Literary Fiction

2023-09-26 22:45:47

Don't Forget, The Travesty Part 5

As she awaits for her best friends to come, she takes sometime to cuddle her dear daughter, Inari.

Yume couldn't wait any longer as she watched her friend's car pull up outside their house. She quickly grabbed her baby girl and brought her into her arms, smiling at how much her little one had grown since they arrived in Palm City just a few months ago. As Yume waited patiently on the front porch, she listened to the familiar sounds of her two confidants chatting with each other as they made their way inside. Minako and Rin were like sisters to her now, always there for support, laughter, and even some good-natured teasing when needed. It was such a blessing to have them both in her life after everything through.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Yume couldn't contain her excitement any longer. She jumped up from the couch where she sat, holding Inari close to her chest while she bounced on the balls of her feet. "They're here! They're finally here!" she exclaimed with joyful tears in her eyes. Minako and Rin looked at each other before turning towards Yume, smiling warmly as they welcomed her into their arms. It felt like home whenever they were together, a sense of comfort that Yume never thought she would experience again after everything she had been through.

As they all settled down onto the sofa, Yume couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment. She was surrounded by loved ones who cared deeply about her well-being and wanted to see her happy. And while there were still challenges ahead, especially when it came to healing from her past trauma, having these two wonderful women in her life made everything just a little bit easier. Yume knew that with them by her side, anything was possible.

Minako gently placed her hand on Yume's, looking into her eyes with a compassionate expression. "Yume, I know it's been a tough journey for you, and healing from trauma takes time. But I think joining a support group for women who have experienced abuse or trauma could be really beneficial for you."

Yume blinked, contemplating Minako's suggestion. She knew deep down that Minako was right. Connecting with others who understood her pain and shared similar experiences could provide a sense of validation and support that she had been craving.

"I understand how you feel," Minako continued. "Sometimes, it's easier to open up to people who have been through similar hardships. They can provide valuable insights, coping mechanisms, and emotional support. It's a safe space where you can express yourself without judgment."

Rin chimed in, her voice filled with empathy. "And joining a support group doesn't mean you have to face everything alone. We'll be right there with you, supporting you every step of the way."

Tears welled up in Yume's eyes as she felt overwhelmed with gratitude for the unwavering support she had from Minako and Rin. She wiped away a tear, a smile forming on her face.

"Thank you both," Yume said softly. "You've been my pillars of strength, and I can't express how grateful I am for your love and care. I will definitely consider joining a support group. It feels like the right step towards healing."

Minako and Rin exchanged a glance, their eyes filled with pride and relief. They had seen Yume's resilience and growth throughout her journey, and they knew that joining a support group would be a significant milestone in her healing process.

As they embraced once again, a sense of hope filled the room. Yume knew that with her chosen family by her side and the support of others who had walked a similar path, she could face her past with courage and build a brighter future. Together, they would navigate the healing journey, one step at a time.

Yume looked at Rin with gratitude and a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. The idea of taking up a new hobby or skill intrigued her, as it presented an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to discover something new about herself.

"I think that's a wonderful idea, Rin," Yume said, a smile forming on her face. "I've always admired painters and their ability to express emotions through art. Maybe painting classes would be a great way for me to channel my thoughts and feelings into something beautiful."

Rin nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with excitement. "I know a great art studio nearby that offers beginner painting classes. We can sign up together and support each other through the process. It'll be a chance for us to bond even more!"

Yume's smile widened, and she reached out to hold Rin's hand. "Thank you, Rin. Your support means the world to me. I'm really looking forward to exploring this new hobby with you."

Just then, Minako chimed in, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance. "And while you're busy unleashing your creativity, I'd be more than happy to be your babysitter, Yume. You deserve some time for yourself, to focus on your healing journey without any worries or distractions."

Tears welled up in Yume's eyes once again, but this time, they were tears of joy and relief. She felt incredibly fortunate to have such caring and understanding friends by her side. With Rin's suggestion of trying out painting classes and Minako's offer to be her babysitter, Yume knew that she would have the support and space she needed to rebuild her life and find joy again.

Together, they made plans to sign up for painting classes, exploring the vibrant world of colors and brushstrokes. Yume could already feel a spark of excitement within her, a glimmer of hope that she could create something beautiful out of the darkness she had experienced.

As they continued to discuss their plans, the room filled with a sense of optimism and anticipation. Yume knew that with the love and support of her chosen family, she could reclaim her happiness and build a brighter future, one stroke of paint at a time.

As Yume and her friends strolled along Palm City's famous beachfront promenade, the gentle ocean breeze rustled through their hair, and the rhythmic sound of crashing waves filled the air. The promenade was bustling with activity as locals and tourists alike enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere.

With her baby happily nestled in a stroller, Yume couldn't help but feel a sense of peace washing over her. The weight of her past troubles seemed to momentarily fade away as she immersed herself in the beauty of the ocean view before her.

The sun cast a golden hue on the sandy shoreline, and seagulls soared overhead, their calls blending harmoniously with the laughter and chatter of passersby. The salty sea air invigorated Yume's senses, filling her lungs with a refreshing breath of tranquility.

As they continued their leisurely walk, Yume and her friends engaged in animated conversations, their voices carrying the excitement and anticipation of their plans. The vibrant energy of the surroundings seemed to amplify their enthusiasm, fueling their dreams and aspirations.

They paused occasionally to take in the sights, admiring the talented street performers showcasing their skills, the vibrant colors of the beach umbrellas dotting the sand, and the joyful laughter of children building sandcastles. It was a symphony of life and happiness, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there was always beauty and hope to be found.

Yume's heart swelled with gratitude as she looked at her friends, their unwavering support evident in their smiles and encouraging words. She knew that she was not alone on this journey of healing and rediscovery. Together, they would create new memories, paint their dreams onto the canvas of their lives, and find solace in the simple pleasures of life's precious moments.

As they reached the end of the promenade, Yume turned to face the vastness of the ocean once more. The waves crashed against the shore with a soothing rhythm, echoing the ebb and flow of her own emotions. With a renewed sense of determination, she felt ready to face the challenges ahead, armed with the love and support of her chosen family.

With a contented smile on her face, Yume took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the salty sea air one last time. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the horizon, she knew that her journey to reclaim happiness had begun, and the beauty of Palm City's beachfront promenade would forever hold a special place in her heart.

She joins an online support group for women who have experienced abuse or trauma where she can share her journey and find solace in others' stories.

With a mix of nerves and anticipation, Yume delicately pressed the enter key, initiating her first foray into the depths of the online support group forum. The decision had not come easily; she had wrestled with doubts, questioning whether entrusting her story to complete strangers was the right course of action. However, after much contemplation, Yume realized that connecting with fellow survivors of abuse could offer a semblance of validation and a much-needed sense of community.

As the webpage loaded, revealing a tapestry of forum threads, Yume's eyes were immediately drawn to the heart-wrenching stories that lay before her. Each account detailed the agonizing experiences of women who had traversed similar paths of trauma and despair. Some were still trapped in the clutches of their painful pasts, while others had emerged with newfound healing and hope. It was an emotional rollercoaster, yet amidst the collective pain, Yume felt a stirring in her heart, a flicker of solace that whispered, "You are not alone."

Summoning the courage that had been dormant for far too long, Yume began to peel back the layers of her own story, laying bare her wounds and scars with an unyielding determination. Shame and fear, once her constant companions, began to dissolve, replaced by a newfound resilience. The responses she received were nothing short of extraordinary – a symphony of unwavering support and boundless compassion. Each comment, each message, served as a lifeline, reminding Yume that her voice mattered, that her pain was acknowledged and shared.

In the ensuing weeks, Yume emerged as a stalwart presence within the online community, her keyboard tapping rhythmically as she offered words of encouragement and solace to those who sought refuge within the forum's virtual embrace. It was an opportunity for her to reciprocate the kindness and empathy that had been extended to her during her darkest hours. As she absorbed the tales of resilience and strength shared by fellow survivors, Yume found herself buoyed by an indomitable spirit, a renewed belief in the possibility of healing.

Through the digital realm, Yume discovered a vast network of warriors, battling their own demons, but united by their shared determination to reclaim their lives. With each virtual interaction, Yume felt her sense of isolation dissolve, replaced by a tapestry of connection and belonging. In this intricate web of support, she found inspiration and hope, fueling her own journey toward healing.

The online support group became more than just a refuge for Yume; it became a sanctuary where her voice could soar, where her experiences could be validated, and where her journey toward self-discovery and healing could flourish. In the company of these resilient souls, Yume realized that she was not merely surviving – she was thriving.

Slowly but surely, Yume began to feel like herself again. It was as if the heavy weight of her past had begun to lift, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and strength. The online support group had become a lifeline, a sanctuary where she could pour out her heart and find solace in the understanding eyes of those who had walked similar paths of pain and trauma.

After a bit of texting, she remembered about the other suggestion from her friends, the painting sessions. With encouragement from Minako and Rin, Yume takes up painting lessons with Rin as their bond deepens through the creative process.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Don't Forget, The Travesty Part 5
Protagonist: A 28 year old woman who had just been saved from a abusive relationship with a guy, who turned out to be a demon. She was saved by the Noble Kyoko Brusilov, a Russian Amazon who decided to go out of her mission to save her. A strong-willed and resilient woman, had always dreamed of a peaceful and normal life. She had a passion for painting and writing, which she pursued in her spare time. Yume spent a few years in an abusive relationship, unaware of her partner's true identity as a demon. Despite the hardships she faced, Yume remained hopeful and determined to break free from the toxic cycle. Her pregnancy became a turning point, giving her the strength and motivation to escape. Now, with Kyoko's help, Yume is ready to start afresh in Palm City, cherishing the opportunity to provide a safe and loving environment for her now born child.
Location: A coastal city located at the Empire of the Two Crowns. It's a united Kingdom with two provinces, The Japanese Kingdom and Manchurian Empire. One of the metropolitan centers of the world, Palm City sits on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, with its sandy beaches stretching as far as the eye can see. The skyline is dotted with towering skyscrapers, a mix of modern architecture and historic landmarks that blend harmoniously with the city's rich cultural heritage. The bustling streets are lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes, offering a blend of international cuisine and local delicacies. With its vibrant nightlife, thriving arts scene, and breathtaking natural beauty, Palm City is a vibrant and diverse city that captivates both locals and tourists alike.
Antagonist: Her late demon husband was pretty rash and aggressive to her, constantly berating her and subjecting her to emotional and psychological abuse. He would often isolate her from her loved ones and control every aspect of her life, leaving her feeling trapped and powerless. The physical abuse she endured was brutal and left her scarred both physically and emotionally, creating deep-seated trauma and fear.
Love Interest: Yume's savior, and the one who presented her with her current house. Even after being told by the person herself, Yume naively expects Kyoko to come back and visit her, she is a compassionate and strong-willed Russian Amazon who possesses exceptional combat skills and a noble heart. She is dedicated to protecting and helping those in need, going above and beyond to ensure their safety and well-being. Despite her tough exterior, Kyoko's actions are driven by empathy and a deep sense of justice, making her a true ally and a dependable friend to Yume. Although Kyoko's duty may prevent her from visiting Yume as often as she would like, she cherishes their bond and secretly hopes to find a way to balance her responsibilities with her desire to be by Yume's side.
Confidant: Minako is a vivacious and outgoing woman with a passion for fashion and athleticism. She always knows the latest trends and loves to share her style tips with Yume. Rin, on the other hand, is a calm and introspective individual with a knack for swimming. She has a green thumb and enjoys creating beautiful and serene spaces, as well as going to the Olympics. Together, Minako and Rin provide Yume with unwavering support and love, helping her heal from her past and embrace her new beginning in Palm City.
Comic Relief: Yume is constantly being teased by Rin about her feelings for the blonde that saved her, Kyoko. Rin playfully nudges Yume about her obvious crush, often making witty remarks and innuendos that leave Yume blushing and flustered. It's all in good fun, though, as Rin genuinely wants Yume to find happiness and encourages her to be brave and pursue her feelings for Kyoko. As Minako constantly makes hints about exercising to her bestie, offering Rin's Secret Babysitting services as a option.
Story So Far: Yume finally finds solace in Palm City, surrounded by the beauty of the coastal city. With Kyoko's help, she begins to rebuild her life, cherishing her newfound freedom and the loving support of her confidants, Minako and Rin. As she navigates the challenges of healing from past trauma, Yume discovers her inner strength and resilience, finding hope in a brighter future for herself and her child.
Conflict: Finding peace and thinking about a possible new love partner to accompany her. Yume's path to healing is not an easy one, as she continues to grapple with the trauma of her past. While she yearns for a peaceful life and the possibility of a new love interest, she is also haunted by the fear of repeating history and opening herself up to another abusive relationship. Balancing her desire for love and security with her need for healing becomes a constant internal conflict for Yume as she navigates her new life in Palm City.
Outline: Yume, now living in Palm City, is determined to rebuild her life after escaping her abusive demon husband. With the support of her savior Kyoko, confidants Minako and Rin, and the vibrant city around her, Yume finds solace in her love for painting, writing, and her beautiful baby. As she embarks on her journey of healing and self-discovery, she learns to trust again and finds strength in the bonds she has formed with those who care for her.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Narrative - Tells a story through a series of events
Narrative Style: First Person
Author Style: Fyodor Dostoevsky: Psychological, Philosophical, and Existential