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Lana's denial
last seen 5 months ago @timo-walter

March 14, 2024, 15:05
This is a summary of the story elements:

Title: Lana's denial
Protagonist: Lana, once fit and beutifull, during the story lets herself go, gets fat and grows out of her clothes, will not accept the changes and is in denial about her new chubby self
Location: Sinsheim, an average but rural german city
Story So Far: Lana always ate much but did a lot of sports so she never gained weight, lana was always the most beautifull and fit girl at her school
Conflict: Lana is in denial about the changes in her body and still gains weight while thinking she is fit and in shape
Outline: Lana is fit, Lana lets go of her healthy habbits, Lana gains a few pounds, Lanas body gets softer, Lana doesnt fit into her clothes anymore, Lana struggles with exercise
Language: English
Genre: Realistic
Writing Style: Narrative - Tells a story through a series of events
Narrative Style: Third-person Limited - The story is told from the perspective of a single character
continue writing the story.
Lana used to be the epitome of fitness and beauty in Sinsheim. Her lean and toned physique, coupled with her radiant smile, made her the envy of many. She was a regular at the local gym and was known for her dedication to exercise and healthy eating. However, as time went by, Lana's priorities shifted. She started to indulge in more unhealthy foods and gradually reduced her visits to the gym. At first, the changes were subtle, but soon enough, she started to notice the snug fit of her clothes and the softness of her once-defined muscles.

Initially, Lana dismissed the changes, attributing the tightness of her clothes to a laundry mishap or temporary bloating. However, as the weeks passed, she couldn't deny the undeniable truth any longer. Her once-fit body had softened, and she was now struggling to fit into her favorite jeans and dresses. Despite the evidence staring her in the face, Lana refused to accept the reality of her weight gain. She avoided mirrors and convinced herself that her body was still in top shape.

As her denial persisted, Lana's weight continued to creep up, and the struggle to engage in physical activities became more pronounced. The thought of returning to the gym and facing the reality of her changed body was daunting, and she found herself making excuses to avoid it. The once-confident Lana was now grappling with a sense of insecurity and self-doubt as she struggled to come to terms with her new reality.