Literary Fiction

2023-11-04 03:59:35


Brenna hates these mandatory staff meetings. They always drag on for hours, and there’s always only about ten minutes of actual substance in them as everyone rambles on about things that don’t affect her department. She has work she’d much rather be doing, and she always gets anxious when she feels trapped in a place she can’t leave

Not that she absolutely couldn’t leave, but everyone would stare and her boss would ask where she was going. It’s not worth it just to get a little air

Today it’s made worse by the fact that her stomach feels a little off; she must have eaten something that didn’t entirely agree with her. It’s gurgling so loudly that the person next to her gives her a look, and she rubs it discreetly beneath the table they’re sitting at

Unfortunately this causes some of the discomfort to shift downward, pressing at her asshole. she shifts in her seat and farts, hoping the sound and smell won’t be too noticeable. It relieves the pressure some, but the gurgling continues and she knows that won’t be the last of it

The speaker moves on to talk about how the most recent business plan is going to affect her department, and she tries to pay attention, although she finds herself releasing little farts against her will every times she shifts

He moves onto a different, uninteresting topic, and Brenna tunes out again, distracted by the grumbling of her guts. She feels the pressure build again and she pushes a little, surprised when instead of a fart a large amount of poop bubbles out into her underwear.

She clenches as soon as she can, but the damage is done: there’s no way that won’t be strikingly visible through her light blue trousers; if she gets up to go to the restroom, everyone will know she shit herself. she’ll have to stay until the end of the meeting. She has a cardigan at her desk that she can tie around her waist to get to her car, it will be fine

Except for the fact that this meeting is supposed to go on for another two hours, and her body is informing her that there’s a lot more shit that wants out. She shifts a little, trying to relieve the pressure some, and another surge of poop forces its way past her tight clench

Suddenly she realizes everyone is looking at her—do they know? “What?”

“I asked if you had plans for how your department was going to manage this budget shift,” her boss says.

“Oh, sorry,” Brenna says, flustered. “I, uh—”distracted as she is, she can’t keep herself clenched enough to hold up against the next cramp, and the bubbly crackling of her accident seems incredibly loud in the otherwise quiet room. “Um,” she continues, blushing wildly. “I’ll have to discuss that with my assistant manager. I’m confident we’ll find a way to handle it without significant impact.”

Her boss nods and moves onto the next person, leaving Brenna to become hyperaware of the way her mess has squished up the back of her shirt as well as filling her pants. The worst part is that she still has to poop: a more solid log starts slowly pressing out of her, and the pressure is so painful that she lifts her ass off the chair to give it space to come out.

Finally it stops, and she sits back, feeling her mess squishing beneath her. She really hopes the meeting will be over soon; someone is bound to notice the smell.

To her horror, another speaker gets up and starts an additional presentation, meaning she’s going to have to sit in her mess for quite some time

Even worse, it’s not long before the gurgling starts again and she realizes she’s going to have to go in her pants again. She barely tries to fight it this time, lifting her ass and pushing a little, hoping no one can tell from her face that she’s pooping her pants

She’s still doing her business when the speaker finishes and the meeting is already to end, and she has to stay awkwardly squatting over the chair with poop slowly sliding out of her ass as everyone else picks up their stuff to go

As soon as there’s a pause in the cramping she’s getting up and waddling as quickly as she can to her desk. Fortunately most everyone else has cleared out for lunch, but she wants to have the protection of something covering her bulging seat before she heads down through the lobby to get to her car, and she can tell she’s definitely not done pooping.

Brenna hates these mandatory staff meetings. They always drag on for hours, and there’s always only about ten minutes of actual substance in them as everyone rambles on about things that don’t affect her department. She has work she’d much rather be doing, and she always gets anxious when she feels trapped in a place she can’t leave. Today it’s made worse by the fact that her stomach feels a little off; she must have eaten something that didn’t entirely agree with her. It’s gurgling so loudly that the person next to her gives her a look, and she rubs it discreetly beneath the table they’re sitting at. Not that she absolutely couldn’t leave, but everyone would stare and her boss would ask where she was going. It’s not worth it just to get a little air. Unfortunately, today her body has other ideas. As the meeting progresses, Brenna realizes she needs to release some gas, which comes unexpectedly along with a surprise load of diarrhea. Her heart races as she tries to contain the embarrassment while simultaneously fighting the urgent need to let it all out. To make matters even worse, her underwear becomes drenched in poop, making it difficult to focus on anything besides finding a solution to her predicament. In a moment of panic, she decides to tie her cardigan around her waist to cover the evidence and make a quick exit after the meeting ends. However, her bowels have other plans, and she discovers that there is still more waste waiting to escape. Despite being mortified, Brenna remains composed and takes charge of the situation as best she can. With determination and perseverance, she manages to navigate through the uncomfortable situation and makes it to safety. Although humiliated, Brenna learns a valuable lesson about listening to her body’s signals and taking care of herself despite external pressures.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: breanna
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Descriptive - Rich, detailed, and imaginative language
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
Author Style: H.G. Wells: Science Fiction, Social Commentary, and Speculative