her mind off her predicament. It ends up working, as Gwen is able to hold it throughout the rest of the race without issue. When the race ends, Gwen rushes to the bathroom on the plane, and is finally able to poop. While she’s pooping, Gwen notices that Heather is outside, legs crossed while tapping her foot. Gwen decides, as a form of revenge, to take a little longer pooping before finishing. Heather glared at a smirking Gwen as she came out, especially since Gwen had left the sink on. Heather’s bladder almost spammed as she rushed into the bathroom, Gwen going back to the first class area with a satisfied smirk on her face.
Outline: First, Gwen is waiting by one of the stops for the sled, crossing her legs and clenching her cheeks, lamenting over the fact that she didn’t use the bathroom before the challenge started.

Second, she considers going on the ground with nobody around, but her team pull up in their sled, and Gwen sighs before getting in and sitting next to her rival, Heather.

Third, Heather notices Gwen’s desperation, and antagonizes her by poking her slightly extended belly, telling her how awful it must be to hold it that long with mock sincerity, remind her of how she pooped herself last season so nobody would think any less of her doing it (again with mock sincerity), even telling her that the best relief is just to let it go.

Fourth, with Heather constantly provoking her, Gwen struggles to hold it, even letting out some pre-poop farts that cause Heather to gag.

Fifth, Courtney, who is pulling the sled, hears the commotion and decides to try and help. Courtney stops the sled, moves Gwen to a seat away from Heather, lays her down, tells her to take some deep breaths, and talk about stuff she enjoys, like horror movies.

Sixth, Courtney’s strategy works as, much to Heather’s chagrin, Gwen is able to hold it without issue throughout the rest of the challenge. However, once her team win the challenge, Gwen’s desperation comes back when she steps off of the sled, and she rushes off to the plane to get to the bathroom.

Seventh, after a couple of close calls, Gwen finally makes it into the bathroom, and begins to let put her poop.

Eighth, in the middle of her dump, Gwen gets a knock on the door, and it’s revealed to be Heather, who is standing outside the door tapping her foot with her legs crossed, indicating that she has to pee. Gwen decides to take a little longer with her dump to watch Heather squirm as payback for earlier.

Finally, when Gwen is done, she leaves the sink on, which causes Heather’s bladder to spasm before coming out. As Heather glares at her while rushing into the restroom, Gwen smirks with satisfaction at being able to get some form of revenge on Heather.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: Charles Dickens: Social Critique, Vividly Descriptive, and Character-driven