violence Erotica

2023-09-23 12:31:36

Don't Forget, The Travesty Part 4

Previously, Tito had attempted to engage with Coba, but she was already engaged with Finite, the Shade. This made him really sad, but he was not in place to complain. Since Valerie spent a night of lovemaking with Selena, she struggled to actually move on since Selena's departure, even though she was a strong girl most of the time.

At her bedroom, Valerie emerged on her thoughts...

"Selena..." She muttered. "I miss you."

A few weeks before, she would not have said anything like this, because she could not stand the pain anymore. But now, she felt a little bit more free to express herself.
She turned around to face her mirror, which reflected nothing but her reflection. "Selena... Did you really love me...?" She looked back at the mirror. Her eyes looked lost...

Her heart was lost.

("How could this happen? First, I almost crushed my own family because of my jealousy...") She thought to herself as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Now... I can't even explain what I feel... Jealousy...? Repressed Desire...? ... Love?"

A sudden knock was heard on her door.
She quickly wiped away her tears and went downstairs, hoping that Selena was coming to say goodbye again.

She opened the door, and saw Finite standing there with a small smile. He held out his hand and smiled. She took it and hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, a bit cranky.

Finite looked at Valerie with concern. He could sense that something was bothering her, but she seemed hesitant to share what had happened. He decided to approach the situation delicately, not wanting to push her further away.

"Valerie," Finite began gently, "I can tell that something is troubling you. You don't have to tell me right away, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'll be ready to listen."

Valerie's eyes welled up with tears again, and she nodded appreciatively. She knew Finite was genuinely concerned for her well-being. But just as Finite was about to step back and give her space, he noticed something peculiar in the air.

A soft, familiar scent wafted through the room, catching Finite's attention. It was the scent of Selena. Finite didn't knew, but, she did were Valerie's lost love. His eyes widened in surprise as he turned to Valerie, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Valerie, do you... Do you smell that? Selena's scent? How is that possible?" He asked, a mixture of confusion and curiosity in his voice.

Valerie's eyes widened, mirroring Finite's surprise. She inhaled deeply, her senses confirming what Finite had noticed. Selena's scent lingered in the air, as if she were still present somehow.

"I... I don't know," Valerie replied, her voice trembling. "Selena... she's gone. But maybe... maybe she's still with me somehow."

Finite placed a comforting hand on Valerie's shoulder, feeling the weight of her grief and confusion. Together, they stood there, enveloped in Selena's lingering scent, contemplating the mysteries that surrounded them.

"I don't have all the answers, Valerie," Finite said softly. "But perhaps Selena's scent here is a sign, a reminder that she does care about you. Maybe she's still watching over us, guiding you through this difficult time."

Valerie looked at Finite, her eyes shimmering with a mix of hope and sadness. She realized that she didn't have to face her emotions alone. But the fear of judgment from him was stronger than anything else.

Valerie asked Finite to leave her room, her emotions reaching a breaking point. Confused by her request, Finite questioned why she wanted him to leave. Valerie, unable to repress her feelings any longer, looked down and took a deep breath before responding.

"Why did I even care about Selena in the first place?" Valerie whispered, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and sorrow.

The question hung in the air, creating a tense silence between them. Finite, trying to understand Valerie's pain, searched for the right words to comfort her. However, before he could respond, Valerie's emotions overwhelmed her, and in a moment of raw emotion, she raised her hand and slapped Finite across the face.

The sound of the slap echoed in the room, startling both Valerie and Finite. Shocked and hurt, Finite instinctively turned around, his hand covering the red mark on his cheek. Without saying a word, he silently left the room, giving Valerie the space she needed to confront her emotions.

As the door closed behind him, Valerie was left alone with her thoughts and regrets. She knew she had hurt Finite, but in that moment, the pain she felt was too much to bear. She hoped that he would understand, even without an answer, that her connection to Selena ran deep, and her loss was a wound that couldn't be easily healed.

Outside the room, Finite took a moment to collect himself. He knew that Valerie's actions were a result of a immense grief, and he understood the weight of her emotions.

In the midst of their turmoil, the mysteries surrounding Selena and her lingering scent remained, waiting to be unraveled. And as the story continued to unfold, Finite would come to realize the that...

"Did she... And Selena...?" Finite thought, understanding the mess happening around. "She hit me because I was curious... Selena's scent was in her room and around her body... And she was clearly missing her a lot more than if she was simply a friend..." Finite shook his head as he walked to the kitchen.

And as Valerie weeps in her room, Finite personally tells Kisara what he had found out. And Kisara immediately ran towards Valerie's room, seemingly desperate.

(A few days later...)

As Tito cautiously entered Valerie's bedroom, he couldn't help but notice the door ajar and a sliver of light peeking through. His suspicions were immediately piqued. Slowly making his way inside, he scanned the room, his eyes landing on the disheveled sheets and scattered belongings.

But it was the faint, lingering scent that caught his attention. Selena's perfume. It was unmistakable. Tito's heart skipped a beat as he realized that Valerie and Selena's connection ran deeper than he had imagined.

His curiosity overwhelmed him, and he couldn't resist the urge to explore further. As he moved closer to the sleeping Valerie, he heard her murmur Selena's name in her slumber. A mixture of confusion and jealousy swirled within him. What did Selena have that had captured Valerie's heart?

Tito's mind raced with questions. Was it Selena's charm, her infectious laughter, or perhaps the depth of their conversations? He wanted to understand the allure that Selena possessed, the essence that had enchanted Valerie.

Careful not to disturb her sleep, Tito leaned in closer, observing the peaceful expression on Valerie's face. In that moment, he realized that love was a complex tapestry woven from the threads of connection, understanding, and shared experiences.

He understood that Selena had brought something unique into Valerie's life, something that resonated with her on a deep level. Tito couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, but he also recognized the importance of embracing the complexities of human emotions.

With a newfound determination, Tito made a silent promise to himself. He would uncover the depths of Valerie's feelings, not to compete with Selena, but to understand and support Valerie in whatever path she chose. For love was not a competition but a celebration of the profound connections we forge with others.

And as Tito quietly left Valerie's room, he carried with him a mixture of uncertainty and hope. The journey ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to navigate the intricacies of love, trust, and self-discovery.

Tito had recently talked to Valerie, and seemingly had helped a big amount. They were now on a serious mission to investigate the Landed planetoid at north of the island. Apparently some demons planned to use that place as a hideout.

(Inside the Temple)
Valerie and Tito sat in front of Kisara's desk, discussing their plan for defeating the demons who wanted to take over the landed planetoid. They knew they couldn't do it alone but needed help from other people too.
Kisara listened carefully to both of them, nodding her head when necessary. She was always there for Valerie whenever she needed someone to talk to or just advice on what to do next. And now, with this mission, she felt like she had an important role as well.
"Okay," said Kisara finally, after listening to everything Tito and Valerie had to say. "I think we should gather a team together and start planning our attack."
Valerie looked at Tito, who smiled back at her. They knew they could count on each other no matter what happened.
Kisara continued: "We need people who are skilled in combat, magic, and technology if possible. We can't go into battle unprepared."
Tito nodded his head in agreement; he was always ready for anything that came their way. He trusted the family completely and knew that they would do whatever it took to protect from any danger.

"We could take Coba with us! Her magic could help us a lot!" Tito suggested.

(Coba walked inside the reunion room, her eyes filled with excitement.)

Coba had heard everything Valerie and Tito were planning on doing next. She couldn't wait to be part of this mission too. It sounded thrilling and she wanted to prove herself as well. "You guys need me? I'm on it!" The Cobalt-blue haired girl answered.

"Yes. Your help will be indispensable." Said Kisara, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Coba grinned, showing off her bright white teeth. She was happy to assist her family and to finally be able to fight alongside everyone else once again.

When Kisara mentioned about Coba's valor, he immediately agreed, he knew their team would be undefeatable with her help. And they did need all the help they could get for such an important battle ahead.

"Great," said Kisara happily. "I think it's a great idea. We should start the operation as soon as possible."

Valerie looked at her sister with admiration; she was always ready to put aside her personal life to protect everyone else. She knew that without each other, they wouldn't be able to succeed in this mission or any others like it. They were a family and nothing could tear them apart. ("I wish I had this maturity...")

A few minutes later, the quartet left the Temple, sprinting towards the Aquatic Planetoid. Kisara was left in the Temple, praying for their success.

A few minutes later, the trio left the Temple, sprinting towards the Aquatic Planetoid. Kisara was left in the Temple, praying for their success.

(The group ran through the forest, heading towards the Aquatic Planetoid. The trees rustled as they passed through them, making way for the three of them.)

Tito led the charge, with Valerie following closely behind him. She felt like she couldn't breathe without him by her side; he brought her a sense of security that had been missing since Selena left.

Coba followed suit, keeping an eye out for any potential threats along the way. They all knew this mission was crucial to protecting Venice Island from harm, and they wouldn't let anything stand in their way.

As they approached the Aquatic Planetoid, Tito stopped suddenly, putting his hand up to signal everyone else to do the same. He could hear something coming towards them, but it was too faint to make out what exactly it was. Coba listened carefully as well, her senses on high alert. She nodded her head slightly, indicating that she heard it too.

Coba put a finger to her lips, warning everyone to be quiet. Valerie stayed close behind her sister, trying not to make any sudden movements that might give away their position. They all waited patiently for whatever was approaching them to reveal itself.

Suddenly, a group of demons emerged from the shadows, their imposing figures casting an eerie glow in the darkness. Towering over the team, these massive creatures possessed glowing red eyes that pierced through the gloom, and their razor-sharp claws hinted at the devastation they could inflict.

Reacting swiftly, Tito unsheathed his gleaming sword, its blade shimmering in the dim light. With a determined expression etched on his face, he prepared to face the demonic onslaught head-on. Meanwhile, Coba tapped into her magical abilities, conjuring arcane energies around her fingertips. Sparks of power crackled in the air as she prepared to unleash her formidable spells.

Valerie, recognizing the urgency of the situation, made a split-second decision. Understanding that the team needed a distraction to gain an advantage, she fearlessly sprinted towards the demons. Her agile movements and nimble footwork allowed her to dodge the monsters' attacks, drawing their attention away from her comrades.

Valerie became a beacon of chaos, enticing the demons with her daring maneuvers. As they focused their fury on her, she acted as a damage sponge, skillfully evading their strikes while enduring their relentless assault. Valerie's bravery gave Tito and Coba the opportunity they needed to strike back, using their respective weapons and magic to engage the demons.

As the battle raged on, the team's unity and strategic coordination began to show. Valerie's resilience and agility kept the demons occupied, allowing Tito and Coba to exploit their vulnerabilities. With each passing moment, the demons found themselves at a disadvantage, their initial advantage crumbling under the relentless onslaught.

Driven by their determination and trust in one another, the team fought with unwavering resolve. Despite the overwhelming odds, they refused to yield, determined to protect Venice Island from the encroaching darkness. Together, they stood as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos, pushing back the demons and reclaiming their territory.
As the demons merged into a single formidable entity, a humanoid figure emerged, standing at the same size as Tito. Its malevolent presence was palpable, and it wasted no time in launching a devastating attack. With lightning speed, it struck Coba in the stomach, sending her flying through the air. The impact was brutal, leaving her incapacitated and vulnerable. Meanwhile, Tito bravely stepped forward to defend his fallen comrade. His armor provided some protection, but the fusion demon's strength was overwhelming. As Tito fought valiantly, the creature's razor-sharp claws found a weak point in his defenses, penetrating his armor and inflicting a fatal wound. With a surge of courage, Valerie sprinted towards the battle, her eyes fixed on Tito. She reached into her bag and retrieved a small vial containing a mysterious substance. It was a potion she had obtained from an ancient sorcerer, said to possess the power to heal even the gravest wounds. Without a moment's hesitation, Valerie poured the potion onto her hands and reached out to Tito. The liquid glowed with a soft, ethereal light as she gently pressed her palms against his wounded body. The healing properties of the potion flowed through her, mending Tito's injuries and restoring some of his strength. As Tito regained consciousness, his eyes met Valerie's, filled with gratitude and determination. With a renewed sense of purpose, he nodded at her, acknowledging the crucial role she played in saving him. Together, they turned their attention back to the battle, ready to face the formidable fusion demon once more.

As they fought side by side, Valerie's heart raced with adrenaline. She knew that victory would not come easily, but she was determined to give it her all. With each swing of her weapon, she channeled her fear into courage and her uncertainty into unwavering resolve.

Valerie's actions had not only saved Tito but had also inspired their remaining allies. Witnessing her bravery, they too found the strength to fight with renewed vigor. As a united force, they pressed forward, relentlessly attacking the fusion demon, their determination unyielding.

The battle raged on, but Valerie's presence had turned the tide. With each blow they landed, the demon weakened, its once-mighty form beginning to falter. The fusion demon's malevolent presence wavered, as if sensing its impending defeat.

Finally, with one final strike, Valerie and her comrades delivered a decisive blow, shattering the fusion demon into countless shards of darkness. As the battle came to an end, the air cleared, and a sense of relief washed over them.

Valerie looked around at her weary, yet triumphant allies, her heart filled with a mix of pride and gratitude. She had played a vital role in turning the tide of the battle, reminding everyone of the power of courage and unity.

As they regrouped and tended to their wounds, Valerie couldn't help but think of her two comrades, Tito and Coba. They got toyed with by those demons, if she had joined in the offense earlier... She could have been able to help.

Tito, feeling Valerie's inner turmoil, sensed her need for comfort and immediately approached her. With open arms, he embraced her tightly, holding her close as a soothing presence. "Valerie," he whispered gently, "You did amazing out there. We couldn't have defeated that fusion demon without you. Don't blame yourself for anything."

Valerie's eyes welled up with unshed tears, her emotions threatening to overflow. But Tito's comforting words and warm embrace provided solace in the midst of her inner struggle. She leaned into his embrace, finding strength and reassurance in his presence.

Noticing their intimate moment, Coba, always perceptive, joined in, wrapping her arms around Valerie and Tito. As the three siblings embraced, a wave of love and support enveloped them. Coba's presence amplified the comforting energy, reminding Valerie that she was never alone in her battles.

Together, the three of them formed a tight-knit bond, a shield against the doubts and fears that plagued Valerie's mind. In that moment, surrounded by love and understanding, Valerie finally allowed herself to release the tears she had been holding back.

As her tears fell, Tito and Coba held her even tighter, providing a safe space for her to let go of her pent-up emotions. They whispered words of encouragement and love, assuring Valerie that her efforts and bravery were appreciated, even if she couldn't see it herself.

In that embrace, the weight of the battle slowly lifted from Valerie's shoulders. She realized that she didn't have to carry the burden alone, that her siblings were there to share it with her. And with that understanding, a newfound sense of peace washed over her.

Together, they stood strong, supporting one another in the face of adversity. Valerie felt a renewed sense of determination and resolve, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the future. With her siblings by her side, she knew she could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

As the trio held onto each other, their bond grew stronger, solidifying their unbreakable connection. They were not just a team, but a family, united in their love and support for one another. And with that unity, they were unstoppable.

As they regress to the Temple, ready tocall it a day, after a mission report, the moonlight shimmered above them, casting a tranquil peace.

The group walked back towards the temple, reflecting on what had happened during the battle. Each of them carried wounds from the fight, both physical and emotional, yet they remained resolute in their commitment to protect Venice Island from harm.
Valerie's heart was still heavy with guilt over her role in Selena's departure, but Tito's unwavering support provided comfort and reassurance. Coba's wise counsel helped ground Valerie's mind and keep it focused on the present moment.
As they approached the Temple, the moonlight shimmered above them, casting a tranquil peace across the landscape. The rustling trees seemed to whisper secrets that only nature could reveal, while the gentle breeze carried the scent of flowers blooming nearby. It was as if everything around them was reminding them that life continued even after the most difficult battles were
Valerie felt her spirits lift slightly at the sight of such beauty surrounding them. She knew that she still had work to do in order to heal from her past traumas but having Tito and Coba by her side made it easier to face each new day with hope and determination.
The trio entered the Temple, their steps echoing through its halls. Kisara looked up expectantly, eager for a report on how the mission went. Valerie couldn but feel guilty about not being able to share to the secrecy involved in protecting Venice Island. But Tito and Coba stood beside her, offering moral support as they shared what they could without revealing too much information.
Kisara listened intently, nodding her head in understanding as she processed everything that had happened during the battle. She knew better than anyone else the dangers posed by demons and other supernatural creatures. Her wisdom and experience made her an invaluable ally in their fight against darkness.
As they sat down together around a warm fire, Valerie couldn't help but feel grateful for having such loving siblings who supported her through it all. Despite their own struggles and challenges, they never wavered in their commitment to one another. And with each passing moment, Valerie found herself growing even closer to them, feeling like she truly belonged among this tight-knit family of sisters and brothers.

This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Don't Forget, The Travesty Part 4
Protagonist: Valerie Noctus: A 23 year old woman that has recently lived some of the darkest moments of her life. Her parents died when she was a child, but she and her twin Tito were taken care in the hands of their two oldest sisters: Kisara and Coba. Recently, Valerie had a pleasant loving experience with Selena, but that was short lived, as Selena had to leave, and couldn't stay with her thanks to a major issue. Valerie gave her a serious and calm goodbye, but deeply she still hates herself for having done that.
Location: A big island located a few kilometers away from the Italian country. Not only is home of some ancient buildings and exuberant areas, but its also the home of the Noctus Family, consisted by Kisara, Coba, Valerie and Tito. They live at the Temple, protecting the Island from possible invaders. The Noctus Family's Temple on Venice Island is a hidden sanctuary, nestled amidst lush forests and overlooked by towering cliffs. The ancient architecture of the Temple reflects a rich history, with intricate carvings and delicate stained glass windows. Secret passageways and hidden chambers are said to be scattered throughout the Temple, adding an air of mystery to the island.
Antagonist: Despite having departed, Valerie missed her contact and her person. As Valerie attempted to engage romantically with Tito, her pretended one, Valerie struggled to actually connect with him on a deeper level. She couldn't help but compare him to Selena, longing for the love and passion they once shared. Secretly, Selena was torn between her own feelings for Valerie and the responsibilities that kept them apart. Selena, a young elf Witch, had dedicated her life to aid her few fellows. She had always been passionate about her will, but meeting Valerie had turned her world upside down. Selena couldn't deny the powerful connection they shared, but her commitment to get a kid made it difficult for her to fully give herself to Valerie since she couldn't help her with that. Her heart was torn between her love for Valerie and her responsibilities that kept pulling them apart.
Love Interest: The same age as Valerie, used to have feelings for Coba. But Valerie wants him to stay with her, since she does have feelings for him. Tito Noctus is a kind-hearted and loyal individual. Although he once had feelings for Coba, he is willing to put his own desires aside in order to support Valerie and be there for her during her time of need. He genuinely cares for Valerie and wants to help her heal from her past traumas.
Confidant: Valerie's older sisters, they both are willing to help Valerie with her healing process and support her through her struggles. Kisara, the eldest sister, is wise and nurturing, offering guidance and advice to Valerie whenever she needs it. Coba, on the other hand, is more practical and hands-on, always ready to lend a helping hand or listen to Valerie's concerns. Together, they create a strong and loving support system for Valerie.
Comic Relief: Tito is a bit on the goofy side sometimes, which does light up Valerie's heart in times of trouble. Tito is known for his love of practical jokes and silly antics, always finding a way to make Valerie smile even on her darkest days. His goofy nature brings a lightheartedness to their relationship and provides comic relief in their lives.
Story So Far: As Valerie navigates through her grief and longing for Selena, she begins to form a deeper connection with Tito. While she yearns for the passion and love she once shared with Selena, she realizes that Tito's kindness and loyalty provide the stability and support she needs in her healing process. With the unwavering support of her older sisters, Kisara and Coba, Valerie embarks on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, finding solace in the hidden sanctuary of the Noctus Family's Temple on Venice Island.
Conflict: The conflict in the story revolves around Valerie's struggle to move on from her past love with Selena and find happiness with Tito. She is torn between her feelings for Selena and her desire to be with someone who can fully commit to her. Selena, on the other hand, is torn between her love for Valerie and her duty to her people, which prevents her from fully surrendering to the relationship. This conflict creates tension and emotional turmoil for both characters as they navigate their complicated love triangle.
Outline: Previously, Tito had attempted to engage with Coba, but she was already engaged with Finite, the Shade. This made him really sad, but he was not in place to complain. Since Valerie spent a night of lovemaking with Selena, she struggled to actually move on since Selena's departure, even though she was a strong girl most of the time.
Language: English
Genre: Literary Fiction
Writing Style: Narrative - Tells a story through a series of events
Narrative Style: First Person
Author Style: William Blake: Romanticism, Mystical, and Symbolic Imagery