Literary Fiction

2023-10-22 14:07:19

My love

REWRITE: Misaki is combing his long hair

Misaki is carefully running a comb through his lengthy locks.

Misaki is carefully running a comb through his lengthy locks.

The soft bristles of the comb glide effortlessly through Misaki's black, floor-length hair, each stroke a gentle caress against his scalp. He takes his time, relishing in the simple act of grooming, finding solace in the familiar routine. As he combs, his mind drifts to thoughts of Ryo, his heart fluttering with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

Ryo, with his mature demeanor and captivating presence, has always been a source of fascination for Misaki. The way Ryo's eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles, the way his deep voice resonates with warmth and reassurance - all of it draws Misaki in, like a moth to a flame. But Misaki is acutely aware of the age difference between them, the vast chasm that separates their worlds.

Yet, despite the doubts that linger in his mind, Misaki can't help but feel a spark of hope deep within his heart. He knows that Ryo cares for him, that there is a connection between them that goes beyond friendship. And as Misaki continues to comb his hair, he silently vows to himself that he will find the courage to express his true feelings to Ryo, to lay bare his vulnerability and let love guide them forward.

Kaya, an beautiful actress and Misaki's rival, feel jealous of Misaki's extremely long hair

As Misaki continues to comb his hair, a sudden gust of wind sweeps through the room, causing his ebony tresses to dance around him like a dark, enchanting veil. Unbeknownst to Misaki, Kaya, the ambitious actress and his rival, stands at the doorway, her eyes burning with envy at the sight of his magnificent mane.

Kaya has always prided herself on her own long, lustrous locks, but they pale in comparison to Misaki's. The jealousy that simmers within her intensifies, fueling her determination to surpass him in every way. She knows that Misaki's hair has become a defining feature, a symbol of his ethereal beauty, and she resents him for it.

Driven by her relentless ambition, Kaya concocts a plan to undermine Misaki's popularity by targeting his hair. She schemes to steal the spotlight, to make people forget about his mesmerizing locks and focus on her own undeniable talent. With a sly smile, Kaya sets her plan into motion, determined to prove that she is the true star of the stage.

Little does she know, Misaki's hair is not just a superficial accessory, but a part of his very essence. It is a reflection of his spirit, his individuality, and his unwavering determination to be true to himself. And as the story unfolds, Misaki will face not only the challenges of the entertainment industry but also the trials of love and self-discovery, all while his hair remains a symbol of his strength and resilience.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: My love
Protagonist: Misaki, 18 years old. He is a young beautiful actor with milky skin, amber eyes but his true beauty mark is his black floor-length hair which is swaying around his ankle. Misaki is naive, a bit arrogant but has a kind heart. He is also easily embarrassed by Ryo’s teasing. Despite not vocally expressing his love for Ryo, Misaki is very much in love with Ryo and constantly worries about him.
Ryo, 28 years old, Misaki’s big brother's friend, a CEO, mature and handsome. Ryo has known Shion for 10 years, when Shion was still a kid. Ryo loves and treats Shion with kindness, gentleness and respect. He likes to tease Shion, especially playing with Shion's long hair. Misaki is a rising star in the entertainment industry, with his captivating performances earning him a devoted fanbase. Despite his outward confidence, he often doubts his own abilities and seeks validation from others. Deep down, Misaki carries a deep love for Ryo, his brother's friend, always yearning for his attention and affection. Will their relationship evolve from friendship to something more?
Location: modern japan, tokyo
Antagonist: Kaya, 21 years old, is a talented and ambitious actress who views Misaki as her rival. Kaya is very proud of her long black hair, which touched her knee but still not as long as Misaki’s hair. Kaya is known for her seductive charm and captivating stage presence, which constantly draws attention from both audience members and industry professionals. She is determined to surpass Misaki's popularity and fame, using her beauty and talent as weapons in her quest for success. However, deep down, Kaya harbors a sense of insecurity and jealousy towards Misaki's natural beauty and effortless charisma.
Love Interest: Ryo, the love interest, has always been fascinated by Misaki's ethereal beauty and captivating presence. He finds himself drawn to Misaki's vulnerable side, wanting to protect and cherish him. Ryo's attraction to Misaki goes beyond physical appearance, as he sees a gentle sweetness in Misaki that he yearns to bring out and nurture. Despite his stoic exterior, Ryo's heart melts in Misaki's presence, and he longs to show him a love that is both passionate and tender.
Confidant: Yumi, 20 years old, Misaki's best friend. Yumi is a vivacious and loyal friend who has known Misaki since childhood. She is the only person who knows about Misaki's deep love for Ryo and provides a listening ear and unwavering support for him. Yumi is always there to offer advice and encouragement, helping Misaki navigate the complexities of love and romance.
Comic Relief: Kei, 25 years old, Misaki's eccentric hairstylist. With his flamboyant fashion sense and larger-than-life personality, Kei brings a sense of lightheartedness and humor to every scene. He is always coming up with outrageous hairstyle ideas for misaki, much to misaki's embarrassment and amusement. Kei also has a secret crush on Yumi, which often leads to hilarious misunderstandings and awkward situations.
Story So Far: In the bustling city of Tokyo, Misaki, a rising star in the entertainment industry, finds himself captivated by Ryo, his's friend and a mature CEO. As Misaki's career blooms, he longs foryo's affection, all while the cutthroat industry accompanied by the ambitious actress Kaya. With unwavering support of best friend Y, Misaki's journey to discover true love and fulfillment begins amidst the backdrop of modern Japan.
Conflict: Misaki and Ryo's love is put to the test when Kaya, a talented actress and Misaki's rival, joins their social circle. As Misaki's popularity grows, Kaya becomes increasingly envious and sets out to sabotage Misaki's career and relationship with Ryo. Misaki must find the strength to overcome Kaya's malicious intentions and prove to Ryo that their love is worth fighting for.
Outline: In modern Tokyo, Misaki, an up-and-coming actor with enchanting beauty, finds himself hopelessly in love with Ryo, his brother's friend and a mature CEO. As Misaki's fame rises, he must navigate the competitive world of the entertainment industry, with ambitious actress Kaya set on surpassing him. With his confidant and best friend Yumi by his side, Misaki longs for Ryo's attention and affection, hoping their friendship can blossom into something more.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: E.M. Forster: Realism, Humanism, and Social Class Commentary